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Boats Billy

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Posts posted by Boats Billy

  1. HisModel veneer planking attached to the gun deck. Pretty spiffy look. OK, model-mates, I've hit the first major snag and course correction. I purchased acrylic paints and have discovered that small area brush work with them produces poor results. Heavy brush stroke visibility, despite using top dollar brushes and applying in one direction, etc. Going to pause and purchase enamel. Takes longer to dry, but given the end result, figure it's worth if. If any of you care to chime in on acrylic vs. enamel, love to hear. 

    Constitution Build (06).jpg

  2. Brethren: I goofed and posted my start entry for this log in the new member introduction page. Apologies for the procedural error. I've been out of play for a while getting both eyes overhauled. I can actually see my kit now.

    So... beginning with a basic flat black coat on the hull halves, with the copper sheathing color below the waterline. Closed off the forward gun ports to rig as 1812 with 30-24's. Gun deck pieces are pre-glued together to accommodate my first custom piece - oak planking veneer. Purchased from HisModel and it fits well. Had to trim just a smidgen off the forward sides butting the hatches. I attribute to idiosyncrasies of the deck assemblage.


    Going to be a slow build. I have a lot of after-market parts and am building shrouds/ratlines from scratch, with scratch deadeyes. The assembly sequence in the instructions will be modified heavily to accommodate. Been a long time since I've done this. Wish me luck!

    Constitution Build (01).jpg

    Constitution Build (02).jpg

    Constitution Build (03).jpg

    Constitution Build (04).jpg

  3. I'm back aboard. Spent some time getting my eyes repaired. Both running lamps have new lenses, so now I can see the bloody thing!! Build log underway.


    So....Initial hull half flat black paint with the copper added below the waterline. I've closed off the forward gunport on the gun deck each side. Going to rig 1812 with the 30-24's, carronades on the spar deck and a custom bought scale 18 for the bow chaser. The gun deck is pre-glued together with the hatches painted so I can use the first of my aftermarket parts. HisModel (out of Czechoslovakia) makes after market parts for this kit and I bought the oak planking veneers for the decks. The pieces have been cut out of the factory plate and I did have to trim the hatch openings just a millimeter on the forward sides. I attribute that to the idiosyncrasies of the deck assemblage and not any vendor error. 

    This is going to be a slow build. I've got custom/after-market parts out the ying-yang. Cannons will be rigged, custom capstan, stove, lanterns, shot racks, the works. Probably be a review of two big after-market vendor parts as well (His Model and Model Monkey.


    Constitution Build (01).jpg

    Constitution Build (02).jpg

    Constitution Build (03).jpg

    Constitution Build (04).jpg

  4. Greetings fellow modelers: I understand it is customary to introduce oneself to the community. I'm Bill Bushey, from Wichita KS. Retired Boatswain from the USN Military Sealift Command, 40 years at sea. Built plastic kit sailing ships by the dozen as a boy, then lost the hobby sailing. Retired now and jumping back in. Just purchased an original 1974 USS Constitution Revel 1/96. Going to do a custom build as follows.

    Bought aftermarket parts and equipment: HisModel blocks, deadeyes, rigging thread, oak decking, parrels, captstan, draft scales, gun tackle blocks, flags and cloth sails. Going to rig her with topsail and t'gallants, port tack with guns run out to port. All other sails furled, except courses. Them brailed. Also jib and spanker rigged. Looking to achieve a "spoiling for a fight" effect.

    From Model Monkey: galley stove, lower capstan and the 1808 cast 24 pounders, carriages and 32 pound carronades. Splurged for some 18 pounder barrels as well for proper bow chaser. I plan to post a photo and essay build log. Any fellow crafters out there that have worked with the HisModel and Model Monkey after market parts, all input and suggestion much appreciated. I have the workflow instructions from HisModel, but we all know there are tricks and tips that come only from experience.

    Permission to come aboard?


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