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uss frolick

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Everything posted by uss frolick

  1. John Adams Chronology: 1799: Frigate with twenty-four long twelve pounders on the gun deck and two twelves, bow chasers, and six 24-pound carronades on her spar deck. She retained this form when she fought with Commodore Morris Squadron, bombarding Tripoli, firing at gunboats, and engaging and destroying the 26-gun Lateen rigged Frigate Meshuda fighting alongside the USS Enterprize. She did a lot of fighting during this service. She had a bust figurehead carved by William Rush of Philadelphia. She was the first US Navy ship to carry carronades. 1804: converted to a store ship when she joined Preble's squadron off Tripoli. Gun deck full of cargo with eight long six-pounders on her quarterdeck and six long twelve pounders in the Waste of her spar deck! This would have required her having been converted to a mini-double-banked frigate! The rest of her guns were in the hold, but her carriages were scattered among other ships. 1807-09: Converted to a 24-gun flush decked corvette carrying twenty-two 42-pounder carronades and two long twelve pounders. No poop deck. Fox wrote in a letter stating that he intended to replace the bust with a scrolled fiddle head. The watercolor appears to show this. At some unknown point in her history, she received a bust head of John Adams again. Her replacement ship had one. 1811-12: Reverted back to a frigate in j.a.c.k.a.s.s frigate form in Boston, carrying thirty lighter carronades and two chase guns. No forcastle! 1813-14 Converted back to a corvette of 22 guns: armament varied in port, but they settled on 42-pounder carronades again by her 1814 sailing. Differed from 1809 version by having a 17-foot long quarterdeck (poop) cabin with a flush roof. This appears the ship shown in the watercolor. Note the sailor dudes on it. Retained this form until her breaking up and replacement in 1829.
  2. I continue ... The John Adams became whole again in early 1813. It is possible that the JA never had a full forecastle deck installed in 1812, just a short platform called a "topgallant forecastle deck" for conning, as well as the armed quarterdeck, since that is the definition of a j.a.c.k.a.s.s. frigate: a frigate with no forcestle. A confidential letter written by the new Secretary of the Navy William Jones, to Master Commandant William Crane, dated April 16, 1813: " ... You will proceed immediately to Baltimore and take command of the United States Ship John Adams, destined by the President, for a special and confidential service and in order to render her fit for service it will be necessary to cut down her topsides and reconvert her into an efficient corvette, as she was previous to her last repair and outfit at Boston. About 16 or 17 feet of the after part of the quarterdeck and the topgallant forecastle will be retained, but without armament, or any thing above other ... other [than] the crane irons and ridge ropes. Her armament will be twenty heavy 12-pounders and four long 18-pounders." Keep the cranes, Crane! The confidential mission was to have been a raiding mission around Cape Horn on to the Oregon/Canadian coast to destroy the British settlements, and to protect the American presence in the northwest. Long guns would be needed to bombard any land settlements, if they chose not to go quietly. Politically connected millionaire John Astor was to accompany the expedition, since he had financed the American settlements already there. And so the ship was fitted out in the best possible fashion, and she was ordered to carry only the highest quality stores. The plan was cancelled when Crane and the ships' entire crew was instead sent on emergency status to Lake Ontario. Crane had practical problems with the desired armament: "The long 18-pounders in the yard are so badly made that they will not stand the proof. One burst on Lake Ontario and one burst yesterday. The 12-pounders are short, heavy, clumsy pieces, not of which will clear the stern ports." Fox was known to have decreased the rake of the JA's stern when she was razeed in 1807-9, but she might have still retained an excess stern rake, so much so that the guns couldn't reach all the way out. Crane wanted 32-pounder carronades, but they could only have been transported from the foundries in Maryland and Philadelphia by sea, and the British blockade was too tight. Crane was unable to enlist a full crew in New York either, in another letter to the SecNav dated May 4, 1813.: "I discover a very strong prejudice in the seamen against the John Adams." Since the ship had been repaired and fitted for the tastes of Mr. Astor, it was decided to send her off on a diplomatic voyage. The retention of a long piece of the quarterdeck was probably to house Astor and his staff. On February 5, the JA sailed under Master Commandant Samuel Angus to England carrying "Peace Commissioners" Henry Clay and Jonathan Russell, to try and negotiate the end to the war. On the way back, the JA was to bring her namesake's son, Diplomat John Quincy Adams, home. John Quincey Adams noted in his memoirs on June 13, 1814: "She (the John Adams) carries twenty-two guns, but is now only half-armed, having but twelve forty-two pound carronades." Presumably the rest of her guns were moved into the hold. Apparently, Commander Angus suffered several "temporary attacks of insanity" after picking up Adams off the Texel, and even tried to pick a fight with two small British brigs of war on August 25, 1814, even though the JA was flying the flag of truce. The commander of one of them, the 10-gun HMS Helicon (only 18-pounder carronades), noted that the John Adams was a razeed frigate, she had all her guns mounted, and was painted all black. Her consort was the 16-gun ex-French HMS Achates (24-pounders). That would have been an interesting battle! CORRECTION, CORRECTION! HMS Helicon's consort was HMS Scylla, 18 guns, with 32-pounder carronades, a Cruiser Class Brig, not HMS Achates.
