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Everything posted by bosco72

  1. I think maybe you misunderstood, I'm a complete novice, (although I do have many years of 3d modeling in the gaming industry) I have the kits but Ive not built them up yet. I think you have much more ship modeling experience than me. My intention was to build the victory as it has a very personal meaning to me, but I feel I'm not yet ready. So Ive started out on the Hind because it too has a significance, as many years ago when I was a small child I watched my late father build the same kit.
  2. I also have this kit, two versions a recent release and a vintage one from the 70s/80s. Been studying it for several months. I have a bunch of books If you need any reference images posting. Will be super interested in following your build log on this.
  3. I have the Revell Mayflower, I think that is another small build.
  4. As a note, the small life boat does not come with the Airfix kit, I added it.
  5. Roughly the Hind was guessed to be around 100 foot, where as the Sark is about 280. The kit is not complicated at all, the next one I do will be much more complex, as I want to do something that the build will last a long time.
  6. It's roughly about 18 inches long and on the stand it's about 16 inches tall, I'm not sure how many parts there are to it, but I found assembling it super simple, any mistakes I've made have been down to me not paying enough attention. (understanding the over simple shroud and ratline jig) I can post the pictures of the instructions if that will give you a better understanding of what is involved.
  7. Thank you so much. Everyones encouragement is really appreciated.
  8. Made a mistake on the shrouds and ratlines, should have dropped every other notch. Will do them again.
  9. More progress, created new shrouds and ratlines, will colour the ratlines slightly. The picture with them in place, it's not fixed, just placed to see what they would look like. Tested different glue, pva, tamiya, in the end dabbing a version of superglue with a small stick worked the best.
  10. I see the colour change in only a few models I look at, most look like they have been done with the same thread. (that said, I've seen some amazing works of art out there) I understand the functions (lots of reading) of the rigging and I've read many different opinions on model rigging order. On this one I thought I'd keep it simple to see if I actually could do it and if I would enjoy doing it, as it looks to be the most complex part of most models of this type. Thank you for the advice and contributing to this build, it is really important to me and very much appreciated.
  11. Progress, I find myself focusing on getting ready, researching my next build as I get closer to completing this one, is that normal? I feel like I'm diluting my focus from this build?
  12. Updated the deadeyes, mast joints (not complete) to black and started to add some rigging - the thread was too thin in my opinion so I have doubled it up. Using gel glue, so it does not run or drip (not that it matters, more of - wanted to test it) also waiting on a glue fixer spray to see if that adds anything to the process.
  13. Really appreciate the heads up and advice. Will post some images when I have made the changes.
  14. Waiting for some supply's to arrive. Would like to add, ropes/thread to the gun hatches, thicker rope/chain for anchors, add further/extra rigging that's not in the kit instructions. Also will post some images of other work and general photos that helped inspire and influence some of my choices on this build so far.
  15. Changed my mind on the rigging colour, not happy with how the deadeyes look, still. Going to make the shroud lines black, and ratlines used rope colour. Also the standing rigging black. I will work on the idea that the black ropes may have been tarred. Will have to use glue solvent to remove the few I have already stuck on. I will paint the deadeyes wood colour and the fake plastic shroud/pullys ropes black.
  16. Totally agree, been doing a ton of research for a future project (hms victory) just having a little fun with it at this point. My next project is going to be a clean paint job, as I said lots of research is being done. Thank you for commenting though, I really appreciate the interest and pointers. I need all the help I can get. Thank you again.
  17. Mod podge didn't impress, tested on a piece of sprue, like I do with my acrylics to see how the dry, it looked OK, I got the gloss one. On the ship it dried clear but was no where near as good as the Vallejo varnish. (photo order: dried, application, product)
  18. I want to add physical dirt to the decks, will use dirt scatter then darken with a wash, also want to add more water, deeper puddles (not sure how I will do that yet, maybe mod podge?)
  19. More progress, finally added the doors/walls to each cabin area. Also gave the deadeyes another coat of paint. Then started work on the lifeboat.
  20. Added some scatter to the Hull and touched it up with a sap green acrylic wash 40/60 water. I wanted to give a touch of depth to build up on the Hull. Is it accurate, I very much doubt it, but it's fun to go with the old imagination.
  21. Did further work on the homemade sail test, to see if I could grow to like what I'd done. Added further shading around where the material would be gathered. I have decided to not use them.
  22. Slow progress, two of the sets of deadeyes had snapped off in the box, so having to glue them back on, one by one.
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