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Everything posted by Amalio

  1. It is a pleasure for my, to show my work in a site where it is so many teachers of the naval model-maker.
  2. When I began it did not know it. Until I received a warning. It seems to me likely that like that is.
  3. The mold will be extracted, when the exterior lining is put. It is necessary to extract it to chunks, and always from the center of the ship towards the ends. I ask you a bit of patience because everything will come. Thank you very much to all.
  4. I am sorry. The translators, sometimes, do not work well. I do not understand what you want to say to me.
  5. The tables of the interior lining are stuck to the mold, only in some points. All the tables are stuck by tail in his singing (Titebond). In some occasions I use warm tail to hold the lining to the mold, but only in isolated points.
  6. . Good days. The tables where I am sticking the frames, are actually, the interior lining of the hull. Hereby, we manage to have fact one of the most inconvinient things .of doing that it is the interior lining of the ship.
  7. Good days. This model, I started it constructing in the year 2011. This one is the current aspect
  8. These are the first ones that I have. I do not have photos of the construction of the interior mold, because it did not seem to me that they had a special interest. Hereinafter there will be photos in which it is possible to see the interior, when one takes the mold. Thank you very much.
  9. Good Morning. The model is built to 1/48 scale and will be cherry wood used for the entire hull structure, frames, keel and small details of the covers, amarelo for the lining of the dead above the waterline work, and everything else, American boxwood. A greeting.
  10. Buenos días. El modelo está construido a escala 1/48 y las maderas utilizadas serán cerezo para toda la estructura del casco, cuadernas, quilla y detalles pequeños de las cubiertas, amarelo para el forro de la obra muerta por encima de la línea de flotación, y para todo lo demás, boj americano. Un saludo.
  12. Hola a todos. Mi nombre es Amalio, y soy un apasionado modelista español que se dedica al modelismo naval desde hace muchos años. Quiero mostrar una forma diferente de construir la enrramada de un casco. En este caso un navío de setenta y cuatro cañones español llamado Montañes. No es un sistema desconocido pero si poco utilizado. Se trata de construir un molde interior sobre el cual ir colocando todas las piezas que componen las cuadernas. Creo que estas fotos son suficientemente explicativas. Espero que os gusten. Muchas gracias
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