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Lin Feng

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    Lin Feng reacted to marktiedens in Vasa by marktiedens - FINISHED - Sergal - scale 1:60   
    Hello all.I managed to finish the bowsprit rigging - resembles a spider web. Would be much easier if I had 3 hands.




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    Lin Feng reacted to fmodajr in Wasa by fmodajr - FINISHED - Corel - 1:75   
    I finished the chainplates on the starboard side finally!
    I also added the face to the channels and inserted some nails.

    Now I will start work on the long square beam (fish-davit) that aids in the lifting of the anchors on each side. 
  3. Like
    Lin Feng reacted to NAZGÛL in Wasan 1628 by Nazgul - FINISHED - Billing Boats Vasa 1:75   
    I'm now working on the channels and dead eyes for the mainmast. Here's a compilation of Vasa deadeyes. Their shape are very individual from piece to piece, some are almost circular other very irregular.

    I like this and want to try and imitate that on my model. I use the round deadeyes that comes with the kit and sand everýone.

    After the shape is ok it's time for some finegrit sanding to remove any edges and giving the surfase a handmade look:

    I do this óne mast at the time to avoid getting to much repetative work. After this stage its time for making the metalparts that sits around the lower deadeyes.
  4. Like
    Lin Feng reacted to Karleop in Vasa by Karleop - FINISHED – Billing Boats – reviving a poorly built model   
    Hi everyone!!
    After some days off I made a little progress with the shrouds and stays.   For that I use the pictures of the 1:10 model, Clayton´s page and some imagination or common sense.  Here some pictures:

    Main mast

    Foremast with some details (not all finished)

    Saludos and thank for watching, Karl
  5. Like
    Lin Feng reacted to md1400cs in Wasa by md1400cs - FINISHED - Corel - 1:75   
    Thanks for your kind words. I'm in the process of disassembling all the carriage axles and following Nigel's brilliant solution to the errors that I noticed after installing all of the wheels.
    I have an incorrect space between the wheel washer and the axle pins. Nigel suggested that I remove the axles, cut them in two, remove the spacing gap and re-attach each axle in two parts.
    Looking much better. Note the main pic from left to right before and after.
    Nigel if you happen to read this A BIG THANKS my friend, as usual very sage advice.

  6. Like
    Lin Feng reacted to marktiedens in Vasa by marktiedens - FINISHED - Sergal - scale 1:60   
    Well,as usual I made a couple of errors on the rigging already.I had the mizzen topmast stay all wrong & re-did it. Also forgot to add the bowsprit mast stay. The crowfeet rigging is a real pain but I got it done - more to do later on the running rigging.I had some nice rigging hooks left over from another build so I used them on the mast tackles (the ropes & pulleys between the lower deadeyes).



  7. Like
    Lin Feng reacted to Karleop in Vasa by Karleop - FINISHED – Billing Boats – reviving a poorly built model   
    Hi guys:
    Now I am in the process of doing the shrouds. As you all know, implies much more work that it seems at first sight and they consume great time.  But this is nothing comparing with the more or less 900 knots for the ratlines that I will do later!!!
    In the first picture you can see the two methods I used to do the shrouds, preferring the double one in order to reduce the thickness over the mast.

    So far there has not been much problem with the instructions but I approach a twilight zone with the rest of the rigging, since the BB instructions are somewhat confusing and there are differences with the 1:10 model of the Vasa Museum, also with the Clayton´s model and with the Corel pictures I already saw.
    Saludos, Karl
  8. Like
    Lin Feng reacted to marktiedens in Vasa by marktiedens - FINISHED - Sergal - scale 1:60   
    Another update - standing rigging done(I think).Now to the really fun part - running rigging.






  9. Like
    Lin Feng reacted to Karleop in Vasa by Karleop - FINISHED – Billing Boats – reviving a poorly built model   
    Hi folks:
    The day has come!!
    After gluing the masts in position I begin with the rigging process.  The first step was to put the holding ropes of the masts, the ones that are behind the shrouds.  You can also see one of the the estays but are laid only to see how they look.

    Next I will begin with the shrouds.
    Saludos, Karl
  10. Like
    Lin Feng reacted to fmodajr in Wasa by fmodajr - FINISHED - Corel - 1:75   
    I now started to work on the channels.
    I made new ones out of walnut, with pins to help with the mounting.

