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  1. Ed, I have a question on your Mill. You have mentioned on a couple of occasions concerning measurements using the mills controls. Specifically: "All holes were located using the calculated spacings, set by the mill's calibrated wheels" Are you referring to the factory x and y aluminum handwheels? Or have you added a degree, decimal or inch wheel to monitor movement Steve
  2. Ed, I apologize for wording my question incorectly. I should have pre-phased my query with the statement that, I did NOT wish to print on the smaller 8 1/2 x 11 paper and would instead prefer to print on one sheet. When the local copy store pointed out the copywrite on the print, I was not sure on how to procede. I still wish to obtain a single sheet copy and will look elsewhere for a compatible copy merchant. Thank you for your support. Steve
  3. Ed, Well so much for Plan A. The local copy spot refuses to copy the shipway print due the copywrite notice printed on the sheet. Do you have any suggestions? Are there others hee on the 'left coast' with the same problem? If so how have you got around the "copywrite' issue? Steve
  4. Ed, Thanks for the clarification on the number 2 & 8 drawings. Along that point, I'm NOT sure that my printer "HP Oficejet Pro 8600" will allow 11" wide paper. So Ill probably take the PDF to a local Big Box offfice supply/copy store for printing. If I do, I'll ask that the print in be in (1) continuous sheet..Do you see any potential problems by doing this? Are there measurments I can take of the completed print to insure as much precision as would be required for a wooden model? Steve
  5. Ed, Just received your YA book from Seawatch.It is GREAT and I look froward to starting to build her when time allows. I do have a question regarding the plan drawings included. My set appears to be missing DRW# 2 & 8. Could you please explain, or is my set short a couple. Steve
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