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Everything posted by egkb

  1. Good point.. the Frieslanders were around till the late 70's early 80's! I'll continue down this route E
  2. Hi Nigel, hmmm the Van Speijk Class seems to have a slope from main deck to fore deck, mush as the Leander Class does and the Kortenaer class has a flush deck whereas Jans picky seems to show a break/step from main up to fore decks amidships.. what do you think? incidentally, put 'D811 HNLMS Gelderland' into your search engine, seems kinda rightish, but there are subtle differences particularly forward of the aft gun. E Later Edit Hold on.. I might be onto something, the Friesland-class destroyer succeeded the Holland Class and looks right more snooping required!
  3. Was on the track of what looked like the right class about 10 mins ago, went off onto a different path.. now can't find where I was! typical E
  4. Holland Class ? E
  5. Well done Jan.. Tis the same ship from my earlier post Nigel, bit cheeky of me it's only a couple of pages ago Jan if you wish to take a look (that was her demise and this was her launch) that's what I meant when I said ye were 'much closer than you think' just a few pages in fact... ooooh nasty! Ok Jan you are up next Eamonn Nigel the bridge wings are part of the accommodation block and always looked odd to me too! kinda 'armless' looking.
  6. Jan, Nigel ye aren't too far away.. Jan is a little bit closer though I feel, bit more work to do to catch up Nigel ! Keep Hunting guys, the boat is out there even if the photo itself isn't. Ye are much closer than you think!!! E
  7. Welcome back Nigel, I don't think the photo is online.. but the ship is! Nigel
  8. Spot on so far Jan.. that should narrow things down considerably! Keep the thought process going.. By The Way, the colour is only a primer/undercoat/rust protection take your pick.. suffice to say not her final colour Eamonn
  9. Jan, should you need a clue just let me know.. Some great video clips there by the way! Eamonn
  10. Dutch Built.. but correct flag though Eamonn That might start to narrow things down a bit ! Have only just spotted your edit Jan.. correct re Grongingen.. but incorrect re nationality of flag (French didn't cross my mind when writing the first line above) E
  11. Ahhh don't sit it out, I've found a somewhat different to my usual 'wreck photos' photo! this is a launching for a change.. I was going to go down to my local paddling pool and take a shot of a rowing boat or something, just to spice things up a bit naaa just kidding.. Try this for size Eamonn Am off to bed now guys so you'll have to wait a bit for my reply's.
  12. Henri Grace A Dieu.. don't know the 2nd name though, dragged that name up from the memory banks and took a few mins to get the right spelling.. even now I'm not so sure Eamonn Tis getting late.. and am confusing myself now but is this ship also known as just Grace ADieu, or is Henry Grace Adieu a different ship (aka Great Harry) ? Bed beckons.....
  13. Hmmmm 4 masts.. what looks like a Tudor Rose was about to say Mary Rose when your clue came up jeez back to the drawing board Eamonn edit.. was actually in the middle of typing this when your post popped up, and I thought I was being soooo cunning spotting the really hard to notice odd flag or two!
  14. Hmmmm. 35 mins.. next time I'm doing a drawing Over to you Nigel Eamonn
  15. Alas more 'Wrecks' from me... No hints at all this time.. so perhaps it will take longer than 20 seconds, I'm looking at you Nigel Eamonn Ok OK it might take 30 seconds instead!!
  16. Imperial Japanese Battlecruiser Hiei ? My eyes are wrecked looking through Battleships and then onto Battle cruisers.. that's where I spotted the Tripod arrangement on some Japanese ships and thought it worth a closer look! at one point I thought it was the Kongo, and that's when I found the actual photo Eamonn
  17. Sorry guys the only thing I got was a Load of lists with no photos and completely side-tracked by a Gordon Lightfoot song, I guess you all know the one I can't believe how well preserved many of the Lakes wrecks are (of the ones I actually found pikkies of anyhoo) Eamonn
  18. A heavy low centre of gravity cargo may help keep her upright or there-a-bouts, else she may have settled on the bottom! Hmmmmm just how deep are those Lakes? Not a 'Laker' Jan but perhaps sailing 'on' the lakes! We might be onto something here Eamonn Next stop Google 'shipwrecks on the great lakes'
  19. I know how you feel Nigel Eamonn
  20. No Worries Nigel, was leaving a bit of a 'clue train' for our non Euro coast members.. next time I'll be meaner ! Eamonn
  21. Jeez that was quick Nigel ! will have to make things harder next time, should there be a next time Over to you Nigel Eamonn
  22. Hi All, This incident happened 21 years ago (in fact 21 years exactly in 27 days!) The only alteration made is to remove the name.. Incident happened approx. 500 miles SSE of my location, and whilst you are looking at my location (over on the left there below the furry dude on the phone) you are also looking at a major clue to part of the ships name Those of you around coastal Europe may be familiar with the distinctive green colour of these vessels.. incidentally no lives were lost in this incident. Have Fun Eamonn
  23. Thanks Seahorse, I never had to clear fouled anchors but did have to stop my ship using an anchor, we had a total power outage whilst running up the Scheldt to Antwerp.. that made life very interesting very quickly!! Will post a 'Name the Ship' picture within the next hour or two. Eamonn
  24. I have 'Confidence' that I've found her sitting in Huston as you said.. Eamonn
  25. Wes, I rather suspect more a touch of 'Eye of newt, and toe of frog, Wool of bat, and tongue of dog..' for that Special Red, than Winsor & 'Newt'on Eamonn
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