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About Kimberley

  • Birthday 02/10/1966

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    Hubertus, WI

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  1. Bummer. Oh well, I am going to go look at all the ships again at the Manitowoc Maritime Museum next weekend. We had to cancel it for this past weekend due to weather. We went there last year. That is when I decided I wanted to do model ships. Now if I can just get my ships to want me to build them nicely, I will being doing great. This time I am going to take tons of pictures while we are there. I am getting closer to starting the rigging on my small USS Constitution I am doing, so I am hoping I can figure some things out by looking at the ships at the museum. I sure wish one of you lived closer and could give me some hands on help.
  2. Wow! I would love to go to one of those contests and see all the ships. I wonder if they have any in WI. Kimberley
  3. I finished putting all the pieces on the deck. I have a question. Some of the holes on my deck ended up too big. Someone mentioned something about using plastic off of one of my trees and melting it down to fill in holes. How do I do that? Or is there some other way I am supposed to fill in gaps? I put the gloss on the hull which blended in the black that I kept using to cover up the white stripes I didn't like. I also got the cannons in the hull part. Next move is to get the hull and deck together. I am hoping like heck I get it right so the back end fits on right. I will have Eric help me put the hull and deck together. Here is my deck and a picture of the Testors' paint pens I am using that Harvey wanted to see. I do know they do not carry a whole lot of colors. At least not at the hobby store I got them at.
  4. Wow! I have gotten some great tips on priming. I had no idea. I will definitely follow your priming tips on my big USS Constitution that I am going to do after this small one. So, after I get all the parts washed, then the first step is to put primer on everything before I start painting anything? Well, I did it. I finally got my white stripes to where I like them. The hobby store said the didn't carry the dullcoat. I will still get some somewhere else for later project. Anyway, I decided to test the Testors white pen, and I like the results. I am sure I am going to get a lot of practice taping off when I work on my next ship. I am going to also practice on my spare ships. I am just glad to have the white stripes done on this one. I also got my other 2 masts done. Nemad thanks for the brush examples. What size is that really small one, and do you just use it for detail work? I have brushes down to 0.
  5. "Sperimentin" is fun Sam. I am glad I have 2 messed up boat that I can use to practice on and experiment on. So when I do my next ship, the USS Constitution 1:96, should I prime all the pieces before I start painting anything? I am going to have a lot of questions about priming that one. I am still kind of confused about priming. I got most of my cannons done on the deck. I am very pleased with the outcome this time. I used my pin vice, another great tip you guys told me to get, and opened up the holes more so the cannon pegs would fit in them. Last time I just stuck them on without really putting the pegs in the holes because they did not fit. It was a real mess. Here is what it looks like so far. You can also see that I am using a gloss over my paint. What do you think?
  6. Wow! You ship looks great. I am working on the same ship. I keep trying to get my white stripe on the hull to where I am happy with it. That has been the toughest part for me so far. Right now I am working on my masts and the cannons on the deck. I am using the plastic ratlines. Your ratlines look great . I like how you painted the bottom part of your cannons. This was the first ship I did, and I am now redoing it because I didn't paint or do a lot of other things on my first one. I just wanted to get the feel of putting things together. My biggest problem is the rigging on these ships. I am still trying to learn how to tie the knots and get the thread tight. Kim
  7. MSSpringer, thanks for the amazon link. I did ask Eric about my brushes, and he said they are good brushes. Not the best really expensive ones, but they are good. Eric said they are the correct type of brushes for the paints I am using. I do have some pretty small ones. He said you can go even smaller, but he does not see a need for that yet. I guess I will find out the more I paint. By the way, my husband is an industrial designer, so I do trust him when he tells me things about paints, brushes, etc. That is why he is so good at free hand painting on his model cars. I want to do my own paint. That is why I am learning so much from you guys. Thanks for the tips Sam. I am going to try the tape off tip on one of my older ships. I am going to go to the hobby store today. Hopefully, I can find the dullcoat. I have been working on my masts the last 2 days. I am also going to start putting the cannons on the deck today. I don't want to put the hull cannons on until I get it completely painted.
  8. I am mostly using Testors enamel on this one. I am also using Model Master clear gloss and some Vallejo acrylic. I don't know how good those are. You may be right. I may need to get some better brushes. I am using a set Eric got me for Christmas one year when I thought I wanted to learn how to do water color painting. I will ask him if they are good brushes or not. I truly don't know. I have been playing around with the different sizes and ends to see how each one works. I didn't have a lot of luck when I tried the dry brushing. I probably had too much paint on my brush. I did the name plate with a small brush. I still need to learn how much paint to put on a brush when I am painting. I still have a lot to learn. Kimberley
  9. I have completed one mast. The front mast. One of the most important things I first learned from you guys was to make sure I glued plastic to plastic, so I have been filing away the paint where I need a part to be glued together.
