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Everything posted by egkb

  1. Very best of luck with it Casey, looks like I'm the first to 'Pull up a chair' Nice looking boat to build ! Eamonn
  2. Hmmmmm how to give a clue without making things tooo easy... let me think.. try this! At one time this country had a substantial navy.. in fact one of, if not THE largest Naval ship in the world came from here! There, how's that for a clue.. bit too easy if you ask me, but I don't want to put anybody off with near impossible ships! Eamonn Edit..BTW Nigel we are actually into the early 20's.. told you she was older than she looks.. the year/s amazed me too! E Further Edit.. Sorry Jason, missed out on your answer.. again almost a copy, but she isn't an Aussie.. wrong hemisphere! E
  3. Not Amazon Nigel, wrong country! right era!! they must be using each others plans as Hunter Amazon and 'Mine' are almost identical, it wasn't intentional, just luck (bad luck for ye guys of course.. ) Eamonn
  4. Had to have a quick look at Hunter Nigel.. darn they are similar.. my one is even earlier!! Not off to bed just yet, have another shot I have 10 mins or so Eamonn
  5. It was soooo easy to confuse the two... Thanks Nigel, my next one follows below.. Small hint, they may be a little older than you'd think (well, they were older than I thought anyhoo:) ) Am off to bed now after a busy day, so I shan't be answering till morning.. Have Fun Eamonn
  6. Taihō ? Eamonn
  7. After a quick look she seems Japanese Arklow Maru ? Eamonn
  8. Easy mistake to make Nigel, but the Arklow Warrior had 15 X 20'' guns in 3 turrets (must be where the Iowa class boys got the idea for more than 2 guns per turret from.. true story ) Eamonn Won't be able to join in the game till much later today guys.. see ye all then. PS Nigel, try Arklow Castle !!.. there have been a few up already maybe it's a repeat !
  9. How are you with filler Looking forward to you getting back to this build again. Eamonn
  10. Dang.. there goes my next Arklow Castle photo.. Eamonn
  11. They look like something that fell off a Star Wars TIE Fighter E
  12. Take care Andy and a safe home. Cherish your memories.. Eamonn
  13. Wow Kester that is a lot to take in... I think there is a 'Practicum' for Sherbourne in there and I for one shall be referring to it. Thanks Kester, keep up the good work. Eamonn
  14. Dang Jason I was going through the HNLMS ships earlier and stopped for dinner etc Eamonn Any idea what is with the 'square' thingies attached to her sides?
  15. Sorry Nigel, I was offline there for a bit.. went to see Gravity ! in a word WOW... but since MSW isn't for movie reviews it is back to Name the Ship.. but will have to wait till tomorrow as tis a tad late and I'm still reeling from the film.. again that word..'WOW' See ye guys in the morning! Eamonn Nigel it does have that WW1 look of Gallipoli about it.. shall investigate in morning!
  16. You may have answered your own question Jan (they are Jason Class, MSW member Beef Wellington, who was playing earlier his name is 'Jason' and the answer to his last 2 ship questions were all 'Jason' !) I do believe you have the ships name with your last post 'Wolves'... her name of course is HMS Wolverine Over to you Jan.. Cinema time for me so I must absent myself for a while.. best of luck guys! Eamonn
  17. OOOOHH! almost there guys.. keep going with those thoughts Jan! Eamonn Don't forget the Beef Wellington link !
  18. Another clue would be Beef Wellington.. Eamonn BTW Not Alligator or Crocodile (if that exists) or even Crocagator
  19. Not Reindeer Nigel, though she is a bit of an animal Eamonn
  20. Some more investigations required Nigel... BTW the world famous Arklow Warrior was 'bout 100 feet longer with 5 funnels if memory serves.. Eamonn
  21. Not the Arklow Castle.... LOL E
  22. Dang, Jason guessed and I haven't even posted yet You and Nigel can form a 'tag' team... Tee Hee Next Photo is ready... and the clock starts.... NOW Eamonn
  23. HUH !! I was just kidding !! just posted before going for dinner with the intention of searching afterwards.. Ah jeez now I have to find a question :) Eamonn
  24. Just a quick guess HMS Jason tee hee Eamonn
  25. And the winner is Jason.. HMS Amethyst and the film was Yangtse Incident Over to you Jason Eamonn
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