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Flying Scotsman

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  1. Thanks, Bruce. Absotively a build log's on the cards. I've seen precious little out there regarding this kit, either the Heller or re-pops. Currently trudging along with the 'donkey work' and snapping pics as I go. Much of the scratch work is blocks and dead-eyes so far. I grew up with Revell-o-Gram-o-Fix, (and still take great pleasure in basic kits). A fitting background to a skill set of styrene-bashing that is admirably suited for wrestling poor fit and fuzzy moulding into something presentable!
  2. How do, gentlemen (and ladies)? Much to my surprise, as a usual aircraft-basher, I find myself joining ModelShipWorld. For many years I dedicated my kit-bashing to things aerial, then I happened upon an old Zvezda 1/100 Pourquois Pas two weeks ago in a thrift store. At $8 I wasn't saying no. To paraphrase the Marines say, I never leave a kit behind. If it's a kit I'll rescue it. Matter of fact, if it wasn't for aircraft I'd have happily focussed on naval models. I'd even collected the Hatchette Bismarck part-series, because I'd always wanted a kit of that amazing ship. I have also flitted about on sailboats, in an earlier life. The urge to build a rigged ship is now strong, again. There's something about a rigged ship in a glass case on top of a cabinet that adds a certain gravitas, isn't there? Meanwhile, I shall continue binge-reading to catch up on necessary info, before I start asking questions that already have answers. Cheers all.
  3. Pardon the thread-drift (again), Dr PR. Your schematics and bumf on rigging is a godsend, for my current kit, btw. (Newbie on a reading binge playing catch-up.) Spyglass, soon as I saw the superstructure I recognised her. Even with the different suite. I knew SoA as a 'brigantine' then. Sailed on her as volunteer galley crew around the Cook Strait and the Sounds a couple times. But spent more time aloft than in the galley! Also did a short stint on the 'Black Boat", barquentine Spirit of New Zealand, out of Waikawa, in Marlborough. SoNZ has an easier rig but SoA was more fun in a stiff breeze.
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