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Everything posted by bosco72

  1. Really appreciate the info and the interest and definately will give this a good read. More than happy to get as much data as possible. At this point in the build I will probably go with what I have, I decided a little way back in the build I was going prioritise enjoying this first build and not get too bogged down in accuracy. This was more of a 'am I going to enjoy this or not?' question to myself, can I paint, do I have the patience, do I have an eye for detail, am i creative outside of computer software. I am endlessly greatful for everyone who gets involved in this build. I have definately decided to do this build again when I have gained some experience and hopefully some skill, so I can compare the two. This info will help immensely. Thank you.
  2. I was thinking of adding lanterns in various places, I was looking to see if you can buy them at that scale and what style would be acceptable. I'm also happy to have a go at making some. Thanks for any advice.
  3. Have to park work on this build for a couple of weeks, as my space has been taken back for the Christmas period (been asked nicely to vacate the kitchen) so on the shelf it goes, I have the end in sight, will be very sad when this is complete, and very tempted to get another and take it in a different direction. This is where I'm up to. Have a great Christmas all. (if that is your thing)
  4. Made a start on the shrouds, going to attempt to do them myself, no rig/jig tool in sight.
  5. Been struggling with this a lot, thank you hope it helps. Got some on order.
  6. Doing some tidying up, don't think I'll get round to any of these this year. My next one I think will be the Mayflower, not brave enough for the others.
  7. Thank you for this, I too have read about beeswax. My findings for beeswax is for softening the thread to make more usable. I'm looking for something to try and keep it in place as it is wound round the thicker thread. Or does beeswax achieve both? Thanks.
  8. When seizing the rope, I find the cotton continually unravels. I've tried different glues, too messy. Are there other things I could try? Seizing away from the model is a little easier, but there are several ropes that require being in place before hand. Thanks in advance.
  9. Added more hand rails, they needed sanding (middle deck). Working on rope seizing and trying to find colours that I like. Thinking of adding newls to the balcony at the back, to give it a little more substance.
  10. Belay pins, timberheads or cleats? Unsure at this point, added some timberheads as a work in progress.
  11. I think I have the Revell kit of the Mayflower, I could take a look how the instructions say to rig that.
  12. Wow, they are 40 year old books. Which ones do you have, I think he did three in the series, if there are more I have never read them. I've read the, Victory, Sark and Mayflower. I currently have the Victory no.1, as that will at some point in the future be a build that I will do. They are very rare/costly books now. At some point I have every intention of digitising my copy and sharing it, as they are out of print now and eventually will be impossible to get, and that would be a shame for future generations.
  13. Hey thanks for the heads up. I've watched a lot of builds a many advise the other way around. Do you mean get the shroud lines in first? Or both, shrouds and ratlines? The advice I'm seeing a lot with rigging order is this - work from the back to the front, bottom to top and center outwards, which makes sense to me, apogies if that explanation is a little confusing as it works more on a visual level. That said I'm always open for all the advice I can soak up. So thank you again.
  14. Had to remove gun door ropes, placed them too high up, damage and then sanding, also working on the stays.
  15. Wish list: netting and ropes to hold down cargo. Open up the cargo covers. Barrels, buckets and lanterns to scale. Drill out ends of the guns.
  16. Decided that I'm not happy with the cotton rigging, going to start the process of removing it. There will be damage. Will keep the dark rope for standing and add a lighter shade rope for the rest. Also started to look a seizing the ropes this time around.
  17. Internal banisters, they give more detail and will allow for timberheads a little further down the line. Also you can see unweathered gun door rope next to a weathered one.
  18. Progress, needed a step. Added a step. Also you can see in the background the depth and detail the internal banisters give.
  19. Started knotting instead of CA ing. I'm not very good at it, will stick with it and buy some decent full size rope to practice.
  20. Looking to add some belay points, timberheads or cleats? Had a Google but can't find anything definative, (will update this if I do). Thanks.
  21. Got some good lighting today, you can really see the colours now, as apposed to the strange orange that the overhead gu10s give off.
  22. This info is much appreciated. Thankful you are helping, and thankful it solves this particular dilemma. Thank you.
  23. Also not happy with the brass/copper loop on each gun door, I think it should be two, with two single ropes. Have ordered 1mm wire to see if this is good. Happy to take feed back on how this looks.
  24. Decided after being happy with the main deck handrail addition, I decided I wasn't. It too was lacking deltail. So I'm attempting to add further depth, not sure I'll do this to every deck. The hand rail has an added strip as to the spindles.
  25. More progress, I'm happy with adding the inner handrail detail, just need to build and paint the rest and weather them.
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