    The mizzenmast channels and mainmast channels mounted to the ship

    The foremast channels:

    Another view

    I am starting to work on the deadeyes and chainplates.
    I will give Michael's (md1400cs) method a try. 
    In his log he showed us how he used the "J-B Weld" product to help modify the chainplates that came with the Corel kit.
    Hopefully I can make mine look as good as his!
  11. Like
    Lin Feng reacted to Karleop in Vasa by Karleop - FINISHED – Billing Boats – reviving a poorly built model   
    Last update:
    After some days of work I finished the rest of the masts, letting only the tops unbonded.  I did so thinking that it could subsequently facilitate the placement of the shrouds.  You can see the method I use to make them straight and how they look.


    You can see in the pictures the masts in their positions but I have not fixed them yet.
    Saludos, Karl
  12. Like
    Lin Feng reacted to NAZGÛL in Wasan 1628 by Nazgul - FINISHED - Billing Boats Vasa 1:75   
    Hey all! Finally things are going less hectic and I had a little time to build. The masts except the bowsprit are positioned and I made the bowsprit mast.  






  13. Like
    Lin Feng reacted to Karleop in Vasa by Karleop - FINISHED – Billing Boats – reviving a poorly built model   
    Hola a todos:
    Finally I decided to place the gunports for the cannons. Initially I had no plan to add the rear (holding) ropes and put only the ones that are in the front, because I had not a clear idea how to do it. The solution was to dip the yarn in diluted white glue and dry it vertically until hardened.

    To put the door in place, and having the hole for the yarn ready, the operation was very simple.

  14. Like
    Lin Feng reacted to Karleop in Vasa by Karleop - FINISHED – Billing Boats – reviving a poorly built model   
    Hi guys,  a little update.
    I finished with the bowsprit shrouds. 

    I must say that instead of using the white thread that comes with the kit to make the ratlines I substitute it with a light brown or beige color cotton thread. This was acquired in a fabric store and is named as "crochet thread"  that comes in three thicknesses: 10, 20 or 30.  I used number 30 that is the thinner one.  

    By the way, it is less fuzzy (?) than the one that comes with the kit. (lower one in the next picture)

    Saludos, Karl
  15. Like
    Lin Feng reacted to Karleop in Vasa by Karleop - FINISHED – Billing Boats – reviving a poorly built model   
    Hola amigos:
    After sanding, staining and varnishing the masts and spars I started to assemble the bowsprit placing the topmast, masts, blocks and tops.

    Because deadeyes are partially tucked into the top I decided to make the shrouds separately because otherwise it would be more difficult to hold them.

    To put the shrouds between the masts I leave unglued the topmast cap.  This operation is contrary to the normal way of doing it.

    Saludos, Karl
  16. Like
    Lin Feng reacted to marktiedens in Vasa by marktiedens - FINISHED - Sergal - scale 1:60   
    Another update - been slowly working on the shrouds & stays.Topmast shrouds & mizzen stays done.I know the rigging is a bit dark but I prefer the look of the dark standing rigging.The running rigging will be much lighter.



  17. Like
    Lin Feng reacted to marktiedens in Vasa by marktiedens - FINISHED - Sergal - scale 1:60   
    A small update - finished the lower shroud ratlines on the starboard side.I like to give them a slight natural looking droop.


  18. Like
    Lin Feng reacted to md1400cs in Wasa by md1400cs - FINISHED - Corel - 1:75   
    Hi Mates,
    I have come to realize that each of you will most likely build three more ships before I finish this one. (:-)
    But, here, surprisingly, are the completed cannons. Each of which incorporates fifty-five parts inclusive of the ropes, blocks and the single nail for anchoring the carriage to the deck (drilled a hole at the bottom of one of the four wheels for each carriage). I'm really irritated with my lack of knowledge regarding the axle pin poor locations. Darn, Nigel had the perfect solution, but it was too late...
    You will note that my first attempt at devising a carriage anchoring method was, in retrospect, silly. Those long nails would not allow the barrels to slip through the deck openings. This did not even occur to me (such a novice) as I was attaching them. I tried shortening the nails, but then I could not locate the tiny pre drilled hole in the deck; uncharted territory for me.
    So plan "C" should work, a small nail through one of the rear wheels in each carriage. Hmmm. The also really uncharted waters for me will be rigging all of these. (:-). I will use JanV's idea from his build.
    I promise that I won't post any more canon updates until I have them rigged and mounted! Might be a long while (:-). I so appreciate all of your really super nice comments, so encouraging, thanks for also just looking in.
    PS: ropes and blocks are from Chuck's at Syren (:-)

