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Everything posted by egkb

  1. Don't want to give tooo much away Jan but you are on the right track! E The setting of the painting is a big clue.. even made a film about the incident! BTW I removed the number Sorry teehee
  2. Emmmmmm... Pretty sure Bismarck wasn't in Lord of the Rings, Hmmmmm can't seem to see any other differences :) Eamonn
  3. I don't anticipate this taking too long, clues abound in the painting! but sure half the fun is getting the answer reasonably fast and not having to spend too many hours looking at monitors.. this is a 'keep you on your toes' kinda question Incidentally this is one of the ships I went looking for in relation to Jason/s picture above Eamonn
  4. Thanks Jason, though I didn't spot the relevance will go take another look.. Eamonn PS photo to follow soon EDIT Jeez what an idiot over here...early in the morning and all to that I only copped it when typing this and posting it.. lightbulb over the head went on immediately thereafter.. Jason!!!!
  5. HMS Jason of the Halcyon Survey Vessels Class ? Eamonn Am off to bed now, see ye all tomorrow
  6. Nigel, take a look at Halcyon Class Survey Ships.. I think she is amongst these somewhere Eamonn
  7. Shoreham Class Sloop ? E
  8. I was gonna give it to you Jason as there were only 2 ! That's the fella though Over to you for the next one Eamonn
  9. Almost there Jason only one more to go and it's yours E
  10. Yes and no.. possibly the most accurate yet useless answer to hit Name the Ship ever ! when you get there you'll see what I mean 'Kustwacht' is Dutch is it not? Kustwacht is Coast Watch or at least it sounds that way ! E
  11. OK here goes.. enjoy Eamonn Enlarge to view properly there is a hint there for Nigel in fact just hover the mouse over the image
  12. Nice one, I actually laughed out loud at that.. yup an actual 'LOL'.. Ahhhh but which Arklow Castle I actually have something, give me a few mins to stick a gun turret or an ICBM onto it in photo-Shop.. almost there! Eamonn
  13. Possibly even Sakawa ? Thankfully there were only 4.. phew! E
  14. Noshiro ? perchance
  15. Emmmm.. hmmm Agano?
  16. Agano-class Light Cruiser Yahagi? 4 in class, think it id this one! Some amazing photos of that boat surrounded by shell splashes! not a pleasant place to be!! Eamonn That odd crane arrangement at/near the stern most mast (mizzen? I can't tell on these vessels ) is what I went looking for in Google, began with British ww2 cruisers and went on from there ps any idea what's with the red circle ?
  17. A Warship? E Did I win?
  18. Totally agree Jan.. I put Empire State in myself to check last night and it 'passed', whereas I put it in again (after your comment) and up she pops! 'Beats me' what happened there I must have screwed up somewhere along the line :) Have to say that this Name the Ship is good fun, though it doesn't half soak up the time!! Bye for now. Eamonn Edit.. Jan next time I'll put a gun turret or two onto my merchant ship to fool Google....
  19. Nigel if you copy a photo, open up Google Search By Image (type Search by Image into Google) and then Paste it into the search box you get your answer (sometimes), some members reverse images for that reason to fool the system (I thought I'd done enough to fool it by making the image sepia and removing a part of the background, but not enough) You'll notice that Jan didn't give the answer! even though I think he had it 3 hours before you which was sporting of him as you were doing it the hard way I did the same thing myself a few weeks ago with a very tough Photo, but I excluded myself from the 'game' for that reason. Try it on the Empire State photo above! it really works (you already got the answer so it is perfectly fair) Eamonn
  20. That's the fellow Nigel.. I tried to make the photo look old, and so as to make it less challenging merely blurred the name, that way you could see it was a 'two' part name.. Over to you Nigel Eamonn Jan are you 'copy & pasting or dropping' the photo into Google Images I do it the hard way :) (else I didn't blur enough, darn!!) E
  21. Ok guys here we go again.. I only blurred the name this time, which is a small help (but help non-the-less 'cos I'm nice like that ) Have fun Eamonn
  22. Nigel I just popped over to your SotS build.. only had a quick look at some of the 20 pages! that is EXCEPTIONAL work you are doing there.. I too was in Greenwich within the last couple of years and agree re the unfavourable changes (was there about 20 years ago for 2 visits and found it to be an entirely different beast than it is now) have never ventured to Portsmouth though it is pencilled in for a future visit! Eamonn btw have you ever gotten to the maritime museum in Penzance ? it was done out like an old wooden warship.. clever stuff (hope it hasn't changed since my visit over 10 years ago) E
  23. Or RNLI Lifeboats for that matter Nigel (the thought crossed my mind, but only for a second or two) might just get my neighbours 2 year old to draw a boat from a photo.. easy peasy eh Until tomorrow then. Eamonn
  24. Nigel I may have found her.. I typed the Friesland Class in in Dutch well at least I think it is Dutch, sorry Jan (friesland klasse) and found the picture!! HNLMS Overijessel... The number on the stern gives this vessel! Eamonn
  25. Was just looking at her a few mins ago then continued down the list of Frieslanders, I'll try the Class name vessel herself then HNMLS Friesland? reckon we'll get there eventually! E
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