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Everything posted by Isaiah

  1. Ok I think I know what you mean. The eyebolt is in the right spot according to the manual, I guess I listen to the instructions too much.
  2. Can I just add a hook to the block and loop the line through the block and up again? Then just hook the block to the boat?
  3. Looking good Ferrus, You sure know a lot more about ships than me. I’m very soon going to start making the masts on my Perseverance which means rigging is coming up. Going to need a lot of advice because I don’t know what the heck I’m doing.
  4. The boats all tied up and rigged to the ship. Unfortunately ccoyle, I super glued the oars to the boat and there was no way I could remove them without damaging the oars and the boat itself. I’ll just have to live with how I’ve made them.
  5. Here they are, pretty happy with them actually. I used white spray paint first but wasn’t happy with the finish, it gave a glossy plastic look. So I gave them a coat of white acrylic. I’m not sure about the oars, they seem a little big but when I put them next to the deck furniture they seem ok.
  6. Here’s the link to the types of model boats: https://vanguardmodels.co.uk/product/ships-boats-various-types/ I think it’s a yawl but tell me what you think. I’ll add four ores. I like that black line around the top of the hull so I might add that as well.
  7. One on the left is the smallest one which I made first. The middle and right one I made at once. The one on the left has its final coat and I’ll re-coat the other two tomorrow. I’ll probably make some oars just for one of the boats with some scrap walnut as well.
  8. I’ll have to think about it, oars do sound good I just don’t have any included in the kit but I can certainly make some. the second boat, a little bigger, came out much better. I used a different technique, gluing the hull as one piece before shaping it. I used a bench top drum sander and a dremel. I almost don’t need putty. Just going to shape the third one and then paint them both.
  9. Here is the boat fully assembled. I filled the holes with putty then tomorrow I will mask it and paint the hull again.
  10. I might try the putty again but with the top plywood piece, it’ll give the putty more stability and hopefully won’t chip off.
  11. One of the Boats half assembled with a coat of primer. as you can see there’s a few chips on the edges. The hull is made of three pieces of ply wood that requires shaping. I broke nearly every piece which I had to super glue. This was quite a difficult task and didn’t turn out as good as I hoped. If you have any suggestions on how to patch up the hull please let me know. I tried wood putty but it just breaks off. I was going to just glue the top piece with the thwarts ( I think that’s what they’re called) and then try to fill the gaps.
  12. Thanks for your help, I might try using the two pictures side by side technique down the road.
  13. Yes I shouldn’t have called them life boats, I didn’t I know what the specific names for them were. I know the one hanging off the stern is a Jolly boat, used for transporting crew to and from shore, but I don’t know what the other two are called. The manual just calls the other two “boats.” And why are the crane things called a cat head? 🤔
  14. I just had a look at some of your work, looks very nice. Is that Spanish galleon plastic because if it is you’ve done a great job to make it look like wood. 👍
  15. Thanks for the kind words. I used mahogany for the second layer planking, but it’s still just as brittle as walnut. I don’t know how I managed to do it to be honest. It was the most challenging part for me.
  16. I know I’ve messed this log up by posting all the photos in one post because I have no clue what I’m doing. I am thinking of making a new build log and starting again, but then it might be too confusing. I don’t know, please let me know if I should make a new one or just leave it as it is.
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