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Everything posted by shawn32671

  1. Thanks Moonbug and 3sheets, I always hate sanding the most but I've finally got the hull sanded and ready for the second layer of planking. I had a few oddball real low spots somehow that I had to fill in and a few high spots which are expected but it's good to go now. I may hold off on working on the Swift for a bit because a Midwest Products Sakonnet Daysailer is expected to arrive in the mail this afternoon. Besides that, I need to give my finger tips a break from holding down planking and get this thick layer of CA superglue scraped off of my fingers ;-) I have clamps but no real need to use them as much when using CA glue. Of course CA accelerator/kicker helps loads too. Sorry no picture to post of the sanded hull...It looks the same as my last picture anyway other than being smooth.
  2. Quick update...I finished the first layer of planking on the hull and just need to do some minor trimming and sand the hull before proceeding to the second layer of planking. I think it turned out pretty nice.
  3. I guess you are only as good at something as you think you are. I sure don't think I'm that great at planking hulls but I'm learning. I did end up having to bevel the 3rd plank at the bow on both sides of the hull and will likely be doing so with the 4th in line as well. All in all, I think it's coming along nicely though.
  4. Just making sure as I've seen several different ways of laying the first initial plank, some cut and bevel the edges, some do as I'd done and just lay it all the way across. Some start from the deck and work towards the keel edge, and some from keel up to the deck.
  5. I know this isn't a major update but I got the first plank on each side glued down...I'm still new at planking and since most of my builds have been sheeted hulls rather than strip planking, I'm hoping I'm doing this right.
  6. Thanks 3sheets, I've waited long enough to get back to work on this, that's for sure ;-) Well, last update for tonight, I got the bulkheads all faired and ready for planking and glued down the deck sheeting. Please be sure to check out my picture show video of what is finished up to now on this kit at YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnDZ2IDFqNw
  7. I finally got the twist out of the keel. I gave the hull a twist in the opposite direction and glued in securely a square piece of 1/8th inch plywood and it appears to have removed the twist, the keel is dead straight across my ruler and the tops of the bulkheads are all even with each other when looking across the top of the keel. Thanks goes to Moonbug for talking me into trying to get the twist out before I proceeded further.
  8. Yup, they're there now, great idea for getting the twist out. I've gotta at least try to myself.
  9. Moonbug....Believe it or not but the twist in the keel as seen in my pictures above was way way worse than that before I soaked it overnight and flattened it under weights for a couple days. I still couldn't get all of the twist out but I'm hoping to try to get the rest if not most of the twist out once I glue down the deck sheeting.
  10. Quick update, bow and stern blocks are finish sanded. Philo, the photos in my previous post were of the bow and stern blocks just roughly shaped. I use a metal bur in my dremel tool to remove material fast, then switch to a sanding drum to get the shape close then hand sand with a small sanding block then finish sand with a sheet by hand and divots are gone. Next I'll be fairing up the sides and starting the planking.
  11. A Hobby Lobby in the next town over carries an assortment of balsa and I was just there the other day but didn't think to get anything. Iu wll sure pick up a few different pieces next time I'm there to at least have on hand.
  12. Thanks Bug and Keith...I sure wish I'd had some balsa blocks on hand or I'd have surely tossed out the bass blocks for sure, I hate messing with carving that crap and there's no need for such a hard wood anyway. Also, it's probably going to be overkill but I plan to add 1/4 inch square stock between all bulk heads near the keel to have a good surface for those first couple of planks to have something stable to grab onto. As far as kit bashing goes, I really like the looks of the stock photos on the kit box so I will probably stay mostly stock with this build with the exception of maybe adding a few cannons. I had also ordered a set of pre-sewn sails from Artesania Latina and received them in the mail the other day. I was going to make my own from sail patterns I'd gotten from Popjack but the pre-sewn ones I'd seen online looked so nice. I've had loads of fun building a bunch of Midwest Products kits over these past few months but it's nice to get back to building a tall ship again.
  13. I'm finally getting back to work on my Swift build and so far I have the keel nearly ready for deck sheeting and the first layer of planking. As you can see though, it looks pretty rough so far but next is final sand the bow and stern bass wood blocks then fair up the sides to prep for planking. I keep looking at the keel thinking "dang that looks awful" but I'm sure it will look nice once the keel is sanded.
  14. Quick update, here is where I'm at with sails and rigging so far. This one is a bit more complicated so I'm taking a break from it for a day or so to study the plan sheet more and pictures of others work on this kit.
  15. Thanks Eamonn, work on this build is coming along nicely and could possibly be finished by late this evening if all goes well. I have the sails finished besides adding the reef lines yet after that I'll be starting on the rigging work. I'll post an update with pictures a little later.
  16. Not a heck of a lot done tonight, just the mast, boom and jib clubs painted and blocks added. I can't sleep so I'm going to tackle making the main and jib sails yet before bed. Hopefully I get the rigging finished tomorrow sometime.
  17. Now that my lobster smack has been finished, I'm getting back to work on this build. Right now I'm working on the mast and boom, I'll post more as I get something done.
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