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Everything posted by joep4567

  1. I've started building the main cabin and laying out the placement of the doors and windows. I glued the corners and center pylons to the boiler deck so that I could accurately make the walls. I think I'll work on the doors before gluing the walls.
  2. I got the coaming applied to the main and boiler decks so I think I'll start building the main cabin/berths next.
  3. I debated the head and galley but finally decided I liked them and since there is some support for their existence I installed them. The outboard stanchions were completed next.
  4. This is probably old news and or redundant to you but i came across it and found it informative to me. YOUTUBE: Dragon Harald Fairhair The Construction Of A Viking Dragon Ship.
  5. I too love a discussion and always welcome input especially since I know so little. Thanks again.
  6. I was basing my thoughts on adding a main deck galley and restroom on Alan Bates' comments on page 48 (figure64) of his book. Additionally I discovered a couple of photos in the book THE MISSISSIPPI STEAMBOAT ERA by Joan and Thomas Gandy on pages 17 and 18 of a structure just forward of the engine room which I'm lead to believe to be a galley (probably for crew) based on Bates' comments and its' appearance. So far I have found no port side photos showing what might have been a restroom I only have Bates' comments to rely on . He claims the maindeck head is male and the boiler deck female. I think the stern side galley will add to the appearance of my build though I'm going to leave some space between the engine room and it for viewing the engine room. I'm still undecided on the port side head. Thoughts would be appreciated. I'm not going for historical accuracy but just a general representation of era boat.
  7. I built the galley and latrine which I think will add some additional interest. I built them around the stanchions which may or may not be correct but my guess is the stanchions were present for structural reasons although the buildings may have served the same purpose. I'll paint and secure them and then start on the other supports.
  8. I think you did a remarkable job building a very interesting subject! Congratulations!
  9. The boat is absolutely beautiful and the photography is equally as nice ! What a great effort!
  10. OK I got the boiler deck planking laid and gave it a little burnt sienna for color and teak oil as a finish. I thinl I'm going to add a galley and restroom to the main deck before I put on the rest of the stanchions. got this idea from Alan Bates' book.
  11. I built the smoke stack bases that served to transition from the plenum ( i think that would be the correct term) to the the stack itself. I'll be using 5/8" OD copper tube for the stacks themselves.
  12. I got the boiler deck superstructure glued in the place and the inner row of stanchions fixed so I'm going to start the smoke stacks so that I can lay the deck planks around them.
  13. thankyou you very much for the comments.
  14. I built two water heaters and have finished most of the plumbing. All that remains are the steam exhaust pipes that exit the stern of the boat. I need to to make up some tiller rigging next and fasten down the engine room before I can start on the boiler deck.
  15. I got the doctor pump painted and some additional work done on the boiler deck superstructure.
  16. Thanks for the nice diagrams. They are still timely as i'm doing the boiler deck superstructure mainly to make sure of plumbing locations and clearances. I want to try and incorporate heaters in the models and the photos are helpful.
  17. I have decided I need to know where the boiler deck superstructure is to go before I finish the steam plumbing so I am starting to rough it in.
  18. Thanks a lot as that gives me enough info to move forward. Since I'm not building a specific vessel but just a representation of a boat of that era I think I'll plumb it as you have explained. I got some primer on the pump.
  19. QUESTION?? does the doctor pump feed water into the system via the mud drum?
  20. Ok that clears the deck coverings up thanks a lot. I've done some more work on the doctor pump so I'm going to see if I can get it finished and figure out how the two pumps and plumbed.
  21. As I get to looking at previous builds it appears the boiler deck is the same as the main deck ie it is planked . It is the third level deck (hurricane?) that is painted after being weather proofed. So was the 3rd generally black or gray or?
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