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Posts posted by Mayohoo

  1. So trenails. That was fun. Had no idea what they were until I went over krts blog and then learned how to make them. FIrst, buy the metal draw plate from one of the website sponsors. It's worth it and works really well. I have used it for trenails but also for cannon axles and mounts. Very useful tool. So first, buy some bamboo skewers...$1.99 for a hundred. Didn't seem to make a huge difference but greener seemed easier to work with, drier slightly less so. Then use trusty swiss army knife scissor to cut in strips. Pull a strip from polished non number side to number side. Repeat to get to the diameter you need. At 0.020 inches x 48 that is nearly a 1 inch plug/trenail. On the HMS Rose that is roughly the right size. In the Goodwin book they ranged from 1-1.5 inches. I found that pulling less than 0.020 started to become painful as the trenails broke fairly easily. Anyway, as per the pictures, I trenailed the entire deck. Oh, and I was told it was pronounced trunnel...post-549-0-83509000-1361083444_thumb.jpg




  2. I tried an experiment using photocopies of the deck with the idea of precutting the pieces before attaching to the real deck. Didn't work too well as the photocopy is just slightly off and the pieces need to be hand sanded and adjusted to fit right. Oh well, worth a try...




    Also. whitewashed all the gun deck structures as per the Jotika HMS Surprise build research on the web. Another excellent source of historical information and detail for this build.







  3. After placing the plywood gun deck down and attaching with glue and nails I proceeded to the decking. I followed the Lavery book as much as possible along with the tutorials from Model Ship World that I found. I also found out that the nails supplied by AL are steel which apparently discolor or rust over time. I purchased brass ones and a nail driver from Model Expo for safety sake. 


    The difficulty with the decking was in getting everything to balance side to side in addition to cutting the planks and placing according to the pattern of the day which was I believe based on a 4 strake repeating pattern. (Excellent resources again found on the web). 




    To imitate the caulk I used indelible ink pen on the side which worked well. For the hatch and stair I actually prepared a small mini-deck below it, but unfortunately the stairs completely cover it so you can't see it. I made the stairs side by side opposite direction because that is the way they are on the USS Constitution which I saw in Boston. Also took a side trip to San Diego to look at the HMS Rose, which was the putative HMS Surprise in the movie Master and Commander. I had pictures of both, but am not sure the Mods want them in a build log. If there is interest I can dig back to post some...

  4. The measurements of the AL kit are off significantly compared to the plans drawn up by Karl Heinz Marquardt in Brian Lavery and Geoff Hunt's book The Frigate Surprise. The original plans from the British Admiralty are also available on-line for those with an itch to build the L'Unite which was the French ship captured by the British which was then named the HMS Surprise. I have chosen to make the ship as close to the Aubrey-Maturin version as I can, but I am sure that there will be liberties and errors. My best effort tho!




    Anyway, as a result I remeasured the ship and moved the mast positions slightly to reflect the book HMS Surprise.






    The stern most area had to adjusted to get it to be level, Otherwise it sloped upwards...




  5. In the beginning, December 2011. Son tore his ACL so we started a project together as he and I are both big Patrick O'Brian fans. So the objective is to build a ship Jack Aubrey and Stephen Maturin would recognize. Interestingly this kit came with a CD of instructions in addition to (as I have found out) a rather incomplete set of paper instructions. However, thanks to the wealth of knowledge on this site  (krt, gil middleton) and the moderators it is possible to plow through and progress



    post-549-0-43326400-1361077477_thumb.jpg post-549-0-61941000-1361077596_thumb.jpg




    First was to build the "shipyard" and begin construction of the frame work. It is key to make sure everything is as perpendicular as possible because once you start planking being off requires tedious sanding/filing to get things right. 





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