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Everything posted by CLovehitch

  1. Hello I am looking to purchase a thickness Sander, I live in California. I am spoiled I love the Byrnes Machines. Any suggestions? Thank you, Nick
  2. Your deck work is fantasitc where did you learn this? Nick
  3. Nice Ship, One thing about building these models one is learning all the time how to build these. I like the colors!Nick
  4. This is my attempt with basswood and an xacto knife. Not happy, i did use a template and glued the paper on the wood. I will try some hard wood next. Thanks for the help, Nick
  5. I have been using an xacto knife, i do have a very small belt sander I can use. I also have a scroll saw but i thought the parts would be so small. I do have Cherry wood stock
  6. Hello, I am trying to contruct boom jaws for the Bowdoin. Can someone please help me an tell how me to contruct them. I have been using basswood for the jaws, and a 3x5 card paper as a template then gluing the pater with rubber cement. My cuts are not coming out evenly, this is my 3x trying to build them. Should i be measuring these out and using a a straight edge. Thank you very much! Nick
  7. Good Morning Sir,

    I am looking for a good flat paint for an Airbrush, I am in the process of looking for a system.

    I like Acrylics since they are easy to clean. I have heard distilled water works well for a thinner.

    Thanks, Nick


  8. Thank you for your insight! Nick
  9. If someone can recommend a bottle flat paint for airbrushing please let me know. I am planning to order an airbrush system soon Thank you Nick
  10. Hello any suggestions for a good acrylic paint for airbrushes? I have Model Expo Paint I was wondering if I could use those paints and thin them down? Thank you Nick
  11. Thank you for the help and sharing!
  12. Its an amercan ship , 1925-1932, Bowdoin, Model by Blue Jacket Thank you, Nick
  13. Hello I need some guidence how to construct the booms and gaffs. The directions are not really all that detailed in Blue Jacket. Shound i make a template? the question is how big and what would be the measurements. Seems I will scratch build these? Thank goodness for Model Ship World. I love the ship its going to be nice when finished. Thank you, Nick
  14. Hello, Is this company still in business? Just wondering i havent seen his Ad here the last couple on months? Thanks, Nick
  15. Boy you are moving on this project! what did you for wood filler? Spackle or water putty? For the deck Pine stain? I havent done much on my project, just alot of sanding! The red paint for the hull? what product? Thanks, Nick
  16. You can use spackle or Durams Water Putty, great stuff you can control the consistancy, dries very hard and sands well!
  17. Hello Everyone ! can anyone tell me of a product that will close up small wood pores , to prep for a very smooth surface?I have some saw cross cuts to hide also. I used to build model rockets and there was a product called sanding sealer which one would paint on the wood then let the wood dry then sand. this was many years ago. Thanks Nick
  18. Has anyone used dark wood putty rather than tree nails for the decks? Just a thought. Thanks, Nick
  19. Hello, I am possibly thinking about bulding the HMS Victory. I was worndering if anyone could suggest a high quality Kit? I understand it is a huge time commitment. The other question is there a model that would prep me for a build like the Victory. I have been bulding ships over 25 years. Thanks, Nick
  20. Hello need some clarification please. I have looked at several planking fans, i see there is an end point and where the the lines fan out. In order construct this correctly i use whatever the plank width is, Example 3/16, then draw the fan the lines out, at its widest point, then divide the hull in 4 sections. I then place the fan over the section and that will give the measurements to taper the wood, Correct? Please correct me if i am off base. Thanks, Nick
  21. Hello ! I am planning to save up for a mini Lathe, does any one have any suggestions and also what accessories I should purchase? I have been practicing on a friend's large lathe to get the feel . Thanks, Nick
  22. I am also looking a good company that would sell milled wood. I used to purchase from Warnner Woods, but i think they are no longer. Thank you Nick
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