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Everything posted by chadwijm6

  1. Fantastic model Rob. And a fascinating build log, I learnt a lot! 👍🏻
  2. Fabulous. As I'm intending to build a dio that has the plane in a museum on display I'll be going for the look of the middle 3 with the brass ring I think. Thanks for taking the time EG, your knowledge really is a great help for me. 👍🏻😁
  3. Classic interior colour, looks great. I started only recently making models and got going with Vallejo paints and now I have quite a collection, amazing how quickly they build up, although I'm sure it's not a lot compared to others who have been modelling for years. On the whole I find them easy enough to use, occasional clogging but not very often. And they are pretty reasonable cost wise. I always use about 40% paint thinner, 10% flow improved and 50% paint and use their 'Air' brand in the airbrush, I have an H&S Evolution, and then their model paints with a brush. That said I've bought Chrome for Lexan Lacquer from AMMO to try on my B25 which will be interesting to try.
  4. So a bit more bedtime research on the engine and I think I've found some better references images for the engine. And also some stand ideas to display it.
  5. @brunnels great photos, they'll be very useful, thanks. It is a good looking bomber!! I'm heading to an airshow here in the UK in a few weeks and a B-25 is slated to be there, might only be in the air and not in the ground though but hopefully we'll be close enough to get a good view and hear it.
  6. You know your stuff EG!! I'll be following the build instructions for sure, glad to hear that they're accurate, I'm nowhere near being able to scratch build parts of it anyway. I'll try and get the look of it right though from a colour point if view.
  7. Thanks EG. Fortunately no building yet. I'll look again for better references and use the ones you posted. Appreciated
  8. After a few days away from the bench doing things around the house and then finishing the Sea King this morning I've finally started. The landing gear has arrived and I'm very pleased with it. Looks robust and good quality. I've also received some figures I ordered, civilians that will be viewing the B-25 in the museum. I got these off eBay, the seller seems to 3D print them himself and even says that they will do bespoke orders. They look fine to me. They won't all be used in this build, I'll try to pick characters that look interested in war birds! So, on to the build. I'm going to display one of the engines so I thought I'd start there. Here's all the parts needed for the 2 engines. And so far I've been using some reference photos I found online to try and get the colours right. Here's some progress so far... No more updates for a few days as we are going to Cornwall for a bit of a break in the morning.
  9. And here we are, the finished Diorama. Thanks for all the comments and likes along the way
  10. That's amazing. Honestly I wouldn't believe it was paper if I hadn't followed the build. Well done Chris a fantastic model 👍🏻
  11. A little late joining, just catching up on the fascinating fighter discussions. Some interesting aftermarket purchases Andy, by manufacturers that I haven't seen before in the UK. I'm in for sure. 👍🏻
  12. So having done some reading and watching a YouTube build it seems that this model needs a lot of weight to keep it from tail sitting. The instructions call for 80g, general consensus is it is closer to 200g. And this leads to problems with the front landing gear not being able to support the weight without bending or even breaking. Later versions of the kit came with metal parts but mine had the plastic ones. And the gear is fitted before closing the fuselage so no opportunity to try it really. Therefore I've ordered an aftermarket replacement from aerocraft models, I came across them reading a build log. https://www.aerocraftmodels.com/north-american-b-25-mitchell-undercarriage-for-132-hk-models-kit-27-p.asp Better to be safe than sorry I think
  13. Morning all, it was the model show yesterday, an enjoyable wander around for a couple of hours. I thought I'd share some pics. Interestingly I didn't see a single built B-25, I did see quite a lot of Sea Kings though and a lot of Lancasters and Spitfires, no surprise there. There were some fantastic dio's, a world record attempt at the largest model railway, some amazing railway set ups that must have been a whole project in themselves to get them there and set up.
  14. I've been thinking about a diorama for this and I think I'll have it in a museum with one of the engines on display. A bit like this. There's an awful lot of detail in the engines in this kit and it seems a shame that so much still be hidden. Not sure if it'll work but I think I'll give it a go.
  15. Very helpful. Yours are fabulous. Thank you OC
  16. I'm painting the figures to go on the diorama and I'm very new to this... One previous attempt. So I watched a couple of YouTube videos. The one I've followed was to prime in black, then highlight with white. This is what I ended up with, although this figure is for a different project Next step was to water down the paint and apply very thinly, glaze it effectively, and then add some highlights by dry brushing and a bit of a darker paint wash to add depth. It's amazing how the the high and lowlights really make a difference, I've tried to capture it in the images below.
  17. Diorama base is finished. I've bought some ground crew resin figures that I'll paint up to finish it off I really think that putting together a 'scene' really shows off the model and just is more interesting to look at. I've found that I like doing them as well.
  18. Thanks for following along Ken. I'm already wondering where there's room in the house to put it!
  19. I'll get to see one in the metal, probably just a fly over though, at the Midlands air show on the 1st June. I've seen lots of photos of the red bull one online, in fact that was why I wanted to seek out an all metal version to model. They are a cool looking plane !
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