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Everything posted by helmarsowick

  1. My name is Helmar. I believe I can help you. Contact me at hsowick@gmail.com
  2. Jon, Thanks for the welcome note. I've been following your build for while. Excellent work. I plan to follow you as a primary source during my build. I haven't physically started the build yet as I'm finishing Bluenose currently. I'm doing rigging now. If I don't finish this first I'm afraid I'll never get back to it once I start Constitution. Over the last six months I've spent about half my time doing research. The bow and stern gave me pause but now feel they're doable. I visited the ship in Boston in February and plan to go again. I'm still studying but plan to start in a couple months. I had allotted about three years for the build but it seems it will be longer. I look forward to corresponding with you throughout our builds. Helmar
  3. I have a general topic question. I've noticed that almost all planking on Constitution models and others of that era are left unfaired or little sanding. I've been to the ship and it's pretty fair considering the the method of construction. I know things vary in the modeling world but would it be better if the model matched the ship? Are builders doing this intentional or not? By the way, your build is excellent. Some day when I'm in Morro Bay, maybe I could stop by to see your work?
  4. Ken, Beautiful build. I'd like to follow your build as closely as possible. Would it be possible to get a copy of your build CD. I'd be happy to pay for any costs. Anyway, excellent craftsmanship. Helmar Sowick
  5. Rich, Beautiful build and great shop. I've been looking everywhere for the stern decor with no luck. Looking for Eagle, name plate and other vertical pieces. Can you help? Helmar
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