  3. Back to the USS John Adams: In 1812, after the JA have been converted to a fine fast and powerful flush decked corvette, William Banibridge ordered her upper works put back on so that he could have another frigate in the stable. The only benefit was the addition of eight 18-pouinder carronades to the new quarterdeck. She was so unstable that her 42-pounder main deck guns had to be swapped out for 32-pounders, and her two chase guns were reduced to nine-pounder and were placed on the lower deck since the new mini-forecastle couldn't take the weight. These changes caused indignation amongst the officer corps, who new well the old ship. Master Commandant Charles Ludlow took the j.a.c.k.a.s.s frigate on her maiden voyage on September 7, 1812, and wrote to the Secretary of the Navy Paul Hamilton: "I had a very good opportunity to try the sailing of the ship, and conceive it my duty to report the same. She cannot pass for more than a tolerable sailing merchant ship, and so crank that a ship of 20 guns ought to take her, in what would generally be called a topgallant breeze for ships of war." This means that her main deck gun ports were under water! Captain Ludlow continued: "When I took command of this ship from Captain (Joseph) Tarbell he insured me that it was his intention to apply to the department for orders to rejoin the ship again and wished me not to make any alterations. I have not made any of any consequence, but if Captain Tarbell is not to have her ... (which I will give up with much pleasure) I shall be under the necessity of applying for a survey of the ship, and trust can make it appear, that as a corvette, she will answer as a vessel of war, but at the present, she is unworthy of the name AMERICAN SHIP OF WAR, and I shall very reluctantly hazard the reputation of her officers and that of the service; in her present state; she will be considered by the public; and particularly with any vessel she may have to contend with, as a 32-gun frigate, when she mounts 32 guns." Captain Ludlow was of a great and influential naval family, he having a brother then serving as purser on the Constitution, and another brother Augustus Ludlow, destined to be the gallant, slain first lieutenant of the USS Chesapeake, of who the latter of which, many towns in the US would be named. (Ludlow, Vermont, for example.) Yet, he felt inclined to add: "With due deference I have made the above report, and hope I have not exceeded the bounds of rectitude." The report worked, and the JA sat out most of the war stripped of her guns in New York until the summer of 1814, intended as a 'harbor ship' for the defense of the port. But she would get her salvation ...
  4. Hey Mark, those same old ladies would also say that "Charleston is where the Ashley and Cooper Rivers meet to form the Atlantic."
  5. They are not upper deck windows. They are partial windows in the stern of the quarter galleries at the gun-deck level, but only on the upper half of the back of the galleries. You'll see what I'm talking about ...
  6. Charlie, I might have an answer for you. If anyone has both a copy of 'The Naval War of 1812', Chatham Pictorial History, Vol. 6, Naval Institute Press ANA a functioning scanner, I beg you look at page 49, bottom, at an engraving entitled "United States and Macedonian Frigates passing Hurl Gate", New York, by P. H. Hansel, Philadelphia, 1817. I believe it to be the most accurate depiction of the United States's stern. My reasoning is thus: 1. The sterns of both ships are shown in great detail, and the styles are clearly different from one another, in both the style of the scroll work to the number of windows. Artists of the period who fudged the details, usually fudged both ships identically. We already know that the Macedonian had the stern of the Lively Class frigates, two other drawings of which survive. The Macedonian is propperly depicted there with six windows across her stern, and the same style of carvings. 2. The United States is shown with seven windows across her stern, plus a pair of what I can only describe as half windows in the back of her quarter galleries. While this might be dismissed as whimsey, remember that the US had a double-decked stern and galleries at one time. So these half lights might be a remnant her her early configuration. The 1820's Charles Ware spar deck plan shows here with quarterdeck roundhouses, another remnant which no other American frigate carried. Seven windows means eight counter timbers, which the Essex was rebuilt with, and which at least one of the 36 gun ships might have been built with since a unidentified gun deck framing plan with eight counter timbers survives in the Fox papers. Congress? Philadelphia? The Guerriere class stern requires eight counter timbers too. 3. For a while, the United States and the Macedonian found themselves blockaded in the Thames River, and they were hauled up river as for as they could be, and anchored with guns run out the stern ports for protection against British boat attacks. They hung boarding nettings and ran a cable acroos the river, and rowed a constant guard down stream. They became quite the tourist attraction, but nobody got too close, and so they were viewed only stern on. (Source: "The William Skiddy Journal", 1813-15, an unpublished private journal written by one of the USS Hornet's midshipmen. ) I believe that Mr. Hansel got to see them at that time, made his preliminary sketch, complete with two guns run out of the U.S's quarterdeck stern chase ports. His depictions of the ship's broadside are sketchy, because he could not have seen them on the Thames. He partially hides them with smoke for saluting guns, (a common artistic ploy) and he even erroneously places guns in the Macedonian's planked-up waist, a feature she never had. 4. A contemporary pencil sketch of the battle, drawn soon afterwards by one of the US's crewmen, shows seven windows as well. The original was held by the Naval Academy museum, (and may or may not still be there), but was photographed and published in John Spears's "The History of Our Navy", a lively, yet slightly racist Victorian book that is otherwise best avoided.
  7. Please note above the watercolor of the stern of the Constitution with six windows! The artist was W. A. K. Martin, and although it is hard to see here, it is dated 1837. (See M.V. Brewington "Shipcarvers of North America")
  8. There is a contemporary watercolor painting entitled "American Corvette" by William John Huggins. She is a flush decked corvette with a long rail-less poop and topgallant forcastle deck with 12 guns a side, exclusive of the broadside ports. I am 99% sure that it is of the John Adams, and I date the painting to her diplomatic mission of 1809-10. You can see it on the NMM site. If anyone can figure out how to repost it here, it would be informative ...
