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  1. Good evening to all, Here is the progress on the Beagle. The amuradas on and lined on the inside. Surprisingly few incidents, although I never get rid of some problems hahaha. I leave you a link to the video
  2. Hello everyone, I take this opportunity to update you on what I have done these days: I have finished the deck, finally with pine stain and satin varnish, then I have made the doors and windows with a different finish and glued the upper decks. Everything ready to start with the bulwarks. I was afraid of the stain, but I think it was a good choice of color.
  3. Hello everyone, I present you the second naval modeling project I'm doing. A few months ago I started my first ship: the OCCRE San Juan and now I have decided to take a leap to make a more complex model: the OCCRE HMS Beagle. I leave you a link to the first steps and I hope to know your opinions. Thanks to all of you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XB59cIpGjwc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWowEMVg6KU
  4. Greetings to all! I have continued working on the model, I already have the second lining on and it is looking quite good. By the way, I have doubts about how I should treat the wood... I've seen that there are people who give it oil, primer, varnish, etc. But I'm not sure which is the best option. What dou you recommend? I leave you here the new video that I have published so that you can see how I am doing.
  5. Hi everyone, I have finishd the first hull liner and i want to share with you the video. I thibk that the resoult is not bad, still, there is room for improvement. What do you think? PS: At the end, i managed better the nailer, but i still don't get it as good as it should be.
  6. I've continued to make progress with the San Juan, I've got the bulwarks installed and the first strake in place. Apart from a few small problems with the white glue, it has not gone badly. I thought I would have to use the soldering iron to bend the strake and the truth is that I have managed very well with the cyanoacrylate and the nails and I have not needed it. Now, I get the bent nails in even with the nailer. 🤣 Any advice with the nailer? I have a lot of nails bend I leave the video I have published in case you want to see how it goes. Let me know your opinion. Thank you!
  7. I have recently made my debut in a naval kit modeling with the OCCRE's Felucca San Juan and the truth is that I am really enjoying the process. In addition to the complexity of modeling, I have decided to complicate my life even more by recording a video tutorial step by step, in the hope that my mistakes and successes will be useful to others who are starting like me. I share with you the work I'm doing to see what you think and give me some advices to improve. The video's audio is in spanish, but you can find de subs in english. Do you know of any upgrades for the kit that are not complacent and within the reach of a novice?
  8. Thank you all for the recievement.
  9. Hello, my name is Victor and I'm a new modeler from Spain. I have just begin to build my first wooden ship model a few weeks ago (San Juan of OCCRE). I'm enjoying it and i would like to learn more about modeling, that's how I have arrived to MSW. Even I'm showing it a YouTube channel for beginners. I'm a brave noob. Jajaja I hope I can learn here from experienced modelers. See you in the forums.
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