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Everything posted by chadwijm6

  1. So I've decided which plane to make. I really wanted to do a full chrome version and I wasn't taken by the sharks teeth that are okay of the kit to be honest. At the same time I wanted to find an airframe with a history and keep it as accurate as I can. So I'll be making 'That's All Brother' from the 340th BG, I've found this photo on the net. And I've also found decals for it Here's a link to the history of the squadron for those who are interested. The plane was deployed to the Mediterranean Theatre of Operations during world war 2. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/340th_Flying_Training_Group
  2. Thanks for following along. Now I look more closely at the cover art, the picture of the pilots reminds me of the autopilot in Airplane 😂
  3. I'm assuming it's the autonomous version. Much safer for the crew, who were in the pub and probably should have been more widely utilised! 😂 Nice to have you on board Mark.
  4. You're very welcome gents. Thanks for following along 👍🏻
  5. Well for my next project I'm trying a new brand, HK Models, as a change from the Airfix I started with. This will be my 4th build. I love bombers, my first model was the Lancaster, this will dwarf it though a that was a 1/72. I bought this on eBay, saving £100 off a new one and as you can see in the pictures, everything is still in their bags. I've not done any research yet so I think a read through the instructions and a Google will be the next steps....
  6. The whirlybird is fully assembled now but I'm not finished yet... I've started to build a simple diorama to sit him on, which needs some grass variation and some mud adding over the next few days. Maybe a few bushes. Another lovely kit from Airfix and I'm pretty pleased with result.
  7. Multiple errors means this bird will not fly. Microaces very generously looked through the build and have pointed out where I went wrong, mostly the twisted airframe. They have also let me have a discount on a replacement. So a second go will be coming soon.
  8. It's been a while but back to the whirlybird.... Decals today, rotors tomorrow The large grey decals that should have been fitted, by the exhausts, I could not get to go on right at all and the 2 black decals on the side are also not very good but at least they're on. I'll see how it looks but I might paint them instead. Other than that the rest were no problem.
  9. I think I'm finished with this one. He can join his friends on the shelf
  10. Lots of mistakes on this one .... I realised too late and it was already glued so I decided to leave it. I will call this my experimental phase!! Thanks for the heads up 👍
  11. More progress on the diorama and weathering the Tiger, which is assembled now. Muddying up next...
  12. In the end I've painted the tracks in gun metal grey, Vallejo Air, and now I've added AK liquid pigment rust to them. I've gone quite heavy but that was the intention at the beginning. I've also been working on the diorama. A photo frame base with some thick foam and then Sculptamold to give some texture. Primed in black. I've then sprayed in a road in a mid grey, then a coat of crackle, then a coat of concrete. I've used dark earth for the areas that will have grass and then some other earth tones and beige for the rocky bit. There will be grass to come and rubble I think. I've also ordered a motorbike and rider from Tamiya, I might add this to create a scene that the troops are resting on their way through Belgium. Let's see.
  13. The German tank crew have arrived. There's even a couple of birds included. They look quite detailed to me, certainly good enough for my first attempt.
  14. Great project Richard. Do you have a log to follow? I've been having a look online at 1/16 tanks would be really interested to follow along.... Maybe a house extension is the first part of the build 😉
  15. Seems appropriate content to me. No problem at all. 👍🏻
  16. Here is the actual tank, number 233 in Budapest.
  17. So maybe for my diorama I should be thinking Budapest 🤔 If I may ask a question gents, I'm just doing the tracks and I'm wondering what colour to paint them before weathering. I was thinking gun metal grey. Or would a non metallic grey be more appropriate?
  18. Thank you for the research Patrick. Very helpful. If it's breakfast with Tigers then I guess I should get some Frosties (For the non-Brits Tony the Tiger, the cartoon character associated with the cereal, thinks they're Grrrreat!)
  19. Thanks Darius. Of course they should be 🙄. Now I re-look at the instructions it's obvious but I can still see how I got it wrong, but honestly I should have realised that. Thanks for the heads up. At least I've got 5 more in the bundle I bought!! 😀 Thanks for the heads up though I could easily have seen that being a mistake I would have repeated! Very kind, thank you. For me, what I've found is that finally, in my mid 50's l, I've found something 'arty' and creative that I'm not too bad at. At least I like what I'm producing. I can't draw or paint to save my life and have always found things like that frustrating. Modelling relaxes me. And on top of that I'm learning so much, not just modelling techniques but the history behind the models. Important history too. In the world today so much is instant and short lived that it's therapeutic to do something that takes time, develops skills sets and is ultimately rewarding. The other thing that I didn't expect is the community. Particularly on this site. I take as much enjoyment from looking at other people's builds, not to mention inspiration, as I do building my own. Feedback is helpful, constructive and kind and you get a sense that everyone has your back and wants you to do well. It's a nice place to be. Philosophical ramblings over. Thank you all for your comments and likes.
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