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Everything posted by Tyguy35

  1. Semi gloss oak varnish. I do wish it was matte, does anyone know if a light sanding of 220 grit would get rid of the shine
  2. The stencil used to make the holes was a little bit off, I could have fixed it before making the holes but I didn’t notice until after I added little planks of wood to make up the missed space where the anchor for the mast sits I know it won’t be seen anyways but I’ll know and I’m a bit of a perfectionist
  3. Placed these 4 ribs into place, which surprisingly took a long time to glue, sand and cut
  4. Got some planking done, had to sand down the plank at the top as one side was not at large an opening as the other. I believe that was my error when I placed the central beam down the glue hardened quicker than I thought. It’s maybe off angle by quarter to half a mm.
  5. Hey, first time starting a build log here. Always wanted to build a kit of the HMS Victory but do not have the skill yet to complete a large kit just yet. I came across this cross section by AL and thought this might scratch the itch of wanting to build the Victory until I can actually do it. so far it’s been pretty easy going, not a huge fan of the video instructions I would have preferred a photo. Slowing the YouTube video speed helps a lot. I’m a fan of the little spacer tools the kit came with to get the correct spacing. enjoy have a great one.
  6. I hope that when I get to making mine that it looks even half as good. Great work amazing wood work.
  7. Thank you, love the Ontario welcome haha.
  8. I have gone over your posts aim the Diana probably a hundred times. You’ve done a great job.
  9. I appreciate everyone’s advice. I am going to have to do some more research. You all are more than likely correct and I will likely pick something different as a second kit. I do not want to get discouraged if I cannot figure something out. Thank you everyone.
  10. Repetition is not such a big deal just do a bit at a time. But yes decent instructions would be best. The only thing I think I would struggle on with any of them is just the planking of the hull. I’m just not sure which technique is best to go with a a learner.
  11. Hey, thank you for all your suggestions. I have been looking at the hermione and the surprise recently. I will have to look at the sphinx. I’m definitely at no skill level as most of you but I take things slow that is forsure. If I don’t know something or how to do something I will research it and if I don’t understand I’ll ask. I want to do a frigate because I’m interested in them. If I choose something I’m not interested in it will Be a rough time and I’ll likely never finish. I’ve made 2 mistakes on the Polaris that I know of. Ones not so bad the other I just didn’t look at the instructions hard enough and I’ve learned from there. Triple check everything haha.
  12. Hey, I am looking to build a frigate for my next kit. I do have the Occre Diana kit under my bed but the gallery windows being too low drive me a little crazy (not skilled enough to come up with something myself). I was thinking about building a frigate from another company. Does anyone have any recommendations? This would be my second boat build after the Polaris. preferred decent instructions and good materials. thank you Tyler
  13. I am in Ontario (unfortunately) haha. Most of my family is in Newfoundland though. thank you I’ll definitely check it out. It definitely does seem like a friendly place.
  14. Hey, I have actually been browsing this forum for quite some time but have never introduced myself. My name is Tyler, I live in Canada and am currently getting to the end of my first build the Occre Polaris. I am hoping to move on to a frigate next then the montanes also by Occre. I do currently have Occres Diana waiting to be build but after seeing other builds and how low the gallery is compared to the gun deck it throws me off quite a bit. Anyone have any suggestions on other frigates. How is AL’s Hermione? I think my biggest problem when ship building is planking the hull. Understanding how to do it correctly and efficiently. Look forward to learning from all you on this forum. Have a good one. Tyler
  15. Hey, I know this is an old topic but I love your paint job. Is it possible for you to tell me how you achieved this look. I am new to modelling and really would appreciate an explanation. Thank you
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