  9. Let's let Captain Robert not-so-Handy of the Vincennes chime in: " GULF BLOCKADING SQUADRON. 709 Report of Commander Handy, ~. S. Navy, Commanding U. S. ship Vincennes. U. S. SHIP VINCENNES, Off sSomtA West Pass, ifississippi River, October 14, 1861. SIR: I have to report my safe arrival at this place, having left the Head of the Passes on the 12th instant in company with the Richmond and Preble. On my route down it was my misfortune (as anticipated) to ground some distance from the bar, going head on. The three ves- sels were pursued by rebel armed steamers, who, after awhile, com- menced a brisk firing. The Vincennes not being able, from her situ- ation,to bring her broadside guns to bear on the enemy, I took down all the cabin bulkheads and caused two of the 8-inch shell guns to be run out of the stern ports; continued a sharp flung with them until the signal, No. 1 (as understood on board this ship), was displayed from the Richmond. I continued my firing, however, for some time afterwards. I then directed the officers and crew to repair to the Richmond and Water Witch.. Previously to leaving this ship I caused a slow match to be placed in the magazine, which fortunately did not cause an explosion. I then reported myself to Captain Pope. Ascertaining from him that there was a misunderstanding about the signal, I repaired with the officers and crew on board the Richmond to the Viveewnes, obtaining his permission to throw overboard the fourteen 32-pounders, round shot, and any articles that might have a tendency to lighten the ship, as I was more than anxious to save her from the grasp of the rebels, feeling that the vessel was of more value to the Government than the guns. Although the ship was lightened by the operation, still it was not sufficient to float her, but the day fol- lowing I was relieved from my embarrassing situation by the steamers ASOTht/t (Jarokna and life Ole/lan. I trust, sir, that my conduct will meet with your entire approbation, governed as I was from a strict sense of duty. I am, sir, respectfully, your obedient servant, ROBERT HANDY, Commander. Flag-Officer MCKEAN, IT. S. Navy.
  10. Pope wrote another report trying to clarify matters: " Additional report of Captain Pope, U. S. Navy, commanding U. S. S. Richmond U. S. S. RICHMOND, Q~ Pass i~ (Ontre, lJfississippi River, October 17, 1861. SIR: My report to you in regard to our leaving the Head of the Passes having been made iii a great hurry, in order to acquaint you as soon as possible of the leading facts of the case many incidents vere omitted which I will now report. After the first blow given to this ship by the ram, on the morning of the 12th instant, it remained under our port quarter, apparently endeavoring to fix herself in a position to give us a second blow, but the slipping of our chain, and the ship ranging ahead under steam, frustrated the object. The ram dropped astern, but soon gathered headway and ranged our port beam, receiving the fire of our port bat- tery, some guns of which were discharged twice. It then ranged ahead, passing up the river, receiving the fire of the port battery o Page 710 710 GULF BLOCKADING SQUADRON. the Preble, disappearing in the darkness. Owing to the darkness I was unable to see the effect of our shot upon her, but some officers are of the opinion they heard shot strike the ram. I passed the Preble and stood up the river, when Acting Master Wilcox reporting we were getting too close to the starboard shore, the helm was put up and the ship rapidly fell off, presenting her broadside up and down the river. As soon as she had drifted near the Head of the Passes, inef- fectual attempts were made to get her head upstream, when I found myself a mile and a half down the South West Pass. I then put the helm up, continued down the river, hoping to be able to get her head round off Pilot Town. In doing this she drifted some distance below, grounding broadside to. Soon after this the enemy opened their fire upon us, which was kept up for about two hours. The day before leaving the Head of the Passes I had succeeded in placing one of our IX-inch broadside guns on the topgallant forecastle, giving a long range, and it was continually fired during the engagement. About 9 oclock a. ni., during the firing, it was reported to me that several boats filled with men were leaving the I79~ce~2~es; some went on board the lYater TVUeL, others came to this ship. In a few nun- utes Commander Handy, with several of his officers, canie on board, Commander Handy having wrapped around his waist in broad folds an American flag, and upon being asked, stated he had abandoned his ship in obedience to signal. Being told no such signal had been made, he insisted he so read it; that Captain Winslow had so read it. The fol- lowing day Lieutenant Commanding Winslow, being asked, remarked, he saw no such signal; that when he was asked by one of Captain Handys officers if that was the meaning of the signal, sent word to Captain Handy that it was impossible to get guns out of his stern ports and fight his ship. As soon as it was thought from the description of the slow match that it had gone out, Captain handy, his officers and crew, returned to their ship. In the evening I received a note from Captain Ilandy. a copy of which, and my reply, is enclosed. After I had taken the guns and ammunition from the i1I~ Clellan she was sent to the assistance of the T7ineeiines, and endeavored to get her afloat; in the meantime I carried out a stream anchor from this ship astern, and after unsuccessful attempts for two or three hours the il/c (Yellan returned to this ship and was lashed alongside to wait until a rise of the tide. At early daylight of the 13th instant the South Garolima, Commander Alden, came in, and I directed him to proceed and if possible get the Vincenne8 afloat. Soon after, this ship was got afloat, her head downstream, and the McCeilan was instantly cast off and went to assist in getting the Vincennes afloat. As there was not room for this ship to lay at anchor, or to turii to point her head up the stream, I had no other alternative than to cross the bar and anchor outside. My mind was very much relieved, knowing that the arma- ment of four rifled guns on board the iJilc (leilan, together with the long gun of the South carolina, would keep the enemy at bay. At about 2p. m. the Vincennes was got afloat, crossed the bar, and anchored near this ship, and the South Uarolina was immediately dispatched to Pass ~ lOutre to guard that place until I could send him a relief. My retreat down the Pass, although painful to me, was to save the ships, by preventing them being sunk and falling into the hands of the enemy, and it was evident to me they had us in their power by the operation of the ram and fire rafts. If I have erred in all this matte