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About Twokidsnosleep

  • Birthday 12/05/1967

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  • Location
    West Coast Canada
  • Interests
    Model building, Woodwork, Leatherwork, 3D printing, metal working, cars, chicks, rum

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  1. And many a clove hitch was tied on Boxing Day….Main mast is all finished now I added some more small rope detail to the cannons
  2. After supper and chores, got one side of rat lines done There is a small difference in OC’s Revell and my Zvezda. I have six shrouds on the foremast and the Revell kit has five Been wondering why I see different rigging diagrams
  3. Five of six shroud lines for the Foremast Finicky tying, but getting the ropes tight and keeping the deadeyes all level is a juggling act. Have a bit of slack there so I adjust when the last one is done
  4. Haven’t given up on the old Pearl, just time and other projects online Started up again on the Foremast set the lower deadheads Then started the shrouds The lads are getting anxious for me to finish her so they can take her out of port
  5. It can be done. I wish I used longer solid rods telescoping deeper.
  6. It’s been a minute since working on the Pearl …other projects and life🙄 I have the Mizzen mast rat line ladders all done now. You get into a rhythm of tying these clove hitch knots I used the plastic kit parts as a guide to make the same arrangement of lines and measure as I went along
  7. I was thinking that I prefer to paint figures that are 1/32 scale like the WingNut wings WWI stuff. I can’t seem to get my paint and details as smoothy smooth at 1/72 scale. Of course then the Pearl would be absolutely enormous! In 1/32😱
  8. Cotton and his bird “Chips and Salsa” Some detail painting on Cotton to do, the flesh oil paint is still wet
  9. Maybe a bit too thin of ‘ROS’ rope, but I think it will work. I thought I ordered 0.4mm but apparently nope I muffed it. Tying clove hitch knots here This is a 0.5mm tan rope at the top ….and looks a bit thick.
  10. Here is a little video of a staining technique changing the shrouds from a light tan to dirty brown The black was too black, the brown I had dark and wrong diameter and the tan too light….so I decided to stain them
  11. The upper mizzen mask shrouds and dead eyes are done. Awaiting the other ropes to do rat lines There is a large degree of asymmetry and randomness in all of these and hoping that transfers to realism.
  12. Thanks Tim i am trying to be truer to the movie prop ship which was black, but the years of wear and tear show much more wood and wear I will do blacker sails just not jet black deck and sides Been staining the tan rope with AK pigments…will show that in a bit. Does give them a nice grungy used look and takes away the shiny new toy look.
  13. Mizzen mast’s lower shrouds are done. Wow this is tough, picky work tying these ropes, very time consuming. I stained the tan ropes a dirty brown like the film ship had g
  14. Here she sits on my desk. I have all the lower port deadeyes installed and secured and am mentally planning the next steps Did all the standing rigging, none in their final state and can be altered or removed if needed Thinking it is the shrouds that should get started now?? I was going to do back to front starting with the mizzen mast Here we go testing out 0.8mm ropes of scale rope for shrouds on the Mizzen mast. I tried a black 0.7 and it is too small, better suited for threading the deadeyes and the rat lines. So this is a tan 0.8 that I will stain darker. I am just getting the length and evenness of the shroud lines dialed in here. Yes these lines are temporary and just tied off of the lower deadeyes
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