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Capn. Morgan

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  1. Yes I have to admit that although I’d allowed for shipping I’d forgotten the dreaded import duty and tax. It’s good news for those that, like the man selling this, have to give up our hobby through ill health that expensive machinery can become an investment. It also shows how big a hole Jim’s passing has made and shows the enormous (if not impossible) task Donna has in trying to find someone to equal his engineering skills.
  2. Shows how much we’ll have to pay to own a Byrnes saw. It sold for higher than the price new and it was 12 years old. Looks like I’ll have to keep saving☹️
  3. Thank you all who have taken the trouble to put me straight. Frankie I will invest in the book, thank you. Regarding your comment about the two yards, the bottom one is actually fixed, the "free" end terminating at an eyelet just astern of the mainmast shrouds. This does not seem correct to me and I will await the book you recommended before deciding how and where to belay the various anomalies. Dave and Popeye, what you have said exactly confirms my original suspicions and I'm glad my instincts were correct. thankyou all for putting me straight👍👍 a picture below to show how I've done so far
  4. Hi Frankie and popeye, thanks for replying. frankie, picture of the plans is below. The rigging I am referring to is the one at the forward end of the yard (marked P11 on the drawing) and the similar one at the aft end. The detail drawing of this shows the line ending at an eyelet on the gunnels with a whipping holding the rope in a permanent position. Popeye, these are the rigging I was referring to as bracers. Both fore and aft there are two (one secured each side). Regarding the sail, I have sail plans for RC and they show a sail set on the mast and the aft part of the yard, like a non-boomed gaff rig. It was this that prompted my question. You will see that the lower of the two other mizzen yards is also seized in a permanent position and this would suggest that it too would not carry a sail. Sorry about my lack of knowledge regarding the names of the various yards but this is my first historic build and learning the technical names seems to be my next important need to do. However, I hope this clarifies further what I was asking and that you wil be able to definitively answer my query
  5. Hi all I'm 4 years into my second wooden ship, Royal Caroline and still haven't stepped the masts! I am, however looking forward and have just started studying Panarts rigging sheet. Whilst I have very limited knowledge of how historic ships were sailed, I have experience with sailing both modern sloops and gaffers, and whilst I am not too worried about the historical accuracy of the ship to the nth degree, I do not wish to build a model which I do not believe could be sailable. .....and so to my question. On the angled yard on the mizzen (I regret that I forget the proper name, but will call it a gaff), Panart show bracers which have a block and tackle but which are seized at both ends. The same is shown on the mizzen yard but the mizzen topgallent is shown as belayed one end. With the gaff permanently seized it would be possible to sail close hauled but when the wind was from the beam or astern it would not be possible to use the sail. Did they lower the two sails that are seized, using only the topgallent sail in freer winds or have Panart got it wrong and one end should be belayed? Thanks in advance, I'm sure loads of you will put me straight.
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