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Everything posted by 42rocker

  1. Thanks to all for the above posts. My error in one part of the above I used 1:32 and in another part used 1:36 that makes errors real quick. I really used to know this stuff so Thanks to all for helping me with the review. Pete38 -- Thanks for all of that info as now I can try to make a more informed choice of scales to use. You gave the following measurements """Keel length about 7.5" inchs""" and """frames about 9.5" tall and about 13" at wides point""" in the scale of 1:32 this means the model in feet is about Keel length about 19.7 feet and frames about 25.333 feet tall and 34.667 feet at the widest point. Therefore in 1:48 scale this would mean Keel length about 4.925 inches and frames about 6.334 inches tall and 8.667 inches wide at the widest point. Well how I have a few more facts to go on. This means that if I take a normal 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper that the 1:48 scale will make frames about the width of the paper and about 2/3 of the paper high. Using a 1:32 scale then the frames almost go to the top of the paper and it would almost take the width of two sheets of paper for the widest frame. Something to think about indeed. Did a quick rought drawing of a copy of frames in the two sizes 1:48 and 1:32. RustyJ -- I Thank you for the info about having to make the keelson and keel and false keel before the next step happens. As I also will be cutting and resizing wood from large pieces I'll need to think about scales. This way if I find that I should not have cut that last piece of boxwood down to .25 inches as I'm going to need a thickness of .325 for the frames. As far as wood goes I like the old Harold Hahn method of using elbony for the false keel. So thinking about elbony for false keel and what for the keel? Boxwood or parmarfin or redgum or ?? Any thoughts anyone?? Could try to dig up some cherry. Also have some popular lying around, frames I think due to color. Frames - I think that at that time I'll use a couple of different woods and leave an area on the inside of one side open so one can see the frame work on the inside. Thoughts on woods?? Popular and cherry or boxwood or ? Planking - Really don't have any thoughts on what to use there. Boxwood or parmarfin. Well cross that bridge when it's time. Inside deck planks - anyone? Cannons - wood or brass? Something to think about. Lots of stuff to think about and try to act on next weekend as I'll need to resaw a few pieces of wood. Later Tim
  2. Well I downloaded and printed the pdf and now starting this build thread. I need to review a few things before I go too much farther and get more info. 1st major question is reviewing ratio's and scales and printing. When I see the ratio of 1:48 this means to me, one scale 1/4 inch is equal to 1 foot. Therefore when I print out any plan that has a set of foot measurement like the Triton pdf has on it, I want to print such that 5 feet on the plans is equal to 1.25 inches. Right?? If I wanted to print the plans in 1:24 then I would want the same 5 feet to measure 2.5 inches. Right? Someone else is working in 1:36 scale therefore he would have made the 5 feet measure 1.67 inches Right? I guess that the next thing is to try to obtain the overall measurements off a set of plans. That way one would have an idea of the final size of the project that they would want to finish. Then after review you can pick the scale that you want to work in. In reviewing the first step pdf looks like the ship area that is being modeled is about 19.7 feet long. That what I got off the pdf. Therefore in 1:48 looking at something about 4.925 inches long? in 1:32 about 6.566 inches long and in 1:24 about 9.85 inches long That sound about right? Some help please?? Later Tim
  3. Rusty That looks great. What scale are you using? 1:48 or ? Later 42rocker
  4. I like your framing jig setup. Nice. Later 42rocker
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