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Don Jane

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Everything posted by Don Jane

  1. Sorry for the duplicates - I'm having a seniors day Ha Ha !!!!
  2. Well, I completed my standing rigging - it is definatly not museum quality, but if you don't look real close I don't think it looks too bad - I am quite satisfied being it is my first build. Now, I can get on with the yard arms running rigging, which I feel is going to be quite a challange, working with the very fine thread, but I am game for the challenge. Sorry, I don't have any pics attached - I seem to be having a bit of an issue with my upload being to large - I will keep at it and have pics soon !!!
  3. Hi Redbeard Thanks for checking my build - today I am just finishing up the ratlines so will be ready to start putting on yards in a couple of days. Hopefully, I will have more pics up later today. Don
  4. Thanks for checking it out - I am very pleased so far, being it is my first attempt at this type of project - I now have all the main standing rigging done and some of the ratlines(ladders) done - I hope to have more pics up in a day or two
  5. Hopefully I will get more posts uploaded now that I have more time to spend on my build. Thanks for checking my Build log
  6. That brings me to were I now stand on my build - I have the rat lines tied on the upper masts and have some of the main standing rigging done. So far, I am quite happy with my build - being that it is my first build and that my kit is a Billings - AND, also a LOT of help from my friends and fellow builders
  7. At this stage I had my masts done, so I couldn't resist putting them on the hull, just so I could see what the finished producy mite look like
  8. At this stage I had my masts done, so I couldn't resist putting them on the hull, just so I could see what the finished producy mite look like
  9. At this stage, I attempted the whale and as you can see in the pic, I totally messed up, so I ripped it off and finally got it rite
  10. Hull planking is now done and the finished product was not to my liking, so wiyj advise from my friend, Kip, I decided to put on a second planking - he suggested cherry wood veneer and I was very happy with the results
  11. Here are the first few hull planks - I am quite happy with the results !
  12. The above pics are up to the stage of the deck planking - I used a lead pencil to get a good effect on the deck planks, and I liked the results
  13. Finally, I am getting back to posting in my build log - as stated above I started my Bounty about 2 years ago, so I have made a bit of progress, I will post the pics that I have to date - I am currently starting my standing rigging
  14. This is my first build that I started 2 years ago and now I am just starting the standing rigging. I will have pictures from the beginning of my build shortly - Please be patient. Does anyone know were I can see details about running rigging diragrams for my Bounty. See you soon. Don
  15. I was talking to a group of model railroaders and they are doing a model mock up of a coal shipping dock from around 1900 - I am wondering if anyone knows the type and name of tall ships of that era ?? Thank you Don Jane dpjane@shaw.ca
  16. I will be watching very closely as I have just got the same kit - mine came in 2 boxes and I had a couple of buddies look at it and they were quite impressed. I haven't started to unpack my kit yet so will be looking for missing parts - the quality of the OcCre kit seems very good. I will not be starting my build for awhile yet as I have the billings Bounty on my work bench that I have just started the rigging.
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