  10. Thanks Bob. I missed your post because I got up from my chair before finishing my last post. I can practice the taping off on my first Connie, and on another ship that I totally messed up. I am truly looking forward to my large Connie, because I do believe it is going to be easier to work on a large ship. I need a bigger work space before I start that one. Eric is already planning on making a bigger work space for me. We are using one of our extra guest rooms to work in. We need to get rid of the twin beds in there so we will have more space. He has been doing model car kits as I work on my ships, but he does not take it as serious as I am with my ship building. He just wanted to have something we could do together. He likes to work on real cars. We bought a 1976 MG Midget last fall that he is restoring. He has been trying to work with me on painting techniques. Unlike me, he is good at free hand painting. He is really happy I have you guys trying to help me out and giving me tips on these ships. He is on 2 forums for real cars. Kimberley
  11. Harvey, yes you did answer my question. What you said made a lot of sense to me. I am not happy with it. I covered it up, but I am also going to step away from it right now and work on other things. You are right. What is the point of building model ships if you are not enjoying it. I am letting that one white line drive me nuts. I learn something from you guys every time you talk to me. My next ship, I am going to prime it first. I understand now why you want to prime it. At least I think I do. You prime it so if you make a mistake that you need to redo you can go back over it with your primer color because it will match the primer. I can't match the black plastic perfectly with a black paint when I cover up mistakes. Am I close as to why you prime it? I don't always catch on to what you guys are trying to tell me at first, but then from experience I start understanding some of the things you are trying to explain and teach to me. Nenad, your finished line looks great! I need my young steady hands again. My hands are not as steady as they used to be. I got the straight line on the copper part because I did do the edge first, and I did it nice and slow. Then I filled in the surface. The white sure is not as forgiving as other colors. It is very intimidating. On a positive note, I did get the x-acto with hands and magnifying glass yesterday. I am using my Birthday money to buy stuff for my model ship building. I really appreciate you guys sticking with me and trying to help me out. Kimberley
  12. I decided to tape off with the Tamiya tape like you guys told me to. I did find it at the hobby store. I figured I should probably start learning how to tape off. I spent all afternoon on it. I did 4 thin coats. This is what I ended up with. I did my best to clean up where it did mess up. It is so tough to do this part. The white paint is so hard to work with. I am not sure what I am going to do. Either leave it like it is, cover it up and try again, cover it up and leave it black, or cover it up and go a head and try the white pen. I am not sure how it is going to look if I try to cover it up again. I am quite disheartened that I can't get it perfect. What do you guys think would be the best move at this point?
  13. Thank you everyone for the tips. Where do I find Dullcote and Tamyia tape? I am going to try the white pen first and see what kind of result I get. I am curious as to how good the Testors pens work for straight lines. I am always the curious little critter. I almost have everything painted on the trees. I know this is probably not something usually done, but I am putting a clear gloss over everything (see picture). Not everything on the tree in the picture is done, but you can see how the gloss looks on the boat. I like the shiny effect. My white painted parts looked so blah, so I decided to try the clear gloss on them, and I really like the way they look now. It is really difficult to get the white paint to look good on the plastic. Personally, I really hate the white on the ship, but I am sticking to the instructions. I find it funny that the ship example they show on the box is different in some colors than what they have in the instructions. They don't even say to paint the stand in the instructions. I painted it the way they had it shown on the box. I also added the gold where they show it on the box picture, even though it is not in the instructions. Harvey I am going to try your X-acto knife trick for scraping off stray paint. Bob I promise to take my time. I admit I am bad sometimes about not taking my time. Hopefully ship making will teach me some patience. The ironic part is I am a perfectionist. I have had to accept the fact that it is going to take me time to get my ships perfected. I am not going to give up. Hey, we are going to the museum this weekend. I will post pictures.
  14. Bob and Patrick, I did not mask off before trying to paint the white stripe. Last time I tried to mask off something with tape, the paint ran under the tape. Needless to say, I am iffy when it comes to tape. Bob the problem is the white stripe runs right in between the cannon windows. There are oars I have to avoid getting paint on. It is hard to explain. It is really bumpy, and I am not sure tape will work. I am going to give the white Testors pen a try first. If that does not come out too well, then I will try to figure out how to tape it off some way. Thanks Bob. I did the copper without taping off. I am pretty happy with the results. Dave I used a small brush. I actually like how it turned out. It is not really detailed, but I like the effect. I practiced on my other Connie that I never painted. I also did the name plate, and I am pretty happy with it. It is not perfect, but it is pretty darn good for me. I think I am actually getting better at this.
  15. Your ship looks amazing! Is this ship going to be showcased somewhere so others can see it? Kimberley
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