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Everything posted by yamsterman

  1. Hi carl Violin planes,good ones anyway,are pricey.....ibex is a good brand Steer clear of some of the far eastern stuff...some are good but most are dodgy. Well spotted its not brass but copper...easier to work and easier to blacken eith liver of sulpher. I shall make the anchors from copper as well Still bending impossibly small bits of brass? Cheers for now....mick
  2. hi all finally started on the gunport hinges almost forgot to put the clocks back today.......extra one hours modelmaking...yipee!!! photos for your perusal hopefully they will load in order....but if not the method should be self evident cheers....mick
  3. Hi alde Photos as promised I ve took some of my usual model making planes A lie nielsen And a quangsheng luban pocket plane. Plus a small spokeshave...ebay find This still needs to be fettled and the blade sharpened.
  4. Hi alde Thanks for dropping by Its nice to make some headway.....dont seem to get much time these days. The little brass plane is a small thumb plane or more correctly a luthiers plane. I will upload some more photos. I think the brand name is e.s.e Its only 1 1/4 inchs long by 1/2 inch wide. Cant remember where i got it from.....definitely pre internet days. Cheers...mick
  5. oops nearly forgot thank you paul apologies for not responding earlier ...been a while since ive been on site cheers....mick
  6. hi all just a quick update on the latest progress. the list of things to do is getting shorter and shorter! must remember to order some 3/8 boxwood for the masts getting ready for some intensive metal working anchors ,rudder pintles,gunport hinges etc photos enc as usual
  7. ha ha the master returns!!!!! i hope theres a seat left at the front.........ready for another masterpiece to emerge cheers ....mick
  8. Hi all Some more photos to show the state of play. Uploading these from my phone by way of an experiment. Cheers for now.......mick
  9. Hi al No probs...glad to be of some help! Cheers.....mick
  10. hi al with regards to treenails....where possible i will always use my trusty proxxon 50/e.....however sometimes you just have to do it by hand with a pin vice when the drill just physically wont get into a space. as to depth, usually a couple of mm is all thats needed......model makers treenails are purely representational so no need for any strength,especially with modern wood glues. yep its ebony!......and boy is it a pain to work with! but i love the end result. the wales on washington are 1/8 inch thick if i remember rightly and those were made from a three pieces of ebony. the middle section has a very slight curvature to it but the bow section had to be heat bent to shape in two dimensions ie a bent and twisted.....the rear section has more twist than bend. so long as you can find a piece with nice straight grain it does bend quite readily under heat. i take a lot of my inspiration from european modelmaking school eg bernard frolich to name but one....i like the contrast between pear holly box and ebony. i may have to go down the route of staining pear though as ebony is becoming extremely expensive. hope this helps al......shall be dropping in to your build from time to time to see how your getting on. cheers....mick
  11. hi carl my metal working is positively ginormous compared to your origami in 1/350 . dont know how you see the parts never mind bend and shape them.....even with magnification the air in my vicinity would be extremely blue and littered with tiny bits of brass shrapnel!!!!! nice to see you building though! cheers....mick
  12. hi all some more progress to report. iron work for the breeching ropes done and fitted...quarter deck finished but not yet fixed permanently ive made a rough start on the capping rails....more work to do on those yet still lots to do .....all the fiddly stuff now!! ive put a few deck fittings in place but nothings fixed as yet cheers for now ....mick
  13. hi al i always use the same wood for treenailing as the planks are made from........much more subtle than using a contrasting timber. the wale strakes i tried something different by way of an experiment....the treenails were made from copper and then blackened with liver of sulphur. the result was quite pleasing the teenails almost disappearing ,but just visible at the right angle. cheers....mick
  14. hi carl thanks shipmate continuing to watch you practice origami with tiny bits of brass!!!! cheers....mick
  15. hi all quarter deck has now been finished.....more or less.....it wont be installed until all the ring bolts are made and attached. rear windows are in but not yet glazed. now to spend some time clogging my files with copper....time for the iron work to be made! photos as per usual cheers for now....mick
  16. hi al looking forward to following your build.....hopefully my build log will be useful in some small way. cheers...mick
  17. hi michael thank you.....enjoying myself immensly fitting out!! cheers....mick
  18. hi all time for an update. inboard has now been planked and treenailed......cleats have been made and fitted....took three attempts to get those little b*******s looking right. deck fittings have been placed purely for the photos. work has started on the quarter deck next up will be the iron work....eyebolts,gunport hinges etc etc. stocked up recently on copper tube and sheet ready for the marathon blacksmith session to come still plenty of work to to but were getting closer to the finish line!!!! photos inc as per usual cheers for now......mick
  19. hi alde clothes pins/pegs work...never seem to find any with any degree of strength in england! plus i like making odds and sods whilst im cogitating or waiting for glue to dry. cheers....mick
  20. hi carl ah deck planking......treenail with the same timber....so holly deck=holly treenails=subtle....i hope. that was the plan! cheers...mick
  21. Ha ha! Told you i was at work!!!!! Cheers ......mick
  22. Hi carl I have plans for many more clamps old pal......youre right...you can never have enough. Treenails arnt in yet...just predrilled holes. Added some more photos but this time from the phone rather than the camera.....as im at work Cheers....mick
  23. hi all planking inboard continues. made some more clamps to help as well cheers....mick
  24. hi all some more work done on the capstan and deck fittings......now all removed whilst planking starts inboard photos as usual. cheers...mick
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