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About Marinus

  • Birthday 06/15/1951

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    Penticton BC Canada

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  1. The Port side is sofar done. I will buy a paper cutter to cut the rest of the missing plates. I will start next with the Starboard side. It's not perfect, but I am happy the way it turned out. First time I did the copper plating. Any suggestions are welcome.
  2. It's been a little while that I worked on the Victory. We moved to a new house and it took some time to set everything up again. I am working on the cannons and the copper plating of the hull.
  3. Happy New Year to you all. Back working on the Victory. Painted the hull and Cannon carriages and started the copper plating. Have to touch up some spots on the hull and paint the gunports. The instruction says that the outside edges should be yellow, but the real Victory has everything painted red. Didn't make a decision yet what to do. The cannons take a lot of time, same as the copper plating. I will find some other things to do on the Victory in between so I will have a break from it.
  4. Gunports lined and painted. Painting the inside bulwarks, it takes a lot of coats to cover nicely. In the meantime in between the painting I started the Cannon carriage assemblies.
  5. Lower gunports lined on the starboard side. Not as difficult as I thought but still a very challenging job, patience helps a lot.
  6. Got one gunport lining done, many more to go. I like to thank all Victory builders who posted a lot of great information to make it easier for new builders. 👍
  7. Hello, the golf season is ending and I am going to spend more time at building the Victory. My next task is lining the gun ports. I looked at other builds and got a lot of good information how to do this. If somebody has some advice how to do this I am happy to hear from you. Regards, Marinus.
  8. Lined the gunports with no lids and planked the inner bulwarks. I will paint the bulwarks after I lined all the gunports and installed the beam shelves, stringers and waterways. It was a time consuming job but I am happy with the result. Now back to planking the outer hull.
  9. Upper Gun Deck planking done. Now sanding and applying several coats of matt polyurethane varnish.
  10. The holidays are over, so back to work. Lined up and installed inner bulwark patterns 275. Started the Upper Gun Deck planking and after that I will line the gunports 3 till 10.
  11. First stage done of the second planking. The planking didn't go exactly as I had planned but it looks ok and I made it very smooth with a lot of sanding. I will get some primer and spray that on to y the waterline so I can see if I have some more sanding to do. I will continue planking upwards to just below the upper deck gunports and will then install the upper gun deck and do the upper gun deck planking.
  12. The second planking is not going exactly the way the schip was build in real live but it is looking okay and most of it will be covered with the copper plates. Forgot to taper the planks when I used Chuck Passaro's bending technic.
  13. At first I had no idea what you mend with the garboard strake. So I downloaded the"planking project beginners pdf" and now I understand what you tried to tell me. Thanks, Marinus I signed up. Also I watched Chuck Passaro's videos and use that technic now. Thanks again for your help.
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