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Everything posted by whaynes

  1. I have the opportunity to purchase the Microlux 7 X 16 mini-lathe with several accessories at a good price. How does this compare? Walt
  2. Ben, thanks for the reply. Walt
  3. Guys, I am a newcomer to the use of table saws, though I do have the Byrnes saw. How is the saw sled used? What does it add to the basic saw? I have seen many references to using a table saw to cut mortices, tenons, and even rabbets. Is there a reference to or tutorial of these uses? Walt Haynes
  4. Thanks for the replies. Will check them out. Walt
  5. What is the best spindle sander for ship modelling? I'm talking bout a dedicate sander, not a set-up for a driil press or mototool. Thanks, Walt Haynes
  6. Thanks for the replies. If a scroll saw is used for cutting frames from 1/4 in. stock, what would be the preferred blade?
  7. I have limited space to work in, so a full-sized scroll saw on a stand is not going to work. Is there a good quality small scroll saw that is suitable, mostly for cutting out frames and other small parts? Proxxon, MicroLux? Thanks, Walt Haynes
  8. Chuck, is there a rigging plan or diagram showing how the anchor and buoy are rigged? I'm somewhat confused by the pictures. Walt Haynes
  9. Chuck, your rigging, particularly the way you secure blocks to spars and rigging, is so neat and without the messy knots one sees on other models. Could you produce a brief tutorial for those of us who are "out in the boondocks" with no local modelers' club to share techniques? Any help would be much appreciated. Walt Haynes Walterboro, SC
  10. Chuck, how did you make those perfect square holes in the bowsprit? It looks fantastic!! Walt
  11. Anybody used/familiar with this saw?
  12. I'm making Cheerful, 1/48th scale. Walt
  13. What thread is best/recommended for serving? Walt Haynes
  14. Thanks for the quick responses. All I need. walt
  15. I have seen this referenced as applied to forming eight-sided poles in configuring masts and spars. Can someone explain this for me? Walt Haynes
  16. Hi, Guys. I'm new to this forum, but have been following most of the Cheerful builds. I've just acquired Chuck's "pre-kit" and ordered lumber from Crown Timberyard. I started with the Sultana kit then moved on to Corel's Unicorn [wasn't real satisfied with results-gave it away] and lastly the old Bluejacket plank on frame America. Looking forward to this challenge. Anyway, a couple of questions, if I may. What is "wipe-on Poly"? and where is a good source for bulk small drill bits? Looks like I may need a few. Thanks for the help. Walt Haynes
  17. Thanks, the mill seems to be a better option for not much more of an investment. Walt
  18. Is there an advantage to the micro mill compared to the drill press with compound table? I'm trying to decide which way to go. Thanks, Walt Haynes
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