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Everything posted by DaKea90

  1. Mini-Winnie used to be a brand of small sauages - Wieners - in Germany. 😅 So you basically provide a kit in 1:36th scale and the smaller one in 1:128. Too bad 😥 But I will follow your progress nevertheless
  2. As Dr. Google couldn't help me in this regard: can somebody point me to a chart or list (or tell it plainly), for how to change this imperial scale (3/32") into a metric scale (1/x th)?
  3. Hi Chuck, I guess, you might have answered the following already, but I couldn't find it. (And if I already have asked it, please forgive me, my memory is sometimes a bit like Swiss cheese) At what scale is you Speedwell being built and how difficult is it to implement a new scale? I really like the look of it, but I want to build in 1/60th scale exclusively. In my mind, it's just needed to rescale the files and go ahead, bit I am neither an expert nor even a beginner in the art of laser-cutting and 3D-modelling. But what I want to say, if there was the possibility to buy your Speedwell kit in 1/60th scale, I'd be all in.
  4. A small update from me: One of the two modelling projects, I was working on in the last months has reached its conclusion for now. I've built two wargaming armies for the rule set Crossfire. It's a German motorised Grenadier company from late 1943 - so the generic German infantry, that fought in Normandy - and a British rifle company. The Germans have additionally a Pak 40 and two light field howitzers. Both sides have also five tanks (WH: a panzer 3, 3 panzer iv and a Panther | UK: two Shermans, a Cromwell, a Churchill with the 95mm mortar and the captured Panther "Cuckoo" from the Coldstream Guards). That's the Tommies That's the Krauts The are not painted yet, but that's a matter of secondary importance. For my other project (the diorama from post #1): the tracks are assembled and ready to paint - so that's also almost done. Therefore I've ordered the wood and parts for the Packet sloop. I'm very excited! I aquired a piece of staghorn sumac from my parents. It has a soft and brittle wood according to Wikipedia, but a nice orange core with green coloured lines through it. It also glows yellow under UV-light. That sounds interesting and I will take a look at it. I'm tempted to carve the figurehead from it. That could be a nice eye-catcher if it works. I'll keep you posted
  5. The final rigging plan is done! I basically redrew my sketches in the CAD-programme and altered them in a few places. The main difference lies in the runs of the toppsail and topgallantsail braces. Edit on the last day of February: I've finished all drawings for the bigger and smaller parts, that were still missing. The last thing remaining to be done is the calculation of the size and diameters of the parts of the standing and the running rig. I will do this manually. After that, I can make a list with all materials, that I need to buy before I can start building and before the building, I will finish my two other modelling projects. This thread will therefore fall silent for a while, but I will resume posting updates as soon as there are any. Thank you all for your support and feedback!
  6. Another milestone is reached! The planning of the rigging is done. 47 ropes of different names are drawn and their beginning, their end and purpose defined. I'll keep the gaff boom with its original length The next step is drawing all remaining small parts like anchor crane, pumps and so on. PS: I just realised, that I maybe don't need Nr. 24 and 25 as the gaff will be raised to set the main sail and the lower edge of said sail is tied to the gaffboom and not to the mast
  7. I have to say, I really do like, that the wood for this model has visible grain, which on top has a nice colour and pattern.
  8. I must admit, that I'm a bit lazy. Instead of doing as I planned and start the many small parts (where I have to think!! 😥), I redrew the rig with its new and final dimensions. The gaff boom seems a bit long. Maybe I'll shorten it later by around 2m (it's now around 12m long)
  9. The time, where I can work on the Packet in order to procrastinate my other two modelling projects will be over in the foreseeable future. Many plans and detail sketches are done and grouped together, so that they fit onto a DIN A4 sheet of paper (297 x 210mm or 11,693" x 8,268"). The lower left plan will include all parts, that have a diameter. I have a list of parts, that stillt need to be drawn. This list includes a dozen items. After they are done, I will take care of the oversized rig. My plan is to delete the toppgalant mast, but keep the yard. Once the rig is drawn and placed on the plan, I will stop working on the Packet and finish my two other projects. Once these are done, it will be the Packet's turn. I'M really looking forward to it. I'm really proud of how the plans look.
  10. Today I finished all bulkheads. The left group will be done with 4mm thick plywood and the right group with 2mm thick stuff. The next step on this front will be the backbone and its separation from stem post, stern post and keel. Furthermore I separated the decks and cabin roofs from another to plan the planking.
