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Everything posted by EinsteinTaylor

  1. I don't mean to flood the log but I really want to get this part right and get feedback before I glue things.
  2. Need to tighten up the fraps a bit but didn't want to glue until I got down feedback from the experts here.
  3. Even with the smaller hooks the blocks are virtually touching each other. Not really sure what to do.
  4. New(unpainted) hook next to one I was using before. Hopefully the smaller ones help.
  5. First dry fitting. Nothing glued yet. I'm not happy with it. I think my main problem is the size of my hooks but I'm not sure. The single blocks are 2mm and the doubles are 3mm so I don't think I could have gone any smaller there. Any tips?
  6. I have looked at Syren's and they are indeed first rate work. For as small as these are and as difficult as they will be to see I couldn't justify the cost on these guns. I am still considering them for much of the other rigging if the admiral will approve the purchase. Good catch on the brackets. I do have them and am just waiting for the paint to dry. This was the gun I used for test fitting all my gun frames and so just haven't put the brackets on yet.
  7. A couple of pictures of my first gun with all the ring bolts put on. Kind of hard to get a good picture with the shadows but I like how it came out. Waiting on some 3mm double blocks to come in from age of sail so I can start mounting the guns.
  8. This is as far up as I'm going with the second planking until I get the main gun deck guns installed and then the quarter and poop decks put on. I've started assembling gun carriages and making rope while I wait for the replacement guns to come in from Cornwall.
  9. Interesting stuff Canute! This is just a clear semi-gloss. Goes on looking a bit like watered down milk but dries nice and clear and leaves a great finish. Really made the Yellow Ochre pop.
  10. Thanks for the info Joe. I put one coat on. Turns out it's Model Master and not testors but it really took that yellow ochre up a notch and I'm very pleased with the effect.
  11. This forum seems to be such a wealth of information on the Victory that I thought I would ask this here as well. I have painted the inner bulwarks on the upper gundeck in Yellow Ochre from the Cornwall paint set. I am very happy with the color but it has a very very matte finish. I have a bottle of Testors semi-gloss clear coat that I am considering painting over with to give just a touch of shine to it but thought I would check with you guys that have seen the real thing up close or know her better than I do. Is the finish truly a flat matte or would a semi-gloss finish be appropriate? Thanks in advance!
  12. Thanks for checking so quickly! I'm considering a couple of options...Cornwall has a 4 pack of brass cannons with carriages that I could paint and be pretty close. Hobby Lobby also has a small casting kit and I think I could cast the barrels I need and scratch build some carriages. The guns from Cornwall are cheaper but everything I order from them takes about 3 weeks to arrive. Decisions, decisions.
  13. Grant(or anyone else that has built this kit), I could use a little help. I'm getting ready to build the guns for the upper gun-deck so that I can then install the quarter-deck and keep building/planking my way up. In doing so however, I have counted only 28 of the large carriage mounted guns, and 10 of the smaller carriage-mounted guns. I also have 38 carriages, so it seems like this is intentional. The problem is, that the main gun deck has 30 gun ports, so my question then..am I supposed to use 1 of the smaller guns per side on the upper gun deck, or did Mamoli short me 2 guns and 2 carriages?
  14. Hey all. Haven't forgotten or abandoned this. Been a busy year. Started grad school. Wife had a baby, rearranged house to accommodate said baby(resulted in a much upgraded ship yard). Had paused work on the Victory to try to finish my galleon project. Now I'm back to Victory while I wait on sewing help for the sails for my galleon(visible in background). Attached are pictures off new shipyard and progress on second planking.
  15. Placing the first strip of the second planking. Gun ports painted and inner bulwarks planked and sanded on upper gun deck.
  16. Grant...she's Spectacular. I'm thinking you're next order of business should be to write a book to sit next to Longridge on our shelves.
  17. Folks, I could use some expertise. I'm starting to plank the inboard portion of the upper gun deck and am stumped on what color to paint it. The Mamoli instructions say yellow ochre however every picture of the real ship I've seem have the gun decks painted white. The closest thing I have found to an authoritative answer is in Longridge and all it says is "internal workings generally yellow". Can anyone clear this up a bit for me? Personally I think I prefer white but I would rather be correct to 1805 than pick colors I like. Thanks in advance!
  18. Grant,(or any other experts), I've got the hull shaped and the gun ports painted and am about to start the planking of the inside part of the upper gun deck. The Mamoli instructions say they should be painted in yellow ochre but every picture I have ever seen shows the gun decks as white. Just another Mamoli error?
  19. Both sides first planking is finished. Have one side slathered with filler. Once it dries the other side will get it too so that I can begin sanding and fine shaping. I think after that I will install the guns and the upper deck and then finish planking upwards before starting the second planking.
  20. Still working on initial planking. Will be much to fill and sand but that's why you do two plankings right.
  21. Thanks for the info. I've been laid up with pneumonia all week so just barely bent another pair of strakes after that lovely delay.
  22. So I'm sitting on a few bucks extra cash and considering ordering one of the serving machines. Wondering if they are worth it and what exactly they do for you.
  23. That's what I'm working on as we speak. You should be able to see them on the upper gun deck so far
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