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About P.Raveneau

  • Birthday 02/10/1982

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    painting , video games , modeling

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  1. 4 years ... wow that is necromancy haha So i am back at it , my black pearl will probably change a bit , i am aiming to do a bit my own thing with the ship ( probably will change also the front figure to reflect that , i do have a bit of a scenario in mind for this ship but still need to be fleshed out. Here are some progress after 4 years of hiatus. I did not had the courage to do the ratlines , i tried and it was too much for me ( thats also when I did quit, not sure if related) so i did decide to use the plastic one sadly ... it pains me because as much as i tried to make those looks realistic (and it kinda work from far away) it's still plastic and look like plastic ... but i would rather move forward and being able to finish this build rather than give up for another few years. At least i made the sails from real fabric , i wouldn't have been able to live with myself with those ugly plastic molded sails. Thanks to everyone who gave me advices and sorry for my lack of updates , i am hoping this time i will reach the finish line with a minimum of sacrifice ( arg those ratlines are haunting me ).
  2. Haven't posted in quite a while , been a busy last few weeks , but progress was made Front of the ship back figures Did all the canons port holes traps ( tedious) And dry fit the masts I redid all the ropes around the masts , it was a learning process to get clean ones , wish i could go back in time to redo the first ones sob* still , better than the plastic ones Best
  3. That's more or less the goal but the skull and bones base is too flimsy to hold anything , it was made to be snapped and cut , so pretty fragile overall. The 2 support legs, i probably will do custom ones , that i will send to some friends owning 3d printer . Here is more or less what i am thinking off . I probably will end up buying a wood base and trying to dig a place to install those skull and bones plates . I am not looking too much into it for now , still thinking for different ways of doing it , but it's useful to get external inputs on it thank you !
  4. Thanks a lot OC, i have no plan to add figurines for now, i found those lacking details at this scale but i do have plans for a new base using those embedded into it. Still thinking on how to build it with my limited tools.
  5. I may have some wood sticks ( BBQ , dollar store stuff) . That is actually a good idea , i have not remove the mast from the sprues but i can totally imagine those being flimsy so yep i will totally see into it , thanks as usual :). Last night progress finally find out a way to do canon racks , popsicles sticks yay !! the steps from popsicles to canonball rack end result Installed the chain-whales/channels ( feels good to put some legit words ) Also don't mind the mess hehe and that is it Bonus: spooky deck
  6. excellent , i need to improve my vocabulary so don't hesitate to correct me or tell me the proper term if you see that i could use it somewhere . Omg the thing i was calling the pilot deck is in fact called the poop deck😱 ... the more you learn 😁
  7. result of 2-3 nights I built and painted the ratlines base ( not sure about the name ) Rigged the canons to the boat, doing what sir @Old Collingwood did on his own rig because that was easier and better looking ( thank you ) I did the Gammoning as best as i could . And added rope handrail on the front deck and pilot deck next will be finding a easy way to build a rack for the canon balls .
  8. Thanks a lot guys i am humbled really, it means a lot thanks !!!
  9. Thanks so much , i am trying to make up with paint my lack of building skills haha
  10. Oh i recognize your build !! seen it before . Such a great custom , i am thinking following your footsteps with the canons ropes as i am not sure i can pull off the small ropes and pulley ( god i miss vocabulary ) originally in the kit ... Also you had the guts to custom the main stairs to the pilot deck , i was thinking on how to bend those but i don't think i will , too scared to break those. I don't have much equipment and certainly none to work with wood sadly ( one day , one day ) . Such an inspiration i will check at your thread once more !
  11. Thanks so much !! Sorry about that , hope it's fixed now Sorry , hopefully it is fixed Sorry , hope it's better now .
  12. Hi everyone , new newbie here As i mentioned in my introduction , i am pretty new to the hobby , the only model i did was an AT-ST from starwars a year ago . I really fell in love with tallship during the confinement and wanted to give it a try . Most videos , and ressources i checked were about wooden ship , and , i know myself , i would give up at planking , also i don't have the proper space and tool for that . So i decided to start slow and take a plastic model . So far so good , i am liking it , and who know one day i may find the courage to get into wooden build So i am a bit advanced in the project , that is when i realize i may need advice and help in the futur . Anyway , here is a retrospective on my build so far ( sorry for the lack of ship vocabulary , i am learning little by little) 1: my first thing was to take the statues from the base and stick those on the side of the captain door , to get a bit closer to the original look ( and also because the vanilla model was boring) also doing a frame to the door with some metal wire 2: was to get some algua/seashells on the hull , i know most ship builder like clean versions , but i do enjoy when it feels it has been used , i don't know it's like there is story telling in the model 3: almost died of boredom with those canons , god that is boring T_T , but the result is satisfying Also i didn't wanted to go full black , i like to play with texture and paint , color variations etc , so i went with wood texture . I had to sand the hull and deck as the texture overall was too strong for my liking. 4: Sanding the ..erhh wheel axis {?} to replace the plastic rope by a real one , also piercing some holes to let the rope goes down . Adding some small metal rings here and there to get a more "detailed" feel 5: Replacing the plastic folded sail of the ..erh..small boat by a custom one . adding some ropes too. 6: trying to bring a contrast in the colors with a darker upper part . 7: i was like a kid here *_* start to looks like a ship indeed 7: i wanted to remove the handrails that goes down into the hull by something custom ( a bit proud of this) new vs original , not perfect but i did fixed it later ( also i added some metal hoops on the grid thingy where the lifeboat will be attached later) Final 8: added some 3d printed barrels ( that a kind friend printed for me ) 9: mounted the upper deck canons captain quarters And that is where i am at . I have been at it for 3 weeks i think , after work at night ( when kiddo i asleep) so i am pretty satisfied with the overall velocity . Do you guys happen to know the name of this rope thing on the bowsprit so i can look up how it's made/rigged, couldn't find any info on how it's called . Not sure if it's a 8 figure or else. That was a long post Thanks
  13. By the way , anyone know which era i should post my build log of the black pearl , 1501-1750 ?
  14. HI everyone , As the title said , i have almost no experience in modeling ( did a bit of warhammer in my youth) except one starwars AT ST from a year ago ( my first model kit ) I fell in love with ship building through internet , and wanted to give it a go. BUT experience of being a compulsive passionate person tells me that if i start with a wooden ship i would be in over my head and won't finish it . So i started with the Zvezda Blackpearl 1:72 , it's challenging but i am having a lot of fun so far , mostly with customization . As i am really new to shipwright , i realize that i could really need some advices here and there I will be setting up a Build log , even though i am a bit advanced in the build Thanks a lot , looking forward to start interacting with you people Build log : https://modelshipworld.com/topic/26161-zvezda-blackpearl-172/
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