Page 711 GULF I3LOCKADJNG ~4QIJADI~ON. 711 it is an error of judgment; the whole affair came upon me so suddenly that no time was left for reflection, but called for immediate action and decision. The ram having made its appearance the next day at the mouth of the river, the inipression is she sustained no injury from our shot, only waiting an opportunity to destroy the ships. ft having been rumored there was a panic on board this ship at the time she was engaged with the enemy, I state it to be false; both offi- cers and men exhibited the utmost coolness and determination to do their duty. My orders and those of all the officers were carried out with as much coolness as if it had been an everyday affair, and their whole conduct merits high commendation, and they would feel grati- tied to prove their bravery by being permitted to take part in the contemplated attack on Pensacola, as requested in notes from me to you on this subject. In both engagements with the enemy the whole fire appeared to be directed to the destruction of this ship, most of the shot being apparently directed to the quarter of this vessel, pre- sumed for the purpose of disabling our rudder and propeller. I omitted in my hasty report to mention the essential aid I have received from Captain Gray, commanding the army transport M~ Ciel- lam, in getting this ship and the Vineennes afloat. From Lieutenant Commanding Winslow, commanding the Water TI7tck, I received every possible assistance that could be rendered. I directed Commander French, of the Preble, as soon as it could be done, to pr~eed to Pass ~ lOutre to guard that entrance. This he was unable to do at the time; the wind being ahead and a strong current to leeward, he was barely able to hold his own. He came in and anchored, and reported to me he was quite out of wood and coal. I told him he could procure wood off the North East Pass, where he would be stationed after the arrival of one of the steamers at Pass ~ lOutre. He replied it was impossible to get wood there, and earnestly requested to go to Ship Island, where he would, in two days, procure wood sufficient for himself and the Vincennes. 1 reluctantly consented to his doing so, knowing that one of the steamers, either the South Carolina or huntsville, would reach Pass ~ lOutre in advance of him. All of which is respectfully submitted. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant, JOHN POPE, Flag-Officer WM. W. MCKEAN, (aptain. (~ovmnandinq Gulf Blockadinq Squadron. P. 5. This and my first report to you embrace all the facts to my best recollection, and if they are not satisfactory I respectfully ask for a court of enquiry in the matter; and if it can not be granted with- out detriment to the service at this time, that it may be referred to the honorable Secretary of the Navy. JOHN POPE. [Enclosure i.]
  11. Commander McKean was not Happy: "Second report of Flag-Officet McKean, ~J. S. Navy. No. 5.] U. S. FLAGSHIP NIAGARA, Off South TVcst Pass ~Mississippi [River], October 25, 186]. SIR: On the 15th instant I had the honor to address to you, from the anchoiage off Fort Pickens, a short and hasty dispatch (No. 4) inform- Ing you of the disastrous intelligence received from this place by the army steamer life Olcllan. This dispatch I forwarded by the hands of Commander Ronckendorff, who took passage in the McClellan for New York. I left Fort Pickens at 2 p. m. on the 15th instant, spoke the U. S. S. South Carolina off Pass ~ lOutre at 2 a. m. on the 16th, and at 8:30 a. m. came to anchor off this Pass. I immediately commenced an investigation for the purpose of learn- ing all the circumstances of the affair, and I am sorry to be obliged to say that the more I hear and learn of the facts the more disgraceful does it appear. N w Il------YOL 16 4 Page 706 7O~ GULF BLOCKADING SQUADRON. My first impulse was to place another officer in command and order a reoccupation of the position, but upon mature reflection I decided to await the arrival of some of the Government-built gunboats, which I can not bitt hope are now on their way to join this squadron. My reasons are as follows: The Richmond, owing to her great length, is difficult to handle in a narrow channel with a strong current, and the ~9~tyler not having arrived, I had no steamer to support her unless I withdrew the South carolina from Barataria. This I was unwilling to do, having received informhtion from the crews of the schooners captured near that place that other vessels belonging to the same owner were loading with arms i p Havana. I say, no steamer, for I am convinced from experience that sailing ships in that position are worse than useless. On the arrival of snitable vessels I shall at once, unless otherwise instructed, again take possession of the Head of the Passes. I found on my arrival that the sloop Preble had been dispatched to Ship Island to obtain wood, though a supply can be procured on any of the mud banks at the entrance of this river. I can not but express surprise that any officer should have asked permission, or been allowed to leave at such a time, more especially, as I find that the Pass ~ lOutre was left unguarded for twenty-four hours, rendering it possible that armed vessels of the enemy may have escaped, though I have no information that such is the case. 1 had prepared a precept for a court of enquiry that I might be enabled to report legally ascertained facts to the Department, but I found that it would be impossible to assemble a court and obtain the testimony of the witnesses without diverting too many vessels and officers from the far niore important duties of the blockade. ..."
  12. Here are Captain French's subsequent sailing orders, should anyone find them of interest: " Order of Flag Officer McLean, U. S. Navy, to commander French, U. S. Navy, commanding U. S. Ship Preble, regarding the cruising ground of that vessel. U. S. FLAGSHIP NIAGARA, Off Fort Pickens, November 26, 1861. SIR: You will cruise in the ship under your command between Ship Island Shoal and Sabine Pass until further orders. Commander T. D. Shaw, in the U. S. S. Montgomery, is ordered to blockade Berwick Bay. He will occasionally supply you with water. Should he not be able to furnish you a sufficient quantity, you will, when necessary, proceed to the South West Pass of the Mississippi for a supply, but are only to leave your cruising ground in case of necessity. About the time of the expected arrival of the supply steamer, you can run into Allafalaya Bay or to the anchorage off Galveston, for the pur- pose of obtaining from her a supply of fresh provisions, etc., and will resume your station as soon as that is accomplished. I am, respectfully, your obedient servant, ~ MCKEAN, Flag- Officer, Commanding Gulf Blockading Squadron. Commander H. FRENCH, Commanding U. S. Sloop Preble.
