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Jim Lad

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Posts posted by Jim Lad

  1. Well, the Stag is back, but only in a “from here on” form, as I never keep copies of my posts.


    Just to remind you, the Stag was an English revenue cutter built at Ryde, on the Isle of Wight, in 1827. 
    This was the revenue cutter that seized my Great-great grandfather’s boat Palmerin, which was the subject of a now defunct build log on the old site.  I felt it only fair to build a model of the revenue cutter as well – besides, I’ve always liked cutters.

    Oddly enough, the Stag was the fastest cutter of her day and as a consequence, the Royal Navy took her into Portsmouth Dockyard in 1839 and took off her lines, which resulted in a very nice set of detailed ‘as built’ drawings, which are housed in the National Maritime Museum at Greenwich.


    To kick off the resurrected log, here are contemporary paintings of the Stag, her inboard profile and some photos of her as she stands now.


    I’ll hopefully be posting an update next week, but in the meantime I’ll be happy to answer any questions that members may have about the build in view of the fact that the information in the old log hasn’t been
    reproduced here.









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