  19. Like
    Lin Feng reacted to NAZGÛL in Wasan 1628 by Nazgul - FINISHED - Billing Boats Vasa 1:75   
    Still hectic at my job but I've done some work on the model.
    The main mast is now mounted and I also made two more tops. The details on the smaleest one is much reworked to fit and get more in scale. I also noticecd the problem Karl mentioned in his Vasa thread about the squared hole being to small so I widened it a little and will also rework the mizzen mast a little to make it work.





  20. Like
    Lin Feng reacted to JanV in Wasa 1628 by JanV - Corel - scale 1:75 - Vasa   
    finalized the chains and deadeyes on one site.


  21. Like
    Lin Feng reacted to md1400cs in Wasa by md1400cs - FINISHED - Corel - 1:75   
    Hi Mates,
    Still working on those carriages.
    Here is a minor update.  First pic. is of the upper and leading edge carriage metal frames after I chemically darkened the brass pieces. As I mentioned earlier each four piece set is specific a particular one of the 14 carriage.
    I then glued all of the pieces. Subsequently realized that the black chemical process did not allow the glue to adhere to the carriages. I had not washed off each small piece for fear of having them go down the drain, so glued them directly. Instructions do say "wash off" Hmmmm
    I then needed to scape off the glue sides to re-adhere the small parts. It would have been probably easier to paint them. Though I feared that over time the paint would peel off.
    Next was painting the cannon barrels. I initially chose a water-based paint made specifically for airbrushing. BIG mistake. Paint would not adhere after drying. I knew of this potential but was rushing myself.
    So after scrubbing off the first attempt at painting, I then used an enamel paint that needed to be thinned and was a bit messy at cleanup, but looks excellent.
    Next was scraping the emblems to bring out their details.
    Next steps will be to attach the cannons and add the upper restraining hinges, then on to the ropes/blocks. Again, thanks so much for visiting it is so appreciated.

  22. Like
    Lin Feng reacted to NAZGÛL in Wasan 1628 by Nazgul - FINISHED - Billing Boats Vasa 1:75   
    Small update of the work on the masts: I finally found reference of the mizzen masthead so I redid it, the BB is incorrect in the plans (if I'm not missreading it totally).
    Also did the the other parts on the mast heads and now I'm planning for the bowsprit details. The BB original parts are not to bad, but it's easy to make better ones and make them close to the one on the real ship.

    As you can see I got the ropes and I toned it down slightlly. I learned from the Fred Hocker that they found no evidence of heavy tarring on her ropes, but of a light tarring.
  23. Like
    Lin Feng reacted to NAZGÛL in Wasan 1628 by Nazgul - FINISHED - Billing Boats Vasa 1:75   
    Here is where I am at with the masts. Added and tuned parts and painting and weathered them. Painting them is pretty close to painting the hull, a mixtyre of paint, washes (both dark and light ones), sanding and drybrushing. I tried to look at the new mast parts on the real ship to get a feel for how they could look in tone.





  24. Like
    Lin Feng reacted to fmodajr in Wasa by fmodajr - FINISHED - Corel - 1:75   
    I did not use the kit ladder assemblies, but made my own (hopefully more to scale!)
    Ladders are made from walnut.

    Ladder to lower deck

    Assembled ladders

  25. Like
    Lin Feng reacted to fmodajr in Wasa by fmodajr - FINISHED - Corel - 1:75   
    Moving on to the 10 railing pulleys (5 on each side),
    I made them each out of a single piece of walnut.

    Now I inserted the sheaves and drilled holes for the mounting nails

    The pulleys installed in-between the cannon.

    I will now start working on the belaying pin rails for the bulwarks and the ladders!
    I am glad to be moving on from the cannon!
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