  13. Report of Captain Pope, commanding U. S. S. Richmond. Note no mention is made of the Preble signaling and firing her broadsides prior to the Ram striking the Richmond. "U. S. S. RICHMOND South West Pass of Mississippi River, October 13, 1861. SIR: I have the honor to make the following report: At 3:4~ a. in., October 12, 1861, while the watch on deck were employed in taking coal on board from the schooner Joseph IL Toone, a ram was discovered in close proximity to this ship. By the time the alarm could be given, she had struck the ship abreast of the port fore channels, tearing the schooner from her fasts and forcing a hole through the ships side. Passing aft, the ram endeavored to effect a breach in the stern, but failed. Three planks in the ships side were stove in about 2 feet below the water line, making a hole about 5 inches in circumference. At the first alarm the crew promptly and coolly repaired to their Page 704 704 GULF BLOCKADING SQUADRON. quarters, and as the ram passed abreast of the ship the entire port battery was discharged at her, with what effect it was impossible to discover, owing to the darkness. A red light was shown as a signal of danger and the squadron was underway in a very few minutes, hav- ing slipped their cables. I ordered the Prebie and Vincennes to proceed down the South West Pass, while I covered their retreat, which they did at about 4:50 a. m. At this time three large fire rafts, stretching across the river, were rapidly nearing us, while several large steamers and a bark-rigged propeller were seen astern of them. The squadron proceeded down the river in the following order: First, Preble; second, Vincennes; third, Richmond,,~ fourth, Water Witch, with the prize schooner Frolic in tow. When abreast of the pilot settlement the pilot informed me that he did not consider it safe to venture to turn this ship in the river, but that he believed he could pass over the bar. 1 accord- ingly attempted to pass over the bar with the squadron, but in the passage the Vincennes and Richmond grounded, while the Preble went over clear. This occurred about 8 oclock, and the enemy, who were now down the river with five steamers, commenced firing at us, while we returned the fire from our port battery and rifled gun on the poop, our shot, however, falling short of the enemy, while their shell burst on all sides of us and seven 1 passed directly over the ship. At about 9:30 Commander Handy, of the Vincennes, mistaking my sig- nal to the ships outside the bar to get underway~ for a signal for him to abandon his ship~ came on board the Richmond with all his offlcers and a large number of the crew, the remainder having gone on board the Water Witch. Captain Handy before leaving his ship had placed a lighted slow match at the magazine. Having waited a reasonable time for an explosion, I directed Commander Handy to return to his ship with his crew, to start his water and, if necessary, at his own request, to throw overboard his small guns, for the purpose of lightening his ship, and to carry out his kedge with a cable to heave off by. At 10 a. m. the enemy ceased firing and withdrew up the river. During the engagement a shell entered our port quarter port, and one of the boats was stove by another shell. At 10: 30 a. m. dispatched Acting Master Devens, of the Vincennes, in the ]4olic, with orders to the South carolina, in Barataria Bay, to come down to our assistance. At 1 p. m. made a steamei~ standing down from Pass de Outre toward us, which proved to be the army transport 2W~ (ilellan, with rifled guns from Fort Pickens for this ship. At4 p. m. sent the Water Witch down to Barataria Bay for the South Carolina and Huntsville, with orders to order the latter to Pass ~ lOutre and the former to this place. At 5 p. m. received on board the guns and ammunition from the Ate Clellan. My object in dispatching the Water Witch for the above-named steamers was for the purpose of having them up as soon as possible, and to send the Huntsville to guard Pass ~ lOutre and the South Carolina to assist in towing this ship and the Vincennes over the bar to prevent us being fired or sunk. I have this morning suc- ceeded in getting this ship over the bar. The McCellan and South Carolina are using all exertions to get the Vincennes off. The Night- imgale is hard ~and fast ashore to the northward of the bar. I have succeeded in reducing the leak of this ship, so that our small engines keep the ship free. This is only temporary, and the ship will have to go to some place and have three planks put in. I have received th Page 705 GULF BLOCKADING SQUADRON. 705 rifle guns, and placed the 32-pounder on the forecastle and the 12-pounder on the poop. The coal schooner Joseph IL Jioone fell into the hands of the enemy, having about 15 tons of coal on board. Could I have possibly managed this ship in any way than keeping her head up and down the river, I would have stopped at Pilot Town to give battle, but this was found too hazardous, owing to her extreme length. The attempt was made, but the broadside could not be brouoht to bear without running the ship ashore. I then concluded, as advised by the pilot, to run for the bar, and trust to chance of finding water enough to cross. The schooner Jo/tn ~V Ceni,~ is at anchor outside of the bar. As soon as I can discharge her, the guns, etc., the charter party will be endorsed as you directed. In narrating the affair of the river, I omitted to state that the ram sunk one of our large cutters and a shot from the enemy stove the gig. I am pleased to say that the Vincennes is afloat and at anchor outside on my starboard quarter. I send by the life (lellan the detachment of men belonging to the Niagara and Colo rado. I have ordered Assistant Surgeon Robinson froni the Vncennes to temporary duty onboard of this ship. At the advice of the surgeon of this ship, I have permitted Assistant Surgeon Howell (condemned by survey) to return in the iVic (ic/lan, all of which I hope you will approve. I have also directed Commander Alden to proceed with all dispatch to Pass ~ l~Outre, and as soon as relieved by a steamer to return to his station. I also loaned to him the rifled howitzer sent out for the Pow- /atan. I have ordered the master of the Nightingale to deliver 50 tons of coal to the 11Th Clellan. This, together with what I will take out, will, I trust, lighten her so that I will be enabled to haul her off, when I shall put the guns, etc., from the schooner on board. Very respectfully, your obedient serVant, JoHN POPE, Flag-Officer WM. W. MCKEAN, Captain, commanding Blockading Squadron." "Nice of Capt. Pope to name the prize schooner after me!
  14. "If a man speaks alone in the forest, and his wife is not around to hear him, is he still wrong?"
  15. Thanks for posting those Charley! The lines were probably taken off just before she was broken up in 1828. The builders in Charleston altered the plan that Fox had provided for them. They were worried that she might not make it over the bar, so in addition to lengthening her five feet, they gave her broader floors to decrease her draught - most evident in the drawing - but this made her roll more, not a good quality for a gun platform.
  16. There was allegedly a full set of plans of the lengthened USS Adams. The late Dr. William M. P. Dunne, of SUNY, told me that Howard Chapelle had them at home in preparation for his sailing Navy Book in the 1940s, but he got in a final knock-down fight with his soon-to-be ex-wife, and she reportedly burned them, along with several others (USS Portsmouth too) that belonged to the Fox Papers of the Peabody Museum in Salem Mass. How true this is, I don't know, but Dr. Dunne was in a position to know.
  17. If true, it would be ironic if John Pope's career was destroyed by the CSS Manassas! The Vincennes Captain's last name was Handy.
  18. No decorative detail, alas, although her original bust head was saved and placed on the new ship in 1829. Headrails in 2. only. The closest ship to her in Chapelle is the Boston. The John Adams was cut down in 1808 to a flush-decked corvette carrying 22 42-pounder carronades and two long twelves . She was very successful. In 1811, however, Captain William Bainbridge ordered her to be repaired with an armed quarterdeck once again, but not with a raised forecastle, and she thus became the infamous "jack-*** frigate". She was so unsuccessful that she sat most of the War-of-1812 out in New York. The quarterdeck was removed by 1814, and she sailed on one diplomatic mission to Europe. The 12-pounder Adams was cut in half circa 1809, lengthened 15 feet, and put back into service as an 18-pounder frigate. In this configuration, she was crank and unstable. All of her spar deck carronades were landed, and her upper bulwark lightened, but she never lost her upper deck. She was a spar decked corvette, similar to the Jamestown of 1844, but with one brass pivot on her forecastle. She was never cut down. Her 18-pounders were mostly only short versions called "columbiads". She was fast and beautiful, but the lengthening process moved her maximum breadth too far aft. This caused "chattering" of the water eddies at her rudder, which made her hard to steer and repeatedly wore out her pintles and gudgeons. Had she not been destroyed in 1814, she would not have been rebuilt.
  19. The attack of the CSS Ram Manassas was actually the Preble's second "battle' of the week. Two days before the battle of Head of Passes, a rebel steamer, CSS Ivy, chugged down river and opened fire on the Richmond and the Preble with her rifled 32-pounder, performing a sort of recon by force. The Union ships returned fire, but to no avail, their smoothbores just could not reach. Here is the report of Captain Pope, U. S. Navy, regarding the attack by Confed- crate steamer Ivy upon the United States vessels at the Head of the Passes, MissIssippi River. "U. S. S. RICHMOND, Mississppi River, October 9, 1861. SIR: I have to report that the Ivy (steamer) has been down this afternoon and made an attack upon these ships, throwing shot and shell over this ship and the Preble, keeping herself entirely out of the range of any guns on board either of the ships, her shot passing some 500 yards over this ship, which makes it evident that we are entirely at the mercy of the enemy. We are liable to be driven from here at any moment, and, situated as we are, our position is untenable. I may be captured at any time by a pitiful little steamer mounting only one gun. The distance at which she was firing I should estimate at 4 miles. with heavy rifled cannon, throwing her shot and shell far beyond us. This may have been an experiment to ascertain the rang of our guns, which they now have, and of oourse will quickly avail themselves of the knowledge. The guns for the battery have not yet been landed. It would be the height of folly to send coal or provisions, as they could not be taken on board under the fire of the enemy. Respectfully, your obedient servant, JOHN POPE, Captain. Flag-Officer Y~T W. MCKEAN Commanding Gulf Blockading Squadron." I suspect that shot flying 500 feet over the deck of the USS Richmond from the distance of four miles (from a 32-pounder) was a bit of an exaggeration.
  20. OK. How about this one, Canute: "No guy's Saturday Night plans survive first contact with the ladies ..." On this, we can all agree ...
  21. Here is a interesting, yet sad letter written by Commander French concerning four runaway slaves that sought US Navy protection. Note that the USS Preble and the USS Marion were identical sister-ships! How often did that happen? "Report of Commander French, U. S. Navy, requesting instructions regarding the disposition of four contrabands. U. S. SHIP PREBLE, head of the Passes, Mississippi River, October 5, 1861. SIR: While lying at anchor with this ship and the U. S. ship Marion at Ship Island, and being momentarily on board the last-named ship, on the afternoon of the 24th of September ultimo, a small rowboat wa reported as pulling from the mainland in the direction of the ship. Not certain whether they were coming there or intending to land on Cat Island, where rebel steamers had been passing, I directed Lieu- tenant-Commanding Bryant to dispatch a boat either to pursue or relieve them, as the case might be. In a short time the boat returned, bringing with them a small boat and four contrabands, or runaway slaves. They had made their escape from Handsboro, Miss., and were seeking refuge on board our ships. Their names and names of their masters are as follows: Parker Hamilton, Toney Graves, Stephen ONeil, belonging to R. C. Cowens; William Sanders, belonging to Robert Carr. Upon their statement that they were being almost starved to death, and worked to death, and that they wanted to stay with us, I directed Lieutenant-Commanding Bryant to retain them on board the Marion and to supply them with rations, and to send the other two on board this ship. On the arrival of Commander Smith in the steamer Massachusetts, with orders for me to report to you at Pass ~ lOutre, I reported the circumstances to him and received his orders to bring them all to you. I have them all here, and await your orders as to the disposition to be made of them. From these contrabands I learn the rebels have a powder mill in full blast at a place called Red Bluff, in Landsboro, on Bernards Bayou. They say it is working night and day and that daily trips are made by carts and wagons, bringing the raw materials, I presume, and taking& away the manufactured article. They state there are soldiers at Biloxi, a place 2 miles distant, and also at Ocean Springs, another landing place on the bayou, below the powder mill. One of them says a revenue cutter guards the entrance of the bayou, while the others know nothing about it. Very respectfully, H. FRENCH, Commander Flag-Officer WM. W. MCKEAN, Commander/ Gulf Blockading Squadron, U. S. S. Niagara."
  22. An unidentified officer recalled the fire in the Portsmouth Journal of May 30, 1863: "Those on the lower deck had barely time to escape with their lives, many of them being quite severely burned ... In 15 minutes the ship was untenable, and the order was given to leave. It was impossible for many of them to reach the gangway, and they were obliged to throw themselves overboard, to be picked up by the boats. In less than an hour after the fire broke out, the magazine exploded, and all that remained of the Preble was in mid air. It was the most sublime and fearful sight I ever witnessed. The flames seemed to shoot upward for nearly a mile, and writhed and wriggled like so many fiery serpents, and near the top of the flames a second explosion took place, caused by a shell or large box of ammunition. The three masts were still standing when the explosion took place, and up they went into the air, whole, with the guard flag still flying at the fore." See "Constructing Munitions of War: the Portsmouth Navy Yard Confronts the Confederacy", By Richard E. Winslow III, Portsmouth Marine Society, page 164. Burned bits of the Preble reportedly wash up after heavy storms. The wreck was discovered by the navy in 1963, when artifacts were recovered, but its location was forgotten. Currently, archeologists are searching for her again.
  23. Official Account of the USS Preble's destruction: Report of Acting Master Shanleland, U. S. Navy, regarding the destruc- tion by fire of the U. S. ship Preble at Pensacola. NAVY YARD, PENSACOLA, April 28, 1863. SIR: It is my painful duty to report the total destruction of the U. S. ship Preble, while lying at anchor off the town of Pensacola, on the morning of the 27th instant. At 9: 30 a. m. the alarm of fire was made. I immediately started for the deck, and in passing from my cabin saw a volume of dense black smoke and flame issuing from the forehold. I instantly ordered to beat to quarters, and at the same time made every effort to subdue the fire. At 9:40, finding the fire increas- ing rapidly, 1 ordered Mr. Knowlton, acting ensign and executiv Page 163 WEST GULF BLOCKADING SQUADRON. 163 officer, to have the magazine flooded and to inform me when the fire reached the bulkhead of the wardroom. At 10:15 or thereabouts the fire had reached the wardrooni bulkhead. I instantly gave the word, All hands leave the ship, as I found it impossible to save her. I beg to state that all hands did their duty in trying to subdue the flames. The officers and men lost all their personal effects. At 10: 50 the ship blew up. From a report from Vincent B. Clark, landsman, I learn that the fire originated by the carelessness of William J. Wilson, ships cor- poral, temporarily acting captain of the hold. I can not learn further than he was emptying a barrel of tar oil into the tank; neither can I tell if he had an open light or a lantern. My orders have been very positive that no open light be used on any account in the hold. For a list of casualties I respectfully refer you to the accompanying report of Surgeon James S. Knight. I respectfully ask that a court enquiry be called as soon as possible. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, W. F. SHANKLAND, Hon. GIDEON WELLES, Acting commanding. Secretary of tite Navy. [Endorsement.] From all I can learn, no blame can be attached to the conimanding officer of the Prebie. Respectfully, A. GiBsoN, Gommander and Senior (officer A/bat. [Enclosure.] PENSACOLA NAVY YARD, April 28, 1863. SIR: In compliance with your request, I beg to report the following casualties which happened during the burning of the U. S. ship Preble on the 27th instant: John Norris, boatswains mate; hand, feet, and face badly burned. William King, master at arms; hand burned slightly. William Vetterline, marine; contusion of great toe. William J. Wilson, ships corporal; suffocated. Respectfully, JAMES S. KNIGHT, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Navy. WILLIAM F. SHANKLAND, Acting master, commanding. At the time, the Preble had been rearmed with 18 heavy guns: twelve medium 32-pounders, four 8 inch shell guns and two 20-pounder parrot rifles, a battery which she could not have born at sea, but suited her status as a stationary guard ship.
  24. Not many US Naval sailing ships fired their guns in anger after the War of 1812, let alone small flush-decked sloops of war like the USS Preble. Being the dimensions of the old Wasp/Frolic/Peacock Class sloops of war, the Preble was armed with only sixteen 32-pounder carronades when launched in Portsmouth, NH, in 1839. She had a long career, sailing to China and Japan. She fought in the Mexican war and served as a cadet training ship at the outbreak of the Civil War. She was immediately sent off to the Gulf of Mexico for blockade duty in 1861, rearmed with as many modern guns as she could carry: six medium 32-pounders, one heavy 32-pounder, two 8" shell guns, and one 24-pounder brass howitzer, ten guns in all. Under the command of Captain French, she found herself part of a blockading squadron at The Head of Passes Mississippi, alongside the sailing Sloop Vincennes, the Flag Steam Sloop Richmond, Commodore Pope and the steamer Water Witch. The poor Preble was a helpless floating battery that was towed into place at the head of the line and anchored there. Their job was to stop privateers from sailing out of New Orleans. Her only movement, in case of emergency, would have been to slip her anchor and head downstream, trying not to run aground. But this was the duty required of her, as there were few steamer then available to the US Navy at that time. Just such an emergency came one dark night when the Confederate Ironclad ram, the one gun CSS Manassas, attacked them without warning. French's Preble was the first to engage, and she fired her guns almost non-stop until ordered to retire. The Richmond was rammed, but did not sink. The Water Witch and Vincennes panicked and both ran aground, after firing very few shots, and the Vincennes's captain the ordered his crew to abandon ship, and even lit a powder train to the magazine to keep the ship from falling into rebel hands. But a clear thinking quartermaster snuffed it out. All four ships survived and escaped, but the affair caused much embarrassment in the press in what became known as "Pope's Run" or "The Great Skedaddle". Pope and the Vincennes' captain were sacked, but French was praised for his cool conduct. The following is reproduced from http://ebooks.library.cornell.edu/m/moawar/ofre_fulltext.html "Report of Commanc3er French, U. S. Navy, commanding U. S. ship Preble. U. S. Ship PREBLE, Mississippi River, October 22, 1861. SIR: In obedience to your order, I have to make to you the follow- ing statement of the occurrences at the Head of the Passes on the morning of the 12th instant: This ship was anchored about 150 or 200 yards distant from the Richmond and about two points on her starboard bow, being the most advanced ship of the forces there at anchor. I had been on deck most of the time during the night, had left it but a short time previ- ously, and was lying in my berth asleep with all my clothes on, when a midshipman rushed into the cabin exclaiming, Captain, here is a steamer right alongside of us. .1 sprang instantly on deck; the order had already been given to beat to quarters and the men were then assembling at their guns. This was about 3:40 a. m. The moon had set, or was obscured by clouds, and the night somewhat dark, with the wind from the northward. As I passed out of my cabin on my way to the deck I saw through a port an indescribable object not 20 yards distant from our quarter, moving with great velocity toward the bow of the Richmond. My orders from the senior officer were in the event of discovering any danger at night to hoist a red light at the gaff. This had been done by the officer of the deck, instantly, on the dis- covery of the object, which was first seen about 15 or 20 feet directly ahead of this ship, and drifting with the current directly toward us; not a speck of light, smoke, or any moving thing could be seen on or in it, and it looked somewhat like a huge whale in the water. The instant the persons on board of it discovered our movements it seemed to change its direction to avoid us and made directly for the Richmond. In an instant huge clouds of the densest, blackest smoke rolled up from it, and we all expected to see her blown up, but afterwards concluded it must have been the ram, of which we had been told so much. It next made its appearance about a hundred yards distant, and directly abeam of this ship, where it lay quietly for a few minutes, apparently hesitating whether to come at us or not. 1 instantly opened my port battery and gave her three broadsides in rapid succession, the Richmond also firing. She then slowly steamed up the river, and when on our port bow threw up a rocket. This ship had been lying all the time with a range of only 15 fathoms cable, in readiness to slip in case of emer- gen cy. While firing at him word was passed ~that the Richmond was going ahead of us and to hold our fire. I was directing the firing at the battery, and hearing it, looked out of a port and saw that she was astern barely lapping my quarter, and therefore continued my fir- ing until the ram was out of line of pointing. 1 at once manned my deck tackle (for my capstan has been crippled since the hurricane at Key West, and I and therefore compelled to use deck tackles) and beo~an to heave in my chain. Immediately on the rocket being thrown up from the ram, three bright lights were seen coming down the river directly toward this ship, which we at first supposed to be steamers coming to attack us. They soon, however, increased so rapidly in size, that we were fully convinced they were fire ships, and such they proved to be. I was then working smartly with my deck tackle, and should have succeeded in weighing my anchor, when it was reported to me that the Richmond was steaming down the river. 1 could not and would not believe it possible until I ran aft and saw her astern and heading down. The fire ships were then not more than 150 yards dis- tant, directly ahead, and coming down upon this ship. At the urgent suggestion of the first lieutenant and other officers, I then gave the order to make sail and slip the cable, having first taken off the slip buoy, so that the enemy should not easily obtain it. The ships head was immediately headed toward the South West Pass, orders to that effect, in the event of our being obliged to slip at any time, having been for some time previously given by the senior officer present. The moment this ship was discovered by the fire ships (which were in tow of two steam tugs, one on each side) to be underway, their direc- tion was changed toward the Richmond and Vincennes, which were on the opposite side of the river and below this ship. Continuing down the river I came up with the Richmond, which was burning the Cos- ton signals, and passing within a few yards of his stern, I hailed and said I can hear your orders; what are they? The answer was Proceed down the Pass. We were so near my reply was made without the use of a deck trumpet. I continued down the Pass and soon passed by the Vincennes, which soon after signalized to Richmond, Shall I anchor, which was answered by general signal Cross the bar. Not long after the Vincennes was discovered to be aground, with her stern up the river. This ship shortly after took the bottom, and I feared would also stick, but after two or three smart rolls worked herself over and crossed the bar, when I anchored near the coal ships liTi thn and Nightingale, to protect them in case of necessity. I should have stated that the fire ships were towed on shore by the enemy at the Head of the Passes, and two or three steamers were seen coming rapidly down the river to attack the ships. The Richmond was at that time slowly moving down, Water Witch assisting Vincennes. The engagement had now commenced between the Richmond, Vincennes, and Water Witch on our side, and three of the enemys steamers, one o them being a large bark-rigged vessel, said to be the iJfiramon, but now called the McRae; two other steamers were also in company, but I could perceive no firing from them. At this time signal was made from Richmond to ships outside the bar to get underway. I, of course, obeyed the signal, as did also the Kuhn; the Nightingale being ashore, of course could not. It was not long before we discovered the Richmond to be aground; the firing continued about two hours or more, when the enemys. steamers retired up the river. About noon received from the Water Witch 6 officers and TO men from the Vin- cennes~, which, we then learned, had been abandoned. The only signals I saw made by the Richmond during the engage- ment were those made to this ship, and one other to Water Witch, Engage the enemy. Respectfully, yom obedient servan ~, H. FRENCH, Commanding U S. Ship Preble. Flag-Officer Wi~r. MCKEAN, Commanding (Gulf Blockading /Squadron, U. S. S. Niagara.​)" The USS Preble was relegated to guard ship duties in 1863 at Pensacola, FL, when she was destroyed by an accidental storeroom fire. The Preble and her four sister ships Decatur, Hull, Marion and Yorktown, deserve to be modeled. A full set of plans survives of her drawn by Chapelle for the Smithsonian.
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