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Everything posted by drtrap

  1. Hello to everyone. Just a couple of pics from my recent stages. I have finished the rigging of the bowstring mast [some details in need of touch up for later].. Next and final step: the yards. I'll start from the foremast working upwards on each consecutive mast. I've left for later only the ropes of fore and fore top-mast stay and preventer stay, just to have a better working-space for the fore mast yard. If you believe I go wrong, I'll be glad to see your comments. Cheers
  2. I have finished all the bowsprit-mast fittings and the bowsprit rigging in general. Now I'm ready to permanently fix the whole bowsprit on the ship and deal with the gammoning. Next stop the yards and the relative rigging, starting with the stays of the foremast to the bowsprit etc. Thank you
  3. When you're between two of similar object loves, trying to not neglect the other...
  4. Took the decision to leave the yards as the last act of the model. Nowdays I'm working on the bowsprit fittings...
  5. Hi Jason, hi guys, all those years I think you know my "turtle" speeds... Actually after so many months i started again and I'm working on the bowsprit rigging. Thank you. Some pics to follow.....
  6. Ok, now i’m seeing that those are the lower and topsail yard tyes, as parts of the yards running rigging..
  7. Greetings form Greece. Another question arises for my next turns. Cant find the answer using the plans or my relative naval manuals... What's that rope-line [marked with red by me] at which line F is attached via those metal structures (rigging trucks ?). It is line B (0,50mm), line C (0,25mm I think..)? The above combination belongs to mizzen mast and main mast rigging also.. Thank you in advance.
  8. Thank you Jason for your always kind comments and support.
  9. A couple of pics form my latest work-steps. Thank you.
  10. Copy that. I'll go that way, as Joe mentioned some posts above the same. Thank you again.
  11. Thank you again. To my knowledge, Caldercraft is a traditional british company. I dont know why they use such terms, but I am not familiar with specific naval terminology... Have you any idea or reccomendation about the right place to fix those tackles for the topping lifts? On the deck right below the respective belaying pin or on the channel? Regards. Stergios
  12. Thank you for your comment. I'm using the terminology based in the manual of Caldercraft's Snake. That uses (and shows) the terms gaff boom and driver gaff as the upper and lower part respectively.
  13. Hi guys. Some pics from my recent workout... Now its time to find the more right place to fix the tackle for the gaff boom topping lifts: on the channell or on the deck...
  14. Wow, I do appreciate so much your assistance and help Joe! All the best. Stergios
  15. Thanks Joe. I'm trying to find a relative close up view from your build log but with no results for the moment. Cheers.
  16. Hi Joe. I'm back again. I'm not seeing any pre-planned place for an eybolt on the channel plans for the above named use.... Did you customize on the Cruizer channel the placement of the tackle for the topping lift? Thank you.
  17. That's a good question Chris... No reply fro the mo... Cheers
  18. Thank you so much Joe! Keep in touch Hi Dave. Thank you, again.
  19. Thank you again Dave. I sent a relative question to Jim, I hope to help us. He finished gaff boom and gaff driver rigging so many days before...
  20. Hi Jim I'm facing a problem regarding gaff boom rigging (especially topping lift and its attachments). When you'll find your time please take a look at my build pages.. Did you place eyelets on the deck around the mizzen mast to fix the tackle of the boom topping lift or did you go as Petersson p.26 plan to the mizzen channels? Thank you.
  21. Hi Dave and thank you. No 19 it is supposed to be a pinrail and not a cleat. I dont know if a double line is needed for the boom lift (a line for each side pinrail No 19)... There are no plan details for eyebolts on the deck around the mizen mast..., only around the fore and the main mast I'm not sure whether Jason or Jim have finished gaff boom rigging to provide their relative experience..... Thanks again.
  22. Two photo-plans showing the same structure/fitting (gaff boom) with those same blocks (K), fixed to two apparently different positions A and B. I really don’t know which one is before or after the visit to the local pub of the plan creator… Anyway I’m again in need of your help. This is my main concern: rope-line indicated by “L” on the plan is a single or a double line having starboard and port side as its final attachments (Petterson, page 26, I think) ? I’m not sure whether nr “19” point/pin is located only starboard, I'm confused… Nevertheless what’s point indicated as “?” that is supposed to be the anchor point of the tackle for above named line “L”? Thank you so much in advance for your support.
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