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About Dearborn

  • Birthday 09/30/1962

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    Phoenix AZ
  • Interests
    Model Ship building, Coin collecting. Fixing anything that has gotten broken.

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  1. I'll tell you that the adhesive on the copper strips is very strong. In the image above, I taped a few test strips to a white board fragment I'm using to test on (so I didn't care or worry about what happened to it), but! I tried to remove one of the strips after it has been in place for 2 weeks - it took off the top surface of the white board with it, right down to the Masonite sub surface. So I like that aspect of the strips very much. Now I won't have to worry about gluing on the copper plates that came with the kit and getting the glue all over everything.
  2. On another note: I got a few books in the mail the other day:
  3. Well after looking around at household chemicals and acidic foods (oranges, bananas and such) to patina my copper plates, I turned to bottled chemicals ready to purchase from the net. This is that I found and tried it out today. To get a darkened patina on the copper strips took only 30 minutes to get a nice look. here is the stuff I used: And here is the results I cam up with: Just to be clear, the strip on the left has been treated and the one on the right has not (for comparison). As you can see, that the treated strip won't 'wash out' from the glare of the overhead lights like it does to the untreated one.
  4. Just a quick update: I got the Copper tape delivered today. Now just waiting on the punch wheel, then it is on to making a jig to make my plates for the hull. In the meantime, I'm going to waste a small amount of the tape to see how to best patina the copper some.
  5. @mtaylor thanks for posting up that link. @Valkyrja68 Scroll down to post #21 first, then look at post #14 for a reference.
  6. @Valkyrja68 thanks for the link. At the top of the page where you see your user name, there is a 'drop-down' arrow. click that then 'account settings', There you will see 'signature' You can post your Build link there and it will pop up in all your posts. you can also post it linked to your build in other ways too but THAT gets tricky. Look at my signature and you can see Cutty Sark is underlined and that is linked to my build. I managed to get it done once, but cannot manage to explain it. maybe someone here can tell you how to do it.
  7. @Valkyrja68 Can you put a link of your build in your signature? please?
  8. I just found this book on Amazon and bought it. thanks again
  9. Thanks for the word of encouragement. I am aware of the Muntz metal, I believe that they were made of a copper/zinc, and iron alloy the mix is 60/40 but muntz did mix in 7% iron, In which the copper took a hit in the percentage of the mix. So I plan to petina the copper once I'm done with the plating. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION Cu Fe Pb Zn Min/Max 59.0 - 63.0 0.07 0.3 Rem Nominals 60.0000 - - 40.0000 Ref: https://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=Awr9DunsdSpiiU8A1x5XNyoA;_ylu=Y29sbwNncTEEcG9zAzUEdnRpZAMEc2VjA3Ny/RV=2/RE=1646978668/RO=10/RU=https%3a%2f%2fwww.metalalloyscorporation.com%2fpdf%2fc28000-muntz-metal.pdf/RK=2/RS=pf4TEWC5IHUTB8RwD29cTKlTBZU- Thanks for the image of the plates you made, That is what I plan on doing. WOW! Perfect! Just what I needed, THANKS so much
  10. Perfect, I thought that was the deal there. (sometimes I feel dumb LOL) So a bit of research is in order while I wait for the copper tape (I bought 4 rolls) and a punch wheel that comes with 4 different sized wheels. Then I will make my jig and I'll photograph the progress making my jig and applying them to the ship. Thanks again!!
  11. Thanks @Bob Fraser this information is just incredible.
  12. Quick question about scale. (I'm real bad at math - it ain't my best friend here) working with the scale of my model 1:78 - is that 1 inch to every 78 inches, or 1 foot to every 78 feet, or is that the same? Another question: Is there any body that knows the actual height and length of a single copper plate on the CS? If not, is there anybody in or around Greenwich England that can go measure me one? You see I decided to order the copper rolls of the plates and a punch wheel to make my own and I want to get the scale correct. Thanks in advance, John
  13. Well welcome to MSW, this place is fairly easy to navigate. At the top of each area are 'Pinned' topics that are a good idea to read. I'm new here as well (you can tell by my post count under my big 'D'). So good luck on your build, I'll go have a look at it. My build is in there somewhere too😉
  14. That's ok, just wondered, I will watch the video and see what I can come up with.
  15. Well I really like the look of the plates in the video. The nail patterns only on one side of each - that give the look of them being over lapped without going through the motions of actually over lapping them. The video title states they are 1:84 scale
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