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Everything posted by Krupi

  1. I would avoid using the deck planks for this they will be too thin for the task, the 2mm planking would be best.
  2. I had a similar idea however I like the additional strength that the pins provide.
  3. Thank you Chimp There are a one or two areas that are on the limit of even for 2mm. I will just have to layer up these areas with more strips. Unfortunately I am going to have to sand down the nails first, I am not bothered about this though.
  4. Making a bit of progress on the planking, the steps are a bit bigger than I had hoped, but it I am pleased with the progress so far.
  5. I have a quick question, is there a recommended brand of Sand and Sealer. I have Tung Oil, but it looks like this would not be advisable to use prior to painting. So I plan on using a Sanding Sealer on the hull, painting and finally a finishing coat of Tung Oil. I plan on using the Tung Oil on the dyed pieces as well. Please let me know if this could cause me problems.
  6. Hi Chimp, I have been following your build log as well, looking great
  7. Thank you, trying to slow down and be a bit more patient.
  8. I have now started on the internal planking of the gunwales however I don't much like Occre's method of lining them without split at 5mm widths. I am going to split the 5mm in half and I am looking for a reference for the lengths of planks used here, I assume a similar pattern was used here to avoid a weak point. If I can't find anything definitive I might opt for 60mm lengths as per the decking, any advice would be much appreciated.
  9. Have made some progress on the hull. After reading up on decking colour I decided to give mine a bit of a greyish tint, the comparison picture unfortunately don't do it justice. After this I started on the gunwale, unfortunately I was a bit heavy handed with the starboard one and managed to snap it during adjustment. Fortunately the portside went on without a hitch.
  10. Will I now run into problems gluing parts to the deck?
  11. Thanks Bob, Not rude at all, I need all the help I can get. I have done the deck and decided to use the Tung Oil after checking the results on a test piece. I am happy with the results, just need to rub it down and apply the final coat. I plan on copper plating the hull, however from what you chaps have said I should avoid using the Tung Oil prior to painting so I will need to get a sand sealer for the hull prior to painting, this will give a better surface for the paint?
  12. Thank you, I am already dreading the planking. I will definitely do more research here before I start on that thankless task.
  13. On to the next step.... After some digging around I stumbled upon a enlighten topic regarding the "The sequence and pattern of decking" From this I opted for the three butt and individually planked method opposed to Occre's drawing of the butt's method, inspired I set to work... Unfortunately after hours of cutting out and scoring trunnels and nursing a sleep deprived brain I made my second mistake, I cutout all the profiles from the decking base plate not just the ones depicted. Crestfallen at such a foolish error I made the decision to pry the affected decking off and replace them. Once done I sanded back and applied Tung Oil. In the pictures you can see my attempts to repair some of the decking rather than peel it off the base. P. S. During the shading of the panel edges for definition I slipped and my brown pencil left a mark on the top surface attempts to wipe it off gave a nice effect that I then mimiced intentionally on the other pieces. I also decided to add a bit more detail with the three trunnels on the planking. Unfortunately my placement of these in retrospects wasn't as accurate as it first looked, I should have done these after the panels were glued to give a nice straight line.
  14. Hi Chaps, I was debating about making a log of my build considering the abundance of Beagles, appears like it is well liked by beginners of which I am most definitely one, clearly I have decided to log my experience... Perhaps it will be a success but more likely it will be a nightmare and a warning to others! So far I have already made two unfortunate mistakes both could have been avoided in hindsight with more research/common sense and the other rushing ahead without the guide close by for reference. The false keel out of the box had a slight warp after delving into the rich resources the internet offers I soaked the keel and scrounged around for anything flat and heavy and left it overnight... No luck still warped... On to the next solution, namely a wet towel and an iron. I really wish I had done my research/had more common sense as after a bit of steaming I peeled back the warm towel to behold a horrifying sight of delamination... In my impatience I had steamed away the glue bonding the three parts together and now they were mockingly peeling apart right in front of my eyes. As I was waiting for glue to be delivered I promptly stuffed it back under the heavy flat object more out of shame than clarity. After an eternity or twenty four hours I decided to face the music and retrieved the offending object, swollen, snapped in places and slightly less warped than originally found I went work gluing back and trimming the curled timber. Unfortunately/fortunately for my ego as I didn't plan to make a log I have no pictures of the calamity. I went to work on the ribs and proceeded from there, a lesson learnt.
  15. Thanks chaps, I have already made a bit of a mess trying to get rid of a warp in the false keel. Back on track now with any luck.
  16. Thanks for the replies, I have purchased the Tung Oil as this is for the lime wood decking so once sanded back it should look quite nice. Regarding the walnut planking I don't think this will be an issue as I plan on copper plating the hull and the remainder will be painted. For the painted areas would you use the Tang oil after or just sand and sealer followed by paint as the final finish? Looking at the instructions occre suggests using there brand of stains for dyes however they seem to be completely out of stock. Is there a dye manufacturer you can recommend? Same question for the sand and sealer? Very new to all of this so thank you for all the help. Regards, Krupi
  17. Hi Pete, Looking great, just started on this kit myself. What Matt Varnish are you using?
  18. Hello, I have just brought a Occre HMS Beagle reading through the instructions before I start and one of the first steps mentions "Pore filling lacquer" is there a recommended brand. Would Pure Tung oil be used in this way? I am sure there is a guide that would help but I can't seem to find one. Regards, Krupi
  19. Hello, Just started my first wooden ship model (Occre's HMS Beagle) and thought I would join to seek advice from those more experienced in matters. Regards, Krupi
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