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Everything posted by Alex-Ks1

  1. Forgot, I have a good friend that is willing to learn how to run a Bridgeport milling machine to make most of all the parts I need, She will be good at this, women have a greater eye for detail then this poor slob . a lot has to be made by scratch . and the whip antennas will be for all the RC stuff
  2. Its been a while since I was here, I had to put the Niagara in deep storage. I had an eye operation and now I have a cloudy eye , before at least I could see a bit, glasses does not help at all. But enough of my miserable health. I was thinking about doing another PT boat. I did find an 18 ft all aluminum fishing boat, it has the same design as the PT hull. no trailer , I have to find one . but working on something this size is very easy. You use bigger hammers and cutting torches , But I have a TIG / plasma cutter welder . like the other one from about 25 years ago it will be all battery power . with 2 DC motors , 2 rudders, and shaft drive . Im not good at driving any more , so i have to rely on some friends for this and that. as soon as i can find a cheap trailer, I will get started before I cant see any more . One Last Hooray
  3. my point of view only, Im having a hard time seeing the screen, Plastic kits are nice, every thing is already made, cut it loose from the die tree and paint it place it its good to go. wooden kits are good to, You pop out the precut pieces and paint them glue them and its good to go, a lot of detail work included . they are both good , for beginners and advanced. then there the ones like me, I would buy the plans of a wooden ship, have them enlarged to 300 to 400% and built that from scratch. This is not for the faint of heart, you have to plot everything, cut sand, through that one away and start another one. . BUT a hull thats 7 foot to 8 foot long has its advantages too. I can use air tools C-clamps of different sizes. power sanders and high speed cut off tools . even an air Nailer . using 1 inch brads works very well for me,,, when I was doing it . I cant do it any more, I can hardly see the plans even up close , they get so fussy. The last model I was building I was using 5/8 inch plywood for the hull and a powered jig saw to cut everything there is a build log I stared hee but had to stop, Niagara 1 to 7 scale , cant ype ny more
  4. well what I didnt want to happen did, I had to stop and put this build in moth balls I cant go on, my health is getting worse . so I may not be posting any more, maybe ? who knows
  5. I see your into stereo systems.. besides model ships . we have a lot in common .I make these, I have sold 4 pairs
  6. Very impressive , its going to be a real keeper
  7. Once all the frames are set in place then a lot of detail sanding will in the works . I have blocks of lead to cut for thr bottom of the hull All the ones I do are water tight and will float . Its a ship. a dust collector but it should be in the water too
  8. Now im at the bow gluing the first frame in place. the 2 steele right angle pieces clamped cross ways keeps the frame and center in alignment . This will be done on each frame . Im still working on the stern area, its a pain in the butt. the plans are not clear on much, so I looked at a model being done here from a kit, that helped a lot, took photos to my phone to use at my shop.
  9. I have been trying a eye patch , Harrrr. its a bother also, so I just try and do what I can.
  10. this is old farm country, there are many Model Ts still running and never been touched and been in the family's since new, a few have very old steam tractors from the 1890s they are huge and still going to state fairs puffing and smoking
  11. revised about the Oldsmobile , they did get a title for it. It took hops of fire to jump through, and its finally titled as a horseless carriage/ and it does have a TAG. so he can drive it on the streets . It does smoke and its original UNTOUCHED ENGINE but its over a 110 years old, try that with your KIA. LOLOLOL
  12. its all about collecting tax money, in other words, " how can we screw you today " point in fact, a family here where i live has had a 1904 Oldsmobile since new, its been in the family that long, Now, because when the grandfather bought it, there was no titling of motor vehicles at all not even license plates. Just a bill of sale from Chicago where he bought it. He can not get it registered with an antique tag because it never had a VIM number, just a body number, 3 numbers I think. It still runs and has only been painted a few times, the body is wood, a 1 cylinder engine . Soooo he has to trailer it to shows . stupid government BS . So simple, I always wanted to make a copy of it
  13. In the states the state officials hate cars like this No way to set a tax rate, The inspector who inspected mine liked it so much he passed it on the first try. Took photos of it for him self, All the registration tax office wanted to see was a bill of sale for the motor I bought for it, and a VIN number it came from, then my fee was a silly 125$ , for the tag, and paper work, The fun of driving it ? priceless
  14. Yes indeed the original from 57 had a 65 hp 4 cylinder engine from a Ford Cortina , and has 3 times he power and will burn rubber n all 4 gears , So much torque for got I was n 5th gear at a light and just drove away when I turned green
  15. The nose and rear fenders are glass , I did all h others in sheet metal ,18 gauge he factory gas tanks was 7 gal . I made his one to hold 22 glass
  16. I always built big, its easy and you can work with large air tools, for instance , I always wanted a Lotus 7 , I drove one when I was in Europe in the 60s, So last year I decided to build one, Just like any model you start with plans. then make you layouts, then go to work, I bought the Lotus 7 plans and went to work, It is a full size working car, scary fast. Here are some photos, So far I have had it up to 120 MPH and as low as it sits, it feels faster. The v-6 is 3.4 LT. GM. @ 280 HP. but it only weighs 1350 LBS; Every where I drive it I get looks and waves, One kid in a crappy mustang was revving it engine at a light , all i said was ' reconsider " It was just like building the model ships I make
  17. yes , yes and yes, I have retina damage, its not reversable. and its just getting worse . Its like the right eye has a fuzzy cloudy center of vision
  18. I havent been doing to much on my build lately. even tryping is getting bad, my vision is on the way down on my right eye. Ill explain , The left eye sees very well, color is good and focus is OK, I wear tri focals. The left eye is very blurry. New glasses wont help. so I see a view on one side its good, move to the right its very blurry and fuzzy. I may have to give it up, the eye strain is getting worse. If any one wants it you can have it all the plans too . Im just having to hard a time doing it.
  19. what a dummy I am, this was to be in MY LOG LOLOLOL. sorry for the screw up.
  20. Now that all the frames have a bevel for planking on the front and rear I started on the stern , as you can see its a crowed photo but i have 2 right angles on each side crossed clamped . This way they are forced to be straight and at right angels to the center. the Metal square shows this. The frames still need a lot of detail work before planking .... Air tools work wonders
  21. this is my Niagara . the hull is 8 ft, then about 18 inches for the bow sprit
  22. One more thing, My wife said, one more of them dust collectors come in this house, you can move in the garage .. LOLOLOL
  23. there is nothing like doing them big. I do the same, good work
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