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Benjamin S

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Everything posted by Benjamin S

  1. Hello, I have like 20 dull craft knives laying around and I was wondering what the best way to sharpen them would be. I do have a lot of sand paper and three 600# grit sharpening stones, but sadly I don't know how to use them. thanks
  2. I did something like that to in mine I put a little note in the hull before planking that read "if you are reading this someone broke my ship, what du heck people"
  3. I don't know, would clay be easyer to work with as a first time?
  4. yea that is what I was thinking to Jim
  5. Hello, I am looking to make the figurehead for my USS Essex frigate and I was wondering if it makes more sense to carve one out of wood or to carve one out of clay and then paint it, but I have never done this before so any advice is welcome. the figurehead ... so mine will probably be a little more basic I am going this but his left arm is at his side and his tomohok thing is resting on his shoulder
  6. there are only a few small gaps so I think I will fill them with sawdust. thank you for the replies.
  7. I will ,and this is my first time getting deadeyes so any suggestions on where to get them is much appreciated.
  8. no it is a scratch build , i just really like the look of the ship, this is my first time adding deadeyes to any ship .
  9. so I tried a few, making a frame and fitting it in seemed to work the best for me . thank you everyone you have all been very helpful and it was good to get ideas from people with more experience. Benjamin.
  10. great job, it will be interesting to see this ship done at such a tiny scale
  11. I noted that on syren they has each one for 36 cents or something but model expo has 40 pacts for 7$ which is the amount that I need (at least of the 5mm ones) .But .36 times 40 =$14.4 which is twice the price of the walnut ones but they appear to be a softer wood, so I was wondering why that would be .are the syren ones higher quailty? thank you again you have all been very helpfull ,and I feel like I an learning quite a lot.
  12. thank you everyone I will test try a few of these solution.
  13. so I think I will buy them for this model but I know some places have better quailty ones and some don't . I know a few people have suggested that syren has some good ones but while looking them up I noted that model expo has walnut ones andI think that syren's are boxwood or something and for the amount I need it seems to work out to less for the walnut ones but I don't know .
  14. scale is 1: 64 I think I could not actually find pre printed lans so I had to buy some and print them as to scale as i can which was wrong the first time so i had to do it a second time so at the size now everything that says it is 5 mm on the sheets measers to 4.5mm.
  15. the sizes i need are 5mm and 2mm . (40) 5mm and (20) 2mm ,the ship i'm building is the 1977 USS Essex frigate ,I have made it three Essex's so far and I am quite happy with the improvements just adding a few things each time as I get better to make it better and this time i'm hoping to add deadeyes and blocks.
  16. well this ship is scratch built, but another existing problem is i'm only 14 so i have literally next to no income so even if I sell it for 100$ I can start save up to get better tools. even if it dosen't sell for much there are like 6 in our house so i'm running out of room to keep them.
  17. hmm, but what is the best way to make them all square?
  18. thank you i think i will buy them this time, but i'm hoping to sell the ship i am working on and i plan to get a mini wood lathe with the money . thanks.
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