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Everything posted by 42rocker

  1. Thanks for all of this info and the show and tell on the Brass Black. Enjoy the build. Later 42rocker
  2. I had the pleasure of seeing this book several times. With the change I'll have to wait on this for better times. Someday I will own this book. Later 42rocker
  3. Some nice tree nails that you have going there. Enjoy the larger scale. Later 42rocker
  4. Welcome and Good Luck to you and your building. Your frame looks nice. Take the time and enjoy your build. Later 42rocker
  5. Well a small update I should be making wood dust. But been making aluminum shavings instead. Resizing a piece of bar stock to try to finish making a thickness sander. Well heading towards the goal of getting ready to cut some wood up. Later 42rocker
  6. Well try Grizzy.com for some of your stuff, used them for years. One step (I think) above harbor freight but still low cost. Check this out for dial indicator and base. $19.50 http://www.grizzly.com/products/Magnetic-Base-Dial-Indicator-Combo-President-s-Special/G9849 That said, happy that all is ok enough for you Jamie to be able to type in your warning to everyone. That's good!! Wow where did you find the old Unimat? That's cool, a great tool that was rebuilt into a interesting piece of plastic "stuff" with a little metal of course. Unless they have redone the line in the last few years of course. Enjoy that unimat and don't try to hurt it with your fingers again, those unimats can only take so much. Keep your fingers out of them and they last longer LOL. I guess that I should note that I just walked away from making a pile of aluminum shavings with my sherline lathe. Spent the last hour resizing a piece of bar stock while working on finishing up a sander that I started a few years ago. Someday I'll finish that sander. Need the sander for the wood for the HMS Triton cross section that I'm trying to start. Later 42rocker
  7. Wow those are cool 3-D pics of the project. Who What where etc are of course question on my mind. Thanks Later 42rocker
  8. I was talking about using poplar in my frames on my 1:24 HMS Triton and still thinking about it. After reading the above I'm now going to use it to make most of my frames. I think that I will use a mix of sweetgum / redgum and poplar on the frames that I'll keep the planking and decking off from. Might have nice color contrast. Thanks for helping me choose one of the woods. Later 42rocker
  9. Like I said I bought it used and if you want good tools well. Would like to find a Byrnes table saw used also. Still looking for the good stuff. Later Tim
  10. Have a DeWalt scroll saw and it works fine. Bought a used RBI Hawk for the wife and I use it every chance that I get. The RBI Hawk is one of the better saws out there. Really like it. Check it out. http://www.bushtonmanufacturing.com/WebsitePages/Products.html Later Tim
  11. Daniel I'll skip the "gangnam style" crap due to one of his first songs about the US of A. He can play for the Washington crowd but I'll live without "gangnam style" grap. Sounds harsh but so were his words for the US of A, he said that he was sorry but that did not cut it in my book. Yes, blame was placed on those that I blame for the 1:24 scale. As I posted in another thread else where, chocks are on the list of things to add. I'll only add them to a small area that I plan to leave open to show off such detail. Pete38 has done a great service to all of us by re-posting those files and some items that he downloaded and put together. Thanks Pete38 and Thanks to the site hosts for doing this. Later 42rocker
  12. Small update. My work printer prints out the plans in 1:24 scale right on the number. Perfect you could say if every other pass was not blank that is. My wife's printer is linked to her Apple computer and no matter what I have tried 95% to 105% prints out the same undersize under scale print. That print set screen is not the same as either of mine. Over the weekend I shall try to get her to let me link my windows system to her printer and see what happens. My home printer is just not working at this time. Hoping a new print cartage will fix it, in the mail of course. So to try to get things ready for the prints to get done I have been working on the sherline lathe working on a sanding drum project that I started several years ago. Hope to finish that within the next ten days or so. So the wood is resting peacefully at this time. I'll try to make a little saw dust over the weekend. Hope all is going well with your builds. Later Tim
  13. Looks nice, hope to get to that stage in a few months. Later 42rocker
  14. You did a great job on this. Later 42rocker
  15. Thanks again Pete38 Later 42rocker
  16. I would also like to add you have some nice tools that I wish that I owned and looks like you did get some nice planks to start with. Later 42rocker
  17. Somethng to think about and then try out. Get a piece of something like 1/4" plywood then cut a small runner (piece of wood to run in your track on your table saw) glue the runner to that piece of plywood then clamp the wood you want a straight cut on to the plywood then run it thru the table saw, with the edge to be straighten hanging over. Hopefully this will straighten out one side flip 90 degrees and run thru again. Hopefully you have two straight edges and a 90 degree angle. This can now be cut on the regular saw table. There clear as mud. Think sliding platform then wood is clamped to that will make a first straight cut. Good Luck. If you can't see it in your mind, pm me and I'll try to get pics later to post and show. Might take a day or two to get them posted. Later 42rocker
  18. Have a kit and hope that it comes out as nice as your pics. Thanks for posting them again. Later 42rocker
  19. Patrick Your build looks super, hope that you find and repost everything. Good Luck on that. I've got the MS Niagara kit and hope to build it someday. Later 42rocker
  20. Mark I do believe that I have said that before... Have fun on the way. I might not every totally get something done but the travel was great. I love to learn. Now need to try to get past that stage of learning and start doing and finishing. LOL Enjoy Life. Later Tim
  21. Mark Leave them here also as it shows what a great guy Pete38 is. My thoughts for course Later 42rocker
  22. Copyrighting is such an interesting thing. I've had my photos taken and posted on other folks sites and called their work. Of course in such a grey way as to not get any legal folks wanting to jump right in there. However that said these days if you watch any film movie whatever you get to see that FBI thing about it's a crime and whats going to happen if you do. Well in the case of photos in a clear cut case the FBI will step in and go after folks for you. Remember the words Clear Cut Case. In a nut shell I look at it this way if I really care about a photo or something then I put a copyright notice or statement on it. Then if I catch someone using it I drop the dime and let the big boys handle it. Also to copy from one person is wrong but to copy from a lot of folks it's a study. As always the seadog lawyers are going to have fun with this. Look at the Royals in England and some of the fights they and others have been in. From what I have seen the mods here have and are doing a great job on this and I hope that everyone gets what they want on this. A statement on the sign up form requesting and informing about copyright is about the best that one can hope for I think. Good Luck on this. Later 42rocker
  23. Bob Can't help it, your "If at first you don't succeed, you need a bigger hammer" Makes me think of the old chestnut of "if at first you don't succeed, then don't take up skydiving" Looking forward to more on your build. Later 42rocker
  24. O'Happy Day's after checking with wife and print and manual and then fighting with the #%$%# epson website I found that if you push the button on the bottom of the paper tray then it opens up to a larger size for 8.5 x 11 legal paper. Start printing Wednesday night after I get back from kayaking with my German (Kohn) clients. Ra Ra. Before that I ordered the inking system so hopefully will not run of ink for a while. Later Tim
  25. Looks good. I have a started one that I'm hoping to finish someday. I'll be following your thread for ideas. Later 42rocker
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