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Posts posted by 0gri

  1. Hi Dan,appologise for no log,i no longer posses a camera and as i spend most of my time closly examining pictures of the part im currently working on i dont think a text only log would attract any attention :-).If theres anything i can help with please feel free to pm me but im sure chris will answer any questions you have.I spent yesterday building the rudder and post,and the 24 pounders,all of which flew together very easily and look fantastic.
    ps.if anybody is reading this considering Adder as there next build please do not be put off by my use of the word struggle,i cannot recommend vangaurd models highly enough.

  2. Hello Dave,saw your post in Jobbie's brig Supply log.Like you i chose Lady Nelson after much studying of msw and suggestions from members on a first build, but also bought HM Brig Supply at the same time couse i liked the look of her so much.I have to admit i really struggled with the planking,it took three attemps till i was satisfied but this took almost a month of daily work during lockdown.As frustrating as i found it i decided to start Supply to practice my planking.Much to my suprise the planking flew on,i enjoyed myself so much instead of going back to Lady Nelson i decided to crack on with Supply.I'm at the point of fitting the masts and to be honest am dead chuffed at how well shes turned out.  The only dissapointment with the caldercraft kit were the instructions(although the Amati were not much better),i think  Supply is one of there earlier kits,the instructions for Badger are far better.After reading your log(to which i have subbed)i'm sure you would have no problems as a second build.Whatever you choose as your next build i hope you enjoy it,regards Mark

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