  11. H.M.S Mosquidobit (ex-Lynx) was a topsail schooner. She was rebuilt in the 90's and is sailing again. She is a damn sexy vessel I want to build her, too, one day. I'll be following excitedly
  12. Today I made good progress on the bullwarks. All are drawn. The last things missing are the slits for the backbone and the mast. They will be added in he next session
  13. Swivel guns were mentioned separately in the article. The whole section reads like this: "On December 25, 1686, a Spanish expedition [...] left Veracruz to sail along the Gulf Coast. On April 4, they reached Matagorda Bay and dispatched several canoes to explore the area. 3 miles from their ship, they discovered La Belle, which they described as a "broken ship" with three fleur-de-lys on her stern. The Spanish salvaged two swivel guns and five cannons from the ship, as well as the anchor, some cordage, and the masts, which they made into oars."
  14. I have a question concerning La Belle's armament: It is said (only according to Wikipedia, I know), that the Spaniards recovered five guns , when they discovered the wreckage. Two further guns were excavated by the historians and one gun was presumed missing. That brings the total number to 8, but all reconstructions show her being pierced for only six. Were two guns carried as cargo or is there an error in the reconstructions or in my brain?
  15. Can you describe the process of graphically determining the CoG for a basically irregular shape like a ship's hull? The CoG of the rig should be no problem for me
  16. Yes, I'm quite sure. I took the sloop Mediator and several sloops from the Danish archive and took their mast and yard lengths in relation to the vessels breadth. Their respective diameter was put into relation with the part's length. These relation numbers were added for each part and divided by the number of vessels. This way, I got an average dimension for each part. These average numbers were applied to the Packet.
  17. I got a bit of the rigging plan done, while my Junior is taking a nap. This is the current stage: All mast and yard dimensions were taken from my Excel-sheet, I mentioned above. Measured from tip to toe, she is 29,198 m high and 29,767 m long (that's 95,794 foot and 97,661 respectively). Essentially, she is a triangle in a square - viewed from the side. I don't know any specifics, but this feels like good proportions. While drawing this, I procrastinated the drawing of the individual bullwarks. That's my next step. After that comes the standing and running rig. I'll make a seperate plan for each. I'll use the rigging plan of the golden Yacht as a template, because the packet's rig is basically the same like the Yacht with the addition of the gaff boom, another sail and the jib boom. So the number of "loose ends" is manageable and for the most part, I already have a rough idea, where these ends need to go.
  18. Hi guys, Today I can present you some real progress and not just some theoretical thoughts. I cancelled the whole Golden Yacht project, because in the end, I don't really like the look of her, but wanted to use her as a base for the Mary II. Bit as she was 5m shorter and had 1m less depth, there were just too much opportunities to mess up. But I found the hull plan for HMY Fubbs, a ketch rigged Yacht and the two ships looked quite similar except for the rigging. So I will use these plans as a base. But that's a story for another day. Before that, I will build the Packet. I will go for 1/60th scale, because I want to build both (Packet and Mary) in the same scale to show their size compared to another. But the Mary is almost twice as long. In 1/60th scale, the Packet is not too small (hull around 20cm long) and the Mary not too big (just a bit longer than 33cm). Concerning the CAD-issue: I tried some free software (LibreCAD), but found it uncomfortable to work with. So I decided to use the SEMA program, that I work at my job with. It is originally intended to design and plan wooden houses, but you can also draw lines and circles and so on AND I know, how to use it. That's a big plus. Fortunately, there is a free try-and-learn-version, that doesn't run on a time limit. They just warn you to not use the T&L-plans in a professional context, which I do not intend. Here are my first results: Here I copy-pasted a scan of the original plans into SEMA in 1/1 scale. I drew all plans, that I thought, I might need: Top left: the cabins Top mid: stern gallery Right: side view to measure something like wales and so on Lower left: the backbone Upper picture: mid: deck plan Lower: outlines of the bullwarks I entered another layer and started drawing the rigging. The mast has its final length, the bowsprit/jibboom will be a bit longer. Height from keel to top is around 29 m, length (from the gallery to the jibboom-top) around 28 m. When all plans and parts are drawn, I will scale them down (automatically... I just enter the scale), convert them into .pdf-files and print them at work.
  19. I really like the look of the sails. You managed to give them some weight - as an illusion at least. I hope, my Chapman Sloop will look half as good as yours
  20. The day of New Year's Eve has started (it's about 7 a.m. around here) and it's tradition to think about the past year and its decisions. I've made some modeling decisions and I want to share my thoughts about them, if you may. 1. Finish all other projects, before starting a new one. That's definitely a good decision, but it's so hard to follow 😅 new ideas almost every day. A long time, I was able to withstand, but my "will wall" is crumbling. 2. Shelve the projects of the Berlin and the Friedrichsburg, in order to build the easier Packet sloop. Yep, also a right move. Many, many small steps in order to improve, not a big one for the risk of a "fail" or disappointment. 3. Build the Packet BIIIG. I've found this decision to be one of my bad ones this year. As Merriadoc Brandybuck said, if the model is bigger, it needs to be more detailed and I don't have A) the knowledge, how each detail looked and where it needs to be and I don't have that much space! The Packet would be almost 70cm long and its longest yard around 50cm long. If I want to build a few ships, I need to build them smaller. This also helps with the details and learning curve. Furthermore, I don't have some of the tools, to build the Packet to a good looking finish - like a mill or a lathe. So my new plan is 1. Finish at least the most of my current projects. 2. Decide on a new scale for the Packet and simplify my plans (that means not drawing 20+ new bulwarks) 3. Build another Golden Yacht, but a bit bigger Concerning this last point: it's more of an exercise. I'm familiar with the Yacht, as I've already built one from the same plans. I know the challenges, these plans come with and I'm already working on eliminating them. I enlarged the plans by 75%, so the hull will be about 25cm long. This gives me some opportunities for detailing. I don't know, if I create a thread for the Yacht, but I will work on the Packet's plans in parallel, so there will be updates. I also think about changing the plans for the Yacht, so that the result looks more like the HMY Mary II of 1677, but have not yet decided, as the Mary has 1m deeper draft and is around 5m longer. So the changes on the bulwarks and backbone would be big. I'm also considering starting to work with a free 2D-CAD-software, but haven't decided yet, which one to choose.
  21. Today I practiced with my dremel tool. Both the wing and face were done without any drawings or sketches. So, for a first time, I'm very satisfied. Concerning the face: I was surprised, how DECISIVE the cheek bones are. Before I cut them, there was just an oval blob with a bump in the middle, but after this - a face. Not a pretty one, but a face
  22. Nice figurehead! I think, I will keep this picture in mind as an inspiration for my packet boat as Hermes was the god of mail and postmen and so on
  23. I had a revelation today *facepalm* With the help of modern technology and a little bit of magic, I don't have to draw all plans a second time. I just need to put them onto a copier, rescale them to 109% and print them! I think, it's just as easy as it sounds 🤪
  24. So, a quick update: I formulated three options about how to proceed after realizing, my plans are 9% too small. 1. Just proceed like nothing happend and build with two different scales. -> This is my least favourite, I won't do it 2. Shrink the rig dimensions to fit the hull. -> My second least favourite, because I planned to display the packet with some figures, which do have a scale of 1/35th, so essentially, it's also two different scales 3. Redraw EVERYTHING! -> The most work-intensive, but the one option that won't bother me everytime I look at. I copied the packets plans from ANM onto a sheet of millimeter-grid paper. With the help of excel, I generated a grid of 2,7mm x 2,7mm. This way, I should be able to enlarge the plans just by counting squares. Should this not work somehow, I will turn to Option 2 and use the plans, that I have and adjust the rig dimensions. Furthermore, I've drawn the anchor using and altering the template, Wolfram zu Mondfeld provides.
  25. So, I did a bit of excel-magic St. Croix and the Korsar are ship's plans out of the danish archive. The Chapman Skizze refers to its sketch of a sloop rig on plate LXII. The diameter ratios are out of proportion, because everything was 1mm thick and therefore not usable. The rough process was entering the measurements, that were taken from the original plans. Converting these into metric was done by the programme, as was calculating the ratios. For the bottom right table, it was the other way around. I measured the breadth from the plan in the ANM and let excel calculate the average ratio for each position. I then let excel multiply the ratio with the breadth and so on. So, although the sample is very small, I have here the average dimensions for a sloop rig. Now looking at it, I've found, that there must be an error in the topgallant mast section and maybe in the yard section, too. PS: I solved the issue. The average ration for the mast is equal to E7, ergo 1,1786 and the one for the yard is 1,4412. This equals a mast length of 516,85 cm and 631,98 cm for the yard or in scale 14,77 cm and 16,15 cm respectively. During this process, I realized, that my plans have an incorrect scale ... again 😖 the breadth is 1cm too small and the length 3cm. Sooooo... I need to think about this. Redraw all plans to match the scale or just ignore it. Stay tuned
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