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Everything posted by drtrap

  1. I don't know if I asked it before... What kind of lighting and placement of it (top, bottom) dou you suggest for the case I'm preparing for? Thank you
  2. Thank you so much, Jason! It's been a really long time…
  3. Of course all these photos are not the finals but I'm very close to the end Some final touch up and trimming is needed
  4. I think that is a very interesting custom made tool, that's why I'm presenting you in successive steps/pics my personal jig to form deck coils
  5. .... and now, please let me to present you some steps of my previous stages, "talking" more with those pics and less with words, as I usually do
  6. Greetings to everyone, despite the many professional obligations the shipyard continues its work all this time, I will be with you soon with several photos from the completion of the ship after a long time, thank you
  7. Thank you Andrew, it is a fact that this particular part and fitting of the model I wanted to represent it as best I could
  8. I'm closing this section with these pics, I'm pretty happy so far Thanks
  9. Next stop, the preparation for the placement and seizing of the anchors
  10. Hello everybody, I think I'm almost finished with the braces and the additional lines...
  11. Small, current updates of my work I've left a lot of spaghetti-threads on the deck just to feel secure enough before I freeze or trim them down. A real symmetry of the lines and the respective tension of the threads is needed at this stage
  12. Thank you Jason. After so many years, a touch of real progress was needed...
  13. It was a remarkable real challenge trying to tie and attach those pairs of single blocks "in situ".... My arthroscopic skills helped a lot on this
  14. Hi Jason could you please be more specific about the above mentioned technique with the diluted glue to keep the alignment of the lines the best I can? I understand there is a technique to stabilize/fix the best I can those rope lines, but so far I haven't discovered i to make things easier… Thank you
  15. Hello again, a couple of pics just as a brief photo update... Currently I'm preparing the spritsail braces, pics to follow
  16. Last weeks are spent trying to understand strategy and the correct way to fix the braces…. Starting from top to bottom, from front to back, some tips important that I should know in advance…?? A real headache again
  17. I ve left a lot of spare fittings and rope-threads to improve later as a final touch up procedure. Now I really feel that i'm close to the finish. I plan to create a custom made base and to support/stabilize the keel with those two 2mm metal rods. I hope the model to be stable and safe
  18. After a long time I think I've fisished all the masts clues and cluelines. I'm about to upload some pics. Thank you
  19. Hi ccoyle, and thank you for the reply/comment. Yes I know what you are saying, just trying to make some choices for the model that will last longer over time. Thanks again
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