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Der Boss

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About Der Boss

  • Birthday 09/16/1964

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  1. Hello there I was back in my construction trailer today and made some progress with the deck again.
  2. And a little further. Everything that sticks out at the edge will be removed.
  3. Hello SJSoane I have just read the first few pages of your construction report and admired the pictures. I am deeply impressed by your work. Now I know why I don't dare to tackle a ship using frame construction. I simply couldn't do it. I wouldn't have the patience or the craftsmanship. I take my hat off to all the members here. My utmost respect. And I am glad that you have included here anyway. Thank you.
  4. Hallo Damit man das Originaldeck noch sehen kann, habe ich das Deck in Brotpapier eingewickelt. Die Planken werde ich direkt 1:1 auf das Brotpapier kleben. Die Verstemmung werde ich vorher mit Bleistift anzeichnen. Alle Posts jetzt zeigen den tatsächlichen Baufortschritt.
  5. Then came the second deck layer. I will be completely re-planking the deck.
  6. The Deck consists of 2 wooden panels. This is cut to size and fits. It is not glued in yet, that will come when the hull is painted.
  7. Thanks Nils. I'm glad you're looking in. The servo and the anti-roll keels are also attached. And the motor is in place too.
  8. So we continue with the rudder bracket or rudder stand. For this I had to drill more holes in the hull and I didn't feel comfortable doing it but what must be done must be done. Then I adjusted the rudder bracket. I will glue it in like this later, the gaps will no longer be visible afterwards.
  9. First I drilled and cut open the scuppers and hawsers. This is where the first white cast iron parts come into use. Of course, they also had to be worked nicely first.
  10. Hello OK, here we go. The Britannia is 43 inches long and 9.25 inches wide. The weight will be around 18 pounds. Here are a few pictures of the kid. Here is a link I hope I did everything right. https://www.mountfleetmodels.co.uk/product/pilot-boat-britannia/
  11. Hello, thank you for the warm welcome. I will begin the construction report of the Britannia shortly. I have already started building it, but I am still at the very beginning.
  12. Hello, my name is Wolfgang, 60 years old but you can call me Wolle and I hope the translator works. I come from northern Germany near Hamburg. So you could say that I am very close to the water and the sea. I have been building RC models for more than 30 years and I have to say, I'm still not very good at it. But that's not what it's about, I just enjoy it when a bare hull slowly becomes a ship. The first ship was the Krappenkutter "Tön12" from Graupner. The ship is now over 30 years old and I still sail it, and I will never give it up. Then came the ocean tug "Zwarte Zee" from Billig Boats. Then I bought the ocean tug "OCEANIC" from Hegi at a flea market and restored it. It was in a pitiful state. Now it's sailing again. After that I built the whaler "RAU IX". I'm currently building the "Britannia" from Mountfleet Models. If there is interest, I would start a construction report here.
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