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Benjamin S

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  1. Great job, just found your build, pulling up a seat and looking forward to seeing it move along.
  2. thanks, that would be bad if I got them all at full size cannons.
  3. that's true, but my parents might not be happy if I burn the house down.
  4. I agree with you on those last two they seem pretty haserdise, so yea I might not add them.
  5. thank you...the plans appear to be 25" by 17 1/2". To get that size I basiclly looked at mesurements on the plans and kept making them bigger intel a 3in long thing on the plans was 3 in then I glued like 16 pages together. The type of cannon I like the most are the like the ones on the plans, so the size of cannon I will go with is 25mm long as it will also should be to size with the plans.
  6. ok I think I understand, so when you say 3d model do you mean like a finished model somebody made or a 3d rendering of a model?
  7. I actually do not know what the scale is but I am using the AEROPICCOLA plans but they do not say the scale on them.
  8. I am sorry but I am confused. so correct me if i'm wrong but pdr means the weight of the projectetil that is being shot right ?
  9. I don't know, honestly i'm just 15, cannon sizes and 3d printing patterns are way out of my comfort zone. This is my first time making cannons to scale so I will probably go with all the same size cannons. I do like the look of long cannons of ships tho.
  10. thanks, how much does the different kinds of cannons matter on a model ship is it even notable?. I have only ever made them the same size (or as much as you can with a drill press)
  11. yea that could work, only problem is that I have never cast metal before. a blow torch could probably be used to melt it but I don't have one.
  12. thanks for the drawings, so the only thing I have to work with are plans and they are the AEROPICCOLA plans. as far as cannons go you would know better then I this is what they look like on the plans that I have they seen to be cannons which is weird. Is it the carronades that like swivel ? and the cannons that look like cannons? if you know what I mean so second picture is a carronade and the third is a cannon?
  13. thanks I will check it out. jeez no kidding this is amazing, some people are like wizards when it comes to this stuff but out of cards!!! it's quite amazing
  14. So the ship is the fridgate USS Essex 1799 and had 40 32 pounder carronades. it would be a good idea to use a 3d printer actually one of my uncles has one maybe i should ask him.
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