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Everything posted by ringbolt2013

  1. This is quite interesting.... I use a rock tumbler for my blocks, a few minutes and presto great blocks ...weird huh. I do prefer the lighter bass wood fittings to the darker stuff.....depends I guess. Looks like a fine kit you've got there. I hope you don't mind my following along with you as you go forward with this build. Tom
  2. You are starting to get me interested in the newer sailing vessels. My usual bill of fare ends at about 1920 and fishing schooners! Go figure! Very nice start ... I'm looking to see how you approach the small parts you are going to have to make on this one!! Tom
  3. Definitely all around wonderful job Ollie. I'm overjoyed with how well she came out ... LOVELY!!! Tom
  4. I can see that I have got to figure out how to put in a pic or two!!!!!!!! I have been blissfully ignorant shame on me!!!! Tom
  5. This looks cool ... Now it's time to build Bligh's launch to add to the case ha ha though I think you'd like that one!?!? I'm thinking of doing that one myself. Tom
  6. Yes that looks about right on the gaff ... much better!! I don't know about you but I prefer to go with what looks right than do all the math that you have to on a real sail boat. I have and don't like to spend 4 days in calculations....you can probably get a program to do it in a couple of minutes now a days rats! Tom
  7. Yes ... The throat halyard maby could be tighter and the peak should rightly be quite a bit higher, I'd call about 40 - 45 deg ...check it out w/aliluke Very nice at this time Ollie! I'll keep my mouth shut on the flag other than to say the size is proper. Tom
  8. Ollie ... Looks like it is almost time to think about a case. I throw that idea out there because all that work is sooooo nice and it would be a shame to break something when you dust it or if you have children about the place at any time. And believe me dust will come from America and it will bring all it's relatives just because you have one of those sailing ship models. I know it sounds crazy but ask the rest of the boys and girls!! You are doing some great work there Ollie and I would like to see it last! Tom
  9. Ollie ... The old paintings are surprisingly accurate except for minor rigging details. Swivels were usually movable all along the rail so...move em' And you can leave the mounting holes there with out filling them..."realistic use" type of thing....you could probably add some holes in other reasonable places for that purpose. She's looking good there Ollie, keep it up! Tom
  10. Yours is very much as is supposed to be ... Just the right amount of space between the wood and ring! Once again spot on! Tom
  11. Ollie ... On some cutters the bits were taller and an Iron rod was used to adjust the height of the butt of the Jib...this moved the pin rail aft to adjoin the windlass bits. But I don't think that will work here ... maybe a larger notch in the jib and a supporting bar or extra wood above the rail would work?? An idea anyway. Tom Another thought ... invert the jib and place a bar for more wood for support in other words place the Jib above the rail and see if that works. I myself would draw it up to scale an check it out before cutting anything or deciding anything first!
  12. Bow deadeye is dead on Ollie!! Right on...should be a bit bigger than the shrouds!! After all it's taking more stress! Good eye!! Tom
  13. The topmast rope was used to lower the topmast to the deck prior to a bad storm. Lowered the top hamper and centre of gravity. The whipping and vibration can roll the mast right out of her in a blow! Coming along nicely there Ollie!! Tom
  14. The lanyard bar is really no more than a place to keep "needful things" on a sailing ship. It's old fashioned "lash it up here" to keep it out of the way type of thing. When the shrouds became steal cables it became a rod that slipped through a hole in the turnbuckles to lock them in place so the tension did not change. When I was young I got the rare opportunity to talk rigging with a man that actually sailed around the horn in an Ericson Line windjammer. A big honor!! Had him all to myself for a whole day! He was 85. Tom
  15. They are getting better with the ropes....I remember sending off a rather scathing note about some of what I got!! WE won't say how long ago though! Real nice Ollie!! Tom
  16. Yup the guns are great Ollie, and even a small frigate can be a handful! Be happy, ya did good! Even merchant ships carried at least 1 gun for signaling, they are or were used in many places. Tom
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