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    Henfield, West Sussex
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    Jazz, History, Medical Physics, Ale!

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  1. Great to know @SpyGlass thanks for the heads-up! That must have been pretty frustrating for you.....
  2. Been focusing on finishing my Model Shipways Muscongus Bay lobster smack but ready to start some small progress with Pickle. I've got my work area nicely set-up; Holes have been drilled throught the keel for later mounting and I've test fitted some brass rods. Not decided on mounting pedestals yet though. I've also fixed some bits of 5mm ply on either side of the holes, as per the instructions (not very elegantly but I figured they'll not be seen..... Next - dry fitting the bulkheads - so far so good; As others have found, the false deck doesn't fit straight from the box and needs to have the aft-most slot extended; IMG_2105.HEIC
  3. Thanks @SpyGlass-your log is fantastic and is going to be a crucial resource. The bulkheads fit the original keel really tightly. The replacement I’ve just received slightly less so but still fairly well…..false deck needs some work to fit, as I’ve seen in others builds….. I do like how much time and care you give to prepping the keel/BHs-I will try and do the same.
  4. Wow - thanks all for the warm welcome! 😊
  5. Hello! Welcome to my build-log for the Pickle. This is my first kit after working through the excellent Model Shipways Shipwright tutorial series of boats. One of the reasons I chose Pickle was down to the many excellent logs already here by other users (I'm very grateful!) - needless to say I'm excited but also terrified in equal measure - the quality of the work done by others, including some first-time builders is astonishing but also really inspiring. I'm going to take my time and, as the instructions suggest (and you guys!), treat each step as a mini-project. I work full-time and also spend lots of hobby time on my sax so my available hours aren't many each day but I will certainly carefully plan dedicated time to this project. Here we go and please bare wth me! First things first - I have extracted the false keel and walnut stem/keel pieces. However, when fitting the stem to the false keel I noticed this; This didn't look quite right to me - I was going to ask you guys on the forum but I've just this moment heard back from JoTiKa that it is indeed a 'mis-cut' and they are sending me a replacement keel. I'm impressed that they replied so rapidly and positively. I've also made a simple build-board to work on in the first stages. With this incorrect keel I had a go a tapering the stern from the bearding line, learning from the many great posts on this form. I must say I wasn't too happy with my results - I've used my dremel and the 'taper' is very 'bumpy' and not at all smooth. I've bought some 5mm ply to practice on - any tips on how to get good results in a practical sense would be gratefully received....
  6. Hi all, This is my first post, despite (apparently) having been a member since 2013! I must have made an account with the intention of starting this hobby but then 'bottled it' - ha! Anyway, I'd been lusting after the Caldercraft Nelson's Navy series for years (among others), just enjoying pics of completed models online (I read a lot of naval fiction). Well, I thought it was about time to jump-in. Fortunately, I didn't make the classic mistake of buying a large and complicated kit straight away - luckily, a quick Google search along the lines of "wooden ship model beginner kits" led me to this forum and the Model Shipways Shipwright Series and I'm very glad I started there! I've completed the Lowell Grand Banks Dory and the Norwegian Sailing Pram and I'm just finishing the last of the series (Muscongus Bay lobster smack) now. I've learned a huge amount by working on those kits, not least patience and planning when working with wooden kits. I've decided my next step up the learning curve is HM Schooner Pickle - I see there a good number of build-logs here and I've been studying them already. My intention is the take a long time with this kit, to use each stage as learning point - hopefully I can also produce something worth displaying at the end of it. I'd like to start a build-log of my Pickle - hope that's ok. Anyway, this seems a very friendly and supportive forum and I'm very happy to be here. All the best from West Sussex in the UK! Alex
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