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Everything posted by tlee01

  1. Good luck, I will be watching to see your progress and maybe pick up some hints Gary
  2. I tried to use the transom shipped, thinking if I screwed up I would be receiving a new one. Glad I did get a new one. For all the reading of build logs and going over they instructions, I still screwed up the side I was to bevel. New transom delivered and the build got back on track. The planking went well except for the garboard planks. They did pose a challenge but I finally held the front portion of the plank where it meets the transom for a half hour and it held. I have several areas where the rabbet and the gain did not meet up well and I guess that’s what wood filler is for. Plans for the remainder of the week is wood fill and sand and sand.
  3. Ready to start build number 2 the Pram, interesting little sailing ship. Did the inventory, missing one nail so not bad. I did see a problem with the lower stern transom. It looks like the laser etch for the bevel got a little wonkey. I am wondering is it worth a email to Model Ship ways for a new one or could this work? I think I can scribe across and should be fine. I looked at the other build logs and it looks doable. We will see.
  4. I am going to say I am done with the Dory Finished off the lobster trap and the mooring rope. I tried my hand at weathering the trap, a undercoat of brown and a white wash afterward. I need to work on this. For the entrance to the trap I bent some wire through the netting, then cut the net out in the middle. I wrapped the wire in thread. I made a frame around the entrance and glued the netting in, afterward I glued a frame over the net. I decided to try a rope coil for the bow mooring and see I need to improve my technique. I thinking about making a buoy but I want to get on to the Pram One quick question how do I modify the title to indicate Finished?
  5. @Malazan I made mine from the the strip supplied in the the kit. Just make it a little longer than what you need for ease of handling then trim or sand it back.
  6. @Malazan Honey oak stain, two light coats on the stand one on the oars followed up with a satin poly wipe on coat
  7. Finished actual construction and I am waiting for some smaller diameter rope, instead of what came with the kit. The rope that was supplied just didn’t seem to sale so some research showed the size of rope should have 1/8" of diameter for every 9' of boat with a minimum size of 3/8". This means a 20' boat should use 3/8" lines. There at a scale of 1:24 the rope should be around .02 inches (5mm). I ordered some from Ropes of Scale. Tracking said its cleared into the USA and should be here soon. I also decided to try my hand at building a lobster trap to go with the dory. I found some sketches on line for dimensions. It’s rough but I still have hopes in finishing it. My excuse in my mind is I want it to have a worn and weathered look so rough is good. I still have a few wood strakes to put across the cage and attach the “netting”. I am spending way too much time in Hobby Lobby or Michael’s. Some of the lessons learned 1. When I think, I am finished sanding I have just begun 2. Slow down, this is not a race, the age-old saying measure twice cut once has taken on a new meaning. Try to look at all angles of the build before I proceed. 3. Read the “instructions” a couple of times, read the build logs and look things up. Don’t guess, have a reason for what I do, prior to doing it. 4. My taping skills need vast improvement I never knew that when I thought I try my hand at this, how fun and sometimes frustrating it is realized how much I have to learn, but I look forward to learning more the next build. I have the Norwegian Sailing Pram ready as soon as I am finished the trap.
  8. Been awhile, finished sanding and painting, still need to touch up the gunwale where needed to cut it to finish the back to the transom. Next is to stain the thwarts and complete the oars
  9. So I like to shoot this idea out to correct my sheer plank problem, the one side is little more than a 1/16 lower than the other which causes the bow to look uneven at the top and same with the stern. If I raise the band on low side to match the other and adjust the gunwale and the cap on the low side to match the other, would that work and would it look right. I think in my minds eye it will but I would like to through that out to the ether and see what comes back.
  10. I just finished my first sanding of the hull and thought I would check in. Last I left I was building on the dining room table. Even though I had my pad down I turned quick and glue and water everywhere. After cleaning up I figured I buy a small table and continue in my home office. Back to the build. I am really enjoying this. Druxey you were right slow down and enjoy the project. Taking my time really looking at the lines when planking, cleaning the up right after, makes a nice-looking boat. My problem is I zero in on my mistake. Like the poor glue job where the shear plank meets the transom, which I did not see until I removed the overhang. I decided, instead of removing the shear plank I would place a small shim that I grounded down. I was so proud of myself, until I saw one shear plank was taller then the other at the transom. I will ponder on this one, while I continue to sand. But I do like how it looks.
  11. I do need to slow down, thanks for reminding me and the answers. I was using 70% rubbing alcohol and saw that the wood needed to dry out. I am starting to understand the difference between building a model than assembling a model. Interesting concept, there is a aspect of art in the building part, seeing how the lines are formed, rather than insert part A into part B. I am now reading and watching videos (all I can find) on fairing before I start that process.
  12. Wow, I now know what people say this is going to teach me patience. Thought I was on a roll, six bottom cleats, no problem. Then the stem, I thought my clamp set up was ok. I let it set up, remove the clamp and it’s not straight. Another discovery about myself, I need to use tweezers and a magnifier. My fingers can’t handle small parts and my 1.5x readers do not give me enough detail. Time for the isopropyl alcohol, separated the joint and tried again, better clamp up system. I have been a mechanical engineer for 40 years, time to think things on a small scale. I was still not happy with the transom. But three redo’s and I got it semi right. Then to the ribs, I am like a bull in a China shop, I snap to of the ribs placing them into the building bed. So, now I learned how to use CA for the impossible repairs using PVA. I found out the hard way about nail polish remover and wood stuck to my finger. But finally, the bottom of the boat is glued to the ribs. A very frustrating but rewarding weekend. Could of quick questions. 1. Does leaving the joint soaking in alcohol weaken the wood. 2. How long typically do you let glue cure before working with it. I know it takes about 10 minutes to set, but I have been leaving the joint clamped overnight. Next on deck is fairing the ribs to fit the planks.
  13. The model has arrived and it was time for unboxing. Inventory complete. First mistake, I thought I bought the kit with to tolls included. So out to the local hoppy store for a x-acko knife, then Staples and finally Lowes and the following other supplies: Yellow glue Craft sticks (for sanding sticks) Clothing clips for clamping Sand paper Clamps Next created sanding sticks and off to build the bottom. Next revelation, my gluing technique was terrible and I can only go up from here. Is amazing how my mind envisions something and my hands are having trouble to create what I envision. But after multiple tries and then sanding the bottom is complete. Another benefit of doing a build log is I get to work on my macro photography. I need to work on this to.
  14. This is my very first build. I always have been fascinated with model ships from the first time I saw a model in the Chart House restaurant in Christiansted USVI some 40 years ago to going down to the Seaport Museum in Philadelphia and watching some of the members of the Philadelphia Ship Model Society in the Ship Shack (before covid) build their models. A little about myself, just pasted my 64th birthday and looking forward to retiring in a couple of years. I am a mechanical engineer and a partner in a small engineering firm. The last 10 or so years I do more of running the company and really miss do designing and watch my design come to be. I am hoping this will full fill some of missing part of design. While not doing the design but figuring out the problems and challenges that come from building a model. In reading the build logs and seeing what people do is amazing. I was inspired by lraymo and following her as she did her first build. I have chosen the dory because of the Model Shipways Shipwright Series builds on each kit and I download the instruction and they seem clear. I have read about some of the instruction that come with some kits and rather have something clear in the beginning.
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