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    Vilnius, Lithuania

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  1. Baby steps. For other builders - please take a note that hull frame parts 2 and 3 numbers are swapped. But as always, it is good idea to dry fit everything before gluing anything
  2. Hello, I was absolutely amazed by Lady Nelson build video "in motion" and I wanted this model kit for a long time now. I guess that it took me way too long to buy this kit myself so I got it as a gift Time for a new adventure! (the background is... another "model" that I am building as well)
  3. Very white and clean color of these flags does not really fit into the whole context of the ship. Will try dyeing these flags and if the results will be not satisfactory I think I will leave the ship as is. I have added last missing ropes too. Just waiting for the daylight to get better pictures These ships were not carrying flags all the time right?
  4. Rigging - done. Missing a few ropes on the deck though. Also I have ran out of the rope for placing flags... So will have to wait a few weeks untiI I will get it from Amati shop 😅 I am very happy with the overall result so far 🥳
  5. I had no idea it takes so long to do all the rigging! 😄 I have spent 5 hours, but the progress is barely visible!
  6. Lots of rigging left, but the ship is starting to take the final shape slowly!
  7. I have shaped the sails with water diluted PVA glue. It looks like the end is near now!
  8. I have prepared sails for shaping I have also found that I have made one small sail too many by accident 😄
  9. I have painted sails today with acrylic paint. I am quite happy with the result. I had to paint from both sides of the sail. Not sure if it is accurate, but pain has seeped to the other side after painting it on one side, so I was basically forced to do it this way
  10. I redid the main sail, but got the same result... So I have tried ironing it and it helped. Thanks! 😃 Not sure yet. I was eyeing more recent sail ships recently used in sport
  11. I have finished the sails. I have ordered 4 different batches of bitumen, but when mixed with turpentine it was not giving be a nice color... So after last failure I gave up and went to my local grocery store and bought some black tea 😄 When I was joining the main sail top and bottom parts it looks like the thread got too tight and most likely I am going to redo it.
  12. I will have sails next week and will receive some dye for it. Hopefully everything will work out!
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