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Posts posted by LegoKing5522

  1. I will attempt to get the book at some point. thanks for the suggestion, Rich. since Allanyed seems to have jumped right into scratch building I think I will attempt to continue with what I have started before getting a kit. but for when I do get a kit can you guys suggest like a really cheap kit for practice. I don't want to spend a lot of money on something that's for practice.

  2. Okay first off, please forgive me if I posted this in the wrong spot I didn't really know where to place it.


    I have started attempting to build a small frame with the tools I have available right now, these include a speed rotary kit, which I've been using to cut pieces, and an X-acto knife. are there any other tools that might work better? and when all the pieces are cut where do I start with the hull planking?

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