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Everything posted by egkb

  1. Nozzles.. Needles ! ? Sounds more like a Tattoo Gun Eamonn Am looking forward to seeing the results..
  2. Nice.. I actually exclaimed out loud 'Woooh! when I saw your work Did you ever think you'd get on like this a few months back Eamonn
  3. Am guessing you would recommend a plank bender then.. Are they pretty much all the same (just 'branded' differently) do you know ? Great build by the way, hope you don't mind me sneaking the question in .. :) Eamonn
  4. Sorry Jan, been a bit side-tracked lately.. Will take another look later Eamonn
  5. Am so sorry to hear of your loss Sherry, my thoughts are with you and your family. Eamonn
  6. Holy Moley that's a nice electric ... tell herself that there are no bad photos just bad photographers! Eamonn Edit.. Endeavour looks sweet too by the way
  7. Dang.. I've just been looking in Dutch Brigs... oh well back again I go! Eamonn
  8. Sherry I would love to see that.. Can you imagine it on a big seriously detailed build like yours, all the Lions and Tigers and Bears Oh My! with their heads sticking out.. Classic Thanks for the Cloth/Grain tip by the way! Those browns and blues on the hull look 'the business' too. Eamonn
  9. Wow, I completely agree with Druxey above! Better to be happy now than regretful later. Best of luck Eamonn Edit.. think a few more posts popped in there between my typing this and the post made by Druxey..
  10. Dang!... Now that is something that never crossed my mind.. slightly embarrassing too as I was around ship/boat plans for most of my 'first' career must have gotten myself 'blinkered' with the build ! Thanks Tony (again) Eamonn Thanks Kester, I think I shall have to 'Just get on with it' E
  11. Nicely put Tony.. I have a feeling that once I start a 'proper' (bit unfair to the poor ol' Bounty, but you know what I mean after the rant) build, things will fall into place.. am really looking forward to both builds (Convulsion & particularly Sher.) Eamonn
  12. Am currently at the rigging stage of a 1:46 Bounty which came to me in 'part-work' some 10 years ago (following those instructions leaves a lot to be desired , it isn't that they are bad more that they aren't in proper build order, but instead are in sections.. ie Deck, Hull, Rigging, etc.. sounds great until you realise that you can't 'rig' without parts of the deck gear in place, and you can't put them in place without knowing exactly where the lines run.. particularly when you haven't been told to put them in place in the first place.. teehee. There are NO PLANS with this build it is purely done using text and photos ahhhhhhhh! ) Still lots of fun though trying to second guess what the 'designer' had in mind though. OK rant over I didn't realise what a 'proper' wooden kit looked like until the Sherbourne arrived and I unfolded ACTUAL plans Phew I feel better now that that's off my chest.. Eamonn
  13. Yea, Dirk I was looking at the anchor handling arrangements (or LACK of them ), and the rig does indeed look a little heavy.. I found some plans on the NMM site so will have a little look into this shortly.. complete accuracy wouldn't be a problem for me at this stage, though if the information is 'out there' then I should like to give it a go! Thanks Dirk & Tony Eamonn
  14. Thanks Tony, that's really very encouraging, I will investigate Hubert S's website too.. still though, ye guys make it all look sooo easy:) admittedly I am looking forward to breaking her out (bad choice of words there I feel ) I picked up the HMS Convulsion to do first, so I shall see (it won't be till the New Year anyhoo) I want to do her justice you see as I love those smaller boat builds. Thanks again for the advice and encouragement. Eamonn
  15. Have just bought a copy of the book today myself.. thanks for the tip! Am awaiting a bulwark section that was missing from the kit before 'biting-the bullet' and beginning.. though I may do another kit before-hand to build up confidence for Sherbourne. Keep the posts coming Tony and I look forward to seeing yours too Jan Cheers.. Eamonn
  16. Will be away from computer for a while shortly guys so won't be taking up the challenge till later..
  17. Take a quick look at the time differences over those posts, you'll see why I got behind so quickly again well done Jan & Nigel and Jason in there too! Eamonn
  18. Wow that got hectic there for a few minuets , hope my trying to keep up didn't annoy anyone to much Eamonn
  19. Woooh that was close guys.. Nigel pipped you by 1 min Jan with the correct class (No point in naming out all the ships!) WELL DONE guys! My particular Churruca was the José Luis Díez ! they were on the go for a loooong time! Over to you Nigel ! Eamonn Got it spot on just as I was typing ! a double whammy!
  20. These bad boys were built from 1923 to 1951 !!!! at least according to WIKI (that fountain of accurate info ) I'd call that early 20's.. how are you getting along Jan? got there yet? you were right on the edge! E
  21. Jan you have the country.. Spain and yup I'd be happy with the date.. I think you are onto the class, and as that is all I require just type it in Eamonn
  22. Let me catch up guys.. whilst I was typing an awful lot of activity just happened E
  23. Not Dutch... Not Vasa.. much bigger than Vasa! Occre do a kit of her.. rem this is only for the Nationality not the vessel (there are quiet a few in class so the 'Class' itself will do!) For fun use the Occre hint as a last resort,,, this Ship of the Line was quiet a bit bigger than Victory ! Eamonn
  24. I'm not familiar with this Boat Casey, but what are the 'Sticky Up' bits of bulkhead (above deck level, if you follow me) in the third photo? Eamonn
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