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Greg G

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About Greg G

  • Birthday 03/08/1958

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    Queensland Australia

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  1. The shaft is only for support for printing and can be cut off . If you try to print the Rivets or bolts with out the support you will have a elephant foot . And have a lot of work to remove it of each one .
  2. Yes you can . Draw a box 2mm high and as long as you need then add a post no smaller than .5mm it also needs to be about 2mm high . Now draw the Rivets or round head on the top of the post .The post will be cut off the 2mm box . Print it flat on the build plate Just a note don't fill up your build plate
  3. Only 300 odd windows to make .Lucky you don't have to cut them by hand it would take for ever . Looks very good done on your CNC and will save you a lot of time .
  4. Look at my post .I had to download the free VLC media player to get the sound to work .
  5. Thank you very much Richard . I download the file and it all work fine. I did have to download VLC media player to get the sound as the windows 10 media player would not play the sound recording . That maybe just me .The recording is a big help to me on doing the Pevensey hull . Greg
  6. Hi Richard Any update on the recording .
  7. You can just spray it with two light cost of White Knight Crystal Clear Spray Paint . It has to be a very l light costs . Or Micador for Artists Crystal Clear Spray from Officeworks
  8. Thank you Richard for all the hard work and help today. The way you showed us Riho looks a lot easier to use than Fusion 360 . Now I just have to wait for the video to downloaded to go over it step by step . Greg
  9. I all set for tomorrow the 23 /12 /2021 at 6:00 AM Brisbane time . I have Zoom and Rhino 7 in stalled now Looking forward in get to work with Richard's training workshop. I will be nice to see what you can to do with Rhino 7. I have to say a big thank you to Richard for doing this training workshop for us guy's that are just starting in CAD Greg
  10. fnkershner the add in Slicer no longer supported as a add in from the app store
  11. I just redid it after looking at Fusion 360 NewbiesPlus YouTube videos again . He is a big help for Fusion 360 users .Now to work on the deck before starting the frames/Bulkheads . I also have to do the same for the P.S.Oscar W for a mate .
  12. I think I workout how to do the lofting in Fusion .Now to make it one body and do the new frame to be cut .
  13. Looking forward to this I have Rhino V4 and fusion 360 and need all the help I can get .
  14. The plans are from Float a Boat in Vic Australia . The P.S. Pevensey is an Australian River Steamer and is based at Echuca on the Murray River. This makes it hard to get photos and measurements as I live in Queensland .Just a bit to far to drive . I will be doing it 1/24 scale as per the plans This is my first time trying to do a hull in Fusion 360 . I may need some help with Fusion 360 . I have worked out how to all the bulkheads/frames and waterline plus deck lines . I can't workout how to do the lines shown in the top view or do I need to do them I would like to add more bulkheads/frames for cutting the parts out on